Current Path : /home2/sarkar82/public_html/freejobalerts.guru/wp-content/plugins/gp-premium/ |
Current File : /home2/sarkar82/public_html/freejobalerts.guru/wp-content/plugins/gp-premium/readme.txt |
=== GP Premium === Contributors: edge22 Donate link: https://generatepress.com Tags: generatepress Requires at least: 4.5 Tested up to: 5.7 Requires PHP: 5.6 Stable tag: 2.0.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Take GeneratePress to the next level. == Description == The entire collection of GeneratePress premium modules. Once activated, each module extends certain aspects of GeneratePress, giving you more options to build your website. = Documentation = Check out our [documentation](https://docs.generatepress.com) for more information on each module and how to use them. == Installation == To learn how to install GP Premium, check out our documentation [here](https://docs.generatepress.com/article/installing-gp-premium/). In most cases, #1 will work fine and is way easier. == Changelog == = 2.0.2 = * Elements: Use blog page title for dynamic title if set * Spacing: Fix reset button bug in Customizer controls * WooCommerce: Fix infinite scroll applying to product taxonomy pages = 2.0.1 = * Blog: Fix infinite scroll bug on product archives * Elements: Fix error in WP 4.9.x versions * Menu Plus: Prevent 0x0 logo dimension attributes if no dimensions exist * Site Library: Add vertical scroll ability to the Site Library control area = 2.0.0 = * Blog: Rewrite infinite scroll using vanilla javascript * Blog: Rewrite masonry using vanilla javascript * Blog: Add separate infinite scroll path element to footer * Blog: Fix missing single/page featured image options when archive image disabled * Blog: Add aria-label instead of screen-reader-text to read more button * Colors: Fix back to top Customizer color preview * Elements: New Content Template Element * Elements: New Post Meta Template Element * Elements: New Post Navigation Template Element * Elements: New Page Hero Block Element * Elements: New Archive Navigation Template Element * Elements: New Editor Width option in Block Elements * Elements: Move Block Elements options into editor sidebar * Elements: Show Site Header options by default in Header Element * Elements: Fix Classic Editor issue in Block Elements * Elements: Add a list of active Elements to page editor * Elements: Add a list of active Elements to the admin bar * Elements: Add notices to Customizer if Elements may be overwriting options * Elements: Disable mobile header menu if menu is disabled via Layout Element * Elements: Improve Display Rule loading performance * Elements: Add block type filter to Elements dashboard * Elements: Add generate_element_display filter * Elements: Add No Results as a Display Rule condition * Menu Plus: Hide slideout toggle at set mobile menu breakpoint value * Menu Plus: Fix sticky menu height when using navigation as header * Menu Plus: Add dimensions to mobile/sticky logos * Menu Plus: Make Off-Canvas menu take up full width of canvas * Menu Plus: Fix menu bar item sticky transition * Menu Plus: Prevent sticky sidebar nav if mobile header is set to sticky * Secondary Nav: Fix centered secondary navigation items using flexbox * Secondary Nav: Fix conflict with Nav as Header option * Secondary Nav: Fix missing menu cart items when using click dropdowns * Sections: Officially deprecate module * Site Library: Completely rebuild Site Library using React * WooCommerce: Move full width single product CSS to inline CSS * WooCommerce: Use wc_get_product() instead of new WC_Product() * WooCommerce: Add more checks for WC() class to prevent error logs * WooCommerce: Add generate_wc_cart_panel_checkout_button_output filter * WooCommerce: Add generate_wc_sticky_add_to_cart_action filter * WooCommerce: Add generate_wc_show_sticky_add_to_cart filter * WooCommerce: Re-write quantity button javascript to be more performant/extendable * General: Update theme install link * General: Update alpha color picker script * General: Use correct URL scheme in external stylesheet URLs * General: Check if FS_CHMOD_FILE is defined in external stylesheet generation * General: Use inline CSS when using AMP plugin * General: Update EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class to 1.8.0 * General: Clean up javascript throughout plugin * General: Replace deprecated jQuery functions = 1.12.3 = * WooCommerce: Fix quantity buttons in WP 5.6 = 1.12.2 = * Blog: Load columns CSS when using filter to enable it anywhere * Menu Plus: Fix sticky mobile header jump when using inline mobile toggle * Menu Plus: Add margin to sticky nav branding when set to full width * Menu Plus: Disable sticky nav container text align padding * Menu Plus: Make mobile menu absolute only when smooth scroll is enabled * Menu Plus: Improve nav as header/mobile header when using flexbox * Menu Plus: Prevent off-canvas panel close button from flashing visible when closing * Spacing: Fix custom nav search height = 1.12.1 = * Typography: Fix missing heading font size controls in the Customizer = 1.12.0 = * Blog: Fix column margin on mobile with some caching plugins * Blog: Add post-load trigger to infinite scroll for better plugin compatibility * Blog: Take generate_blog_columns filter into account when loading columns CSS * Colors: Add search menu-bar-item color live preview to Customizer * Elements: Fix broken custom hook field in Block Elements * Elements: Integrate page hero with text container alignment in GP 3.0 * Elements: Better integrate Header Element colors with GP 3.0 * Elements: Only disable content title when {{post_title}} is present on single pages * Elements: Fix </body> tag in metabox * Elements: Add generate_elements_metabox_ajax_allow_editors filter * Elements: Add new 3.0 hooks to hook selector * Elements: Re-add generate_elements_custom_args filter * Menu Plus: Better prepare navigation as header for GP 3.0 * Menu Plus: Better prepare Off-Canvas Panel for GP 3.0 * Menu Plus: Better prepare sticky navigation for GP 3.0 * Menu Plus: Add has-menu-bar-items class to mobile header if needed * Menu Plus: Add is-logo-image class to all site logos * Menu Plus: Fix mobile header alignment when it has menu bar items * Secondary Nav: Better prepare sticky navigation for GP 3.0 * Secondary Nav: Fix hidden navigation widget in top bar when merged with secondary nav * Sites: Improve the option-only import feature * Sites: Improve the refresh sites button functionality * Sites: Improve the undo site import functionality * Sites: Fix Elementor site import issues * Sites: Re-add Elementor sites to library * Spacing: Better prepare Customizer live preview for GP 3.0 * Spacing: Fix blog column spacing Customizer live preview * Spacing: Stop handling mobile header, widget and footer widget features added in GP 3.0 * Typography: Add mobile font size control for H3 (when using GP 3.0) * Typography: Add mobile font size control for H4 (when using GP 3.0) * Typography: Add mobile font size control for H5 (when using GP 3.0) * Typography: Allow empty tablet and mobile site title font size values * Typography: Make menu toggle CSS selector specific to primary navigation * WooCommerce: Use CSS for secondary product image functionality instead of JS * WooCommerce: Only load .js file if needed * WooCommerce: Fix quantity box functionality when multiple quantity boxes exist on the page * General: Improve alpha color picker script for better 5.5 compatibility * General: Move child theme stylesheet after dynamic stylesheet if enabled * General: Update gp-premium-de_DE.mo * General: Update gp-premium-es_ES.mo * General: Update gp-premium-fi.mo * General: Update gp-premium-pt_PT.mo * General: Update gp-premium-sv_SE.mo = 1.11.3 = * Blog: Set widths to grid-sizer element * Elements: Fix legacy Page Header/Hooks buttons in the Elements dashboard * Page Header: Replace .load() with .on('load') * Page Header: Fix color picker error in WP 5.5 = 1.11.2 = * Blog: Remove negative featured image top margin from columns when using one container * Blog: Fix infinite scroll items loading above viewport when using columns * Blog: Fix infinite scroll featured images not displaying in Safari * Elements: Prevent error in editor when generate_get_option() function doesn't exist * General: Load inline CSS in previews when using external CSS option * General: Update gp-premium-es_ES.mo * General: Update gp-premium-pt_PT.mo = 1.11.1 = * Elements: Remove stray quote character in Layout Element metabox * Sections: Fix color picker JS error in WP 5.5 * General: Fix external CSS option not removing inline CSS in some cases = 1.11.0 = * New: Block Elements * New: Apply Layout Element options to the block editor if set * New: Generate dynamic CSS in an external file * Blog: Separate CSS and load only when needed * Blog: Add column width classes to stylesheet * Blog: Disable featured image itemprop if microdata is disabled * Blog: Add generate_blog_masonry_init filter * Blog: Add generate_blog_infinite_scroll_init filter * Blog: Fix archive page header overlap when using no featured image padding/one container * Blog: Replace screen reader text with aria-label in read more buttons * Disable Elements: Add option to disable the Mobile Header * Disable Elements: Disable top bar disables it even when combined with Secondary Nav * Disable Elements: Use generate_show_post_navigation filter to disable single post navigation * Elements: Use full hook name with generate_ prefix in dropdown * Elements: Rebuild how Element types are chosen * Elements: Add chosen hook under type column in edit.php * Menu Plus: Add generate_after_mobile_header_menu_button filter * Menu Plus: Add sticky placeholder only when nav becomes sticky * Menu Plus: Add class to sticky nav when scrolling up * Menu Plus: Fix navigation branding/mobile header layout when using RTL languages * Page Header: Prevent PHP notices * Secondary Nav: Clean up CSS * Secondary Nav: Add generate_after_secondary_navigation hook * Secondary Nav: Add generate_before_secondary_navigation hook * Secondary Nav: Integrate with future flexbox option * Secondary Nav: Add has-top-bar class if needed * Secondary Nav: Add screen reader text to mobile menu toggle if no text exists * Secondary Nav: Remove microdata if disabled * Secondary Nav: Add generate_secondary_menu_bar_items hook * Spacing: Set sidebar width in Customizer for future flexbox option * WooCommerce: Add generate_woocommerce_show_add_to_cart_panel filter * WooCommerce: Integrate with future flexbox option * WooCommerce: Ensure WC()->cart is set * WooCommerce: Remove left margin from SVG menu cart icon * WooCommerce: Show sticky add to cart panel on sold individually products * WooCommerce: Remove bottom margin from related/upsell products * WooCommerce: Fix cart menu item spacing in RTL languages * WooCommerce: Fix menu item cart dropdown design in RTL languages * General: Update selectWoo * General: Update select2 * General: Run all CSS through PostCSS * General: Fix various text domains * General: Fix JS error when toggling nav as header option without Colors/Typography modules * General: Update all translations over 90% complete * General: PHP cleanup/coding standards * General: Add off_canvas_desktop_toggle_label to wpml-config.xml = 1.10.0 = * Blog: Remove existing on-the-fly featured image resizer (Image Processing Queue) * Blog: Choose from existing image sizes for featured images * Blog: Use CSS to further resize featured images if necessary * Blog: Fix edge case persistent transient bug with old image resizer * Elements: Fix broken closing element in metabox * General: Change scroll variable to gpscroll in smooth scroll script to avoid conflicts * General: Update responsive widths in Customizer * General: Fix responsive Customizer views when using RTL * Menu Plus: Don't output sticky nav branding if sticky nav is disabled * Menu Plus: Fix focus when off canvas overlay is opened (a11y) * Menu Plus: Fix sticky navigation jump when navigation branding is in use * Sections: Fix visible block editor when Sections are enabled * WooCommerce: Use minmax in grid template definitions to fix overflow issue * WooCommerce: Prevent add to cart panel interfering with back to top button on mobile * WooCommerce: WooCommerce: Fix secondary image position if HTML isn't ordered correctly * General: Add/update all translations over 50% complete. Big thanks to all contributors! * Translation: Added Arabic - thank you anass! * Translation: Added Bengali - thank you gtmroy! * Translation: Added Spanish (Spain) - thank you davidperez (closemarketing.es)! * Translation: Added Spanish (Argentina) - thank you bratorr! * Translation: Added Finnish - thank you Stedi! * Translation: Add Dutch - thank you Robin! * Translation: Added Ukrainian - thank you EUROMEDIA! * Translation: Vietnamese added - thank you themevi! = 1.9.1 = * Blog: Fix "null" in infinite scroll load more button text * WooCommerce: Fix hidden added to cart panel on mobile when sticky nav active * WooCommerce: Fix missing SVG icon in mobile added to cart panel = 1.9.0 = * Blog: Support SVG icon feature * Colors: Add navigation search color options * Disable Elements: Disable mobile menu in Mobile Header if nav is disabled * Elements: Add wp_body_open hook * Elements: Allow 0 mobile padding in Elements * Elements: Add generate_elements_admin_menu_capability filter * Elements: Add generate_page_hero_css_output filter * Elements: Prevent error in Header Element if taxonomy doesn't exist * Elements: Fix double logo when Header Element has logo + using nav as header * Elements: Fix mobile header logo not replacing if merge is disabled * Elements: Fix missing arrow in Choose Element Type select in WP 5.3 * Elements: Add generate_inside_site_container hook option * Elements: Add generate_after_entry_content hook option * Menu Plus: Add off canvas desktop toggle label option * Menu Plus: Add generate_off_canvas_toggle_output filter * Menu Plus: Support SVG icon feature * Menu Plus: Fix sticky navigation overlapping BB controls * Menu Plus: Add align-items: center to nav as header, mobile header and sticky nav with branding * Sections: Fix text/visual switch bug in Firefox * Sites: Add option to revert site import * Sites: Increase site library limit to 100 * Spacing: Add live preview to group container padding * Typography: Add tablet site title/navigation font size options * Typography: Add archive post title weight, transform, font size and line height * Typography: Add single content title weight, transform, font size and line height * Typography: Only call all google fonts once in the Customizer * Typography: Get Google fonts from readable JSON list * Typography: Make sure font settings aren't lost if list is changed * Typography: Only call generate_get_all_google_fonts if needed * WooCommerce: Add columns gap options (desktop, tablet, mobile) * WooCommerce: Add tablet column options * WooCommerce: Add related/upsell tablet column options * WooCommerce: Support SVG icon feature * WooCommerce: Prevent empty added to cart panel on single products * WooCommerce: Fix woocommerce-ordering arrow in old FF versions * WooCommerce: Make item/items string translatable * General: Better customizer device widths * General: Use generate_premium_get_media_query throughout modules * General: Improve Customizer control styling = 1.8.3 = * Menu Plus: Use flexbox for center aligned nav with nav branding * Menu Plus: Center overlay off canvas exit button on mobile * Menu Plus: Add alt tag to sticky nav logo * Menu Plus: Set generate_not_mobile_menu_media_query filter based on mobile menu breakpoint * Sections: Remember when text tab is active * Sections: Disable visual editor if turned off in profile * Typography: Add generate_google_font_display filter * WooCommerce: Fix single product sidebar layout metabox option * WooCommerce: Reduce carousel thumbnail max-width to 100px to match new thumbnail sizes = 1.8.2 = * Elements: Use Page Hero site title color for mobile header site title * Menu Plus: Give mobile header site title more left spacing * Menu Plus: Fix nav search icon in sticky navigation when using nav branding in Firefox * Site Library: Show Site Library tab even if no sites exist * Site Library: Show an error message in Site Library if no sites exist * Typography: Remove reference to generate_get_navigation_location() function * WooCommerce: Remove quantity field arrows when using quantity buttons in Firefox * WooCommerce: Remove extra border when loading quantity buttons * WooCommerce: Use get_price_html() is sticky add to cart panel = 1.8.1 = * Menu Plus: Revert sticky nav duplicate ID fix due to Cyrillic script bug = 1.8 = * Blog: Apply columns filter to masonry grid sizer * Colors: Merge Footer Widgets and Footer controls in Color panel * Colors: Remove edit_theme_options capability to Customizer controls (set by default) * Disable Elements: Make sure mobile header is disabled when primary navigation is disabled * Elements: Add content width option in Layout Element * Elements: Fix mobile header logo when mobile menu toggled * Elements: Add generate_page_hero_location filter * Elements: Add generate_elements_show_object_ids filter to show IDs in Display Rule values * Elements: Prevent merged header wrap from conflicting with Elementor controls * Elements: Change Container tab name to Content * Elements: Add woocommerce_share option to Hooks * Elements: Improve WPML compatibility * Elements: Improve Polylang compatibility * Elements: Prevent PHP notices when adding taxonomy locations to non-existent archives * Elements: Add generate_mobile_cart_items hook to hook list * Elements: Add generate_element_post_id filter * Elements: Escape HTML elements inside Element textarea * Elements: Add Beaver Builder templates to the Display Rules * Menu Plus: Add mobile header breakpoint option * Menu Plus: Add off canvas overlay option * Menu Plus: Add navigation as header option * Menu Plus: Remove navigation logo option if navigation as header set * Menu Plus: Add sticky navigation logo option * Menu Plus: Allow site title in mobile header instead of logo * Menu Plus: Add option to move exit button inside the off canvas panel * Menu Plus: Change Slideout Navigation name to Off Canvas Panel * Menu Plus: Only re-focus after slideout close on escape key * Menu Plus: Give close slideout event a name so it can be removed * Menu Plus: Remove invalid transition-delay * Menu Plus: Improve slideout overlay transition * Menu Plus: Add mobile open/close icons to GPP font * Menu Plus: Allow dynamic widget classes in off canvas panel (fixes WC range slider widget issue) * Menu Plus: Basic compatibility with future SVG icons * Menu Plus: Prevent duplicate IDs when sticky navigation is cloned * Secondary Nav: Add dropdown direction option * Secondary Nav: Basic compatibility with future SVG icons * Sections: Fix section editor issues in WP 5.0 * Sections: Show Better Font Awesome icon in editor * Sites: Re-design UI * Sites: Add option to activate as a module like all the other modules * Sites: Don't show backup options button if no options exist * Sites: Make JS action classes more specific to the site library * Sites: Set mime types of content.xml and widgets.wie * Spacing: Add header padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add widget padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add footer widgets padding option for mobile * Spacing: Add content separator option * Spacing: Apply mobile menu item width to mobile bar only * WooCommerce: Add option for mini cart in the menu * WooCommerce: Add option to open off overlay panel on add to cart * WooCommerce: Add option to open sticky add to cart panel on single products * WooCommerce: Add option to add +/- buttons to the quantity fields * WooCommerce: Add option to show number of items in cart menu item * WooCommerce: Add option to choose single product image area width * WooCommerce: Add color options for price slider widget * WooCommerce: Use CSS grid for the product archives * WooCommerce: Horizontally align add to cart buttons * WooCommerce: Re-design the cart widget * WooCommerce: Tighten up product info spacing * WooCommerce: Improve product tab design to look more like tabs * WooCommerce: Simplify single product image display * WooCommerce: Use flexbox for quantity/add to cart alignment * WooCommerce: Improve rating star styles * WooCommerce: Use product alignment setting for related/upsell products * WooCommerce: Remove bottom margin from product image * WooCommerce: Organize colors in the Customizer * WooCommerce: Remove title attribute from menu cart item * WooCommerce: Improve coupon field design * WooCommerce: Improve result count/ordering styling * WooCommerce: Add gap around WC single product images * WooCommerce: Remove arrow from checkout button * WooCommerce: Hide view cart link on add to cart click * WooCommerce: Organize CSS * Introduce in-Customizer shortcuts * Add generate_disable_customizer_shortcuts filter