Current Path : /home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/speedycache/main/ |
Current File : //home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/speedycache/main/delete.php |
<?php namespace SpeedyCache; if(!defined('ABSPATH')){ die('HACKING ATTEMPT'); } use \SpeedyCache\Util; class Delete{ static $cache_lifespan = 0; static function run($actions){ global $speedycache; // Even if the actions are empty, the cache will be deleted. self::all_cache(); self::purge_varnish(); \SpeedyCache\CDN::purge(); delete_option('speedycache_html_size'); delete_option('speedycache_assets_size'); if(empty($actions)){ return; } if(!empty($actions['minified'])){ self::minified(); } if(!empty($actions['font'])){ self::local_fonts(); } if(!empty($actions['gravatars'])){ self::gravatar(); } if(!empty($actions['domain'])){ self::all_for_domain(); } if(!empty($actions['preload'])){ if(!empty($speedycache->options['preload'])){ \SpeedyCache\Preload::build_preload_list(); } } } /** * Deletes cache of a single page * @param int $post_id */ static function cache($post_id = false){ global $speedycache; if(!isset($post_id) || $post_id === FALSE || !is_numeric($post_id)){ return; } $link = get_permalink($post_id); // If its 0 then it's a homepage if($post_id == 0){ $link = home_url(); } if(empty($link)){ return; } self::url($link); if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } if(!empty($speedycache->options['preload'])){ \SpeedyCache\Preload::url($link); } delete_option('speedycache_html_size'); delete_option('speedycache_assets_size'); } /** * Deletes cache of a URL * Parses and converts a URL to cache path and purges it * @param array|string $urls */ static function url($urls){ global $speedycache; $urls = (array) $urls; $cache_paths = []; foreach($urls as $url){ $parsed_url = wp_parse_url($url); $path = !empty($parsed_url['path']) ? $parsed_url['path'] : ''; // Path to be used in glob so that we can get all the variations of file created like for language or currency $file = (empty($path) || $path == '/') ? 'index*html' : trim($path, '/') . '/index*html'; // Cache path for desktop cache $all_path = glob(Util::cache_path('all') . $file); if(!empty($all_path)){ $cache_paths = array_merge($cache_paths, $all_path); } // Cache path for Mobile cache if(!empty($speedycache->options['mobile_theme'])){ $mobile_path = glob(Util::cache_path('mobile-cache') . $file); if(!empty($mobile_path)){ $cache_paths = array_merge($cache_paths, $mobile_path); } } } foreach($cache_paths as $cache_path){ if(!file_exists($cache_path)){ continue; } if(is_dir($cache_path)){ self::rmdir($cache_path); continue; } unlink($cache_path); } } // Delete cache of whole site static function all_cache(){ // Our cache is saved in 2 file, /all and /mobile-cache // We also need to delete Critical CSS too as it gets injected in the HTML $deletable_dirs = ['all', 'mobile-cache', 'critical-css']; foreach($deletable_dirs as $dir){ $path = Util::cache_path($dir); self::rmdir($path); } if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } } // Delete minified and Critical css content. static function minified(){ $assets_cache_path = Util::cache_path('assets'); if(!file_exists($assets_cache_path)){ return; } self::rmdir($assets_cache_path); if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } } // Delete local fonts static function local_fonts(){ $fonts_path = Util::cache_path('fonts'); if(!file_exists($fonts_path)){ return; } self::rmdir($fonts_path); if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } } static function gravatar(){ $gravatar_path = Util::cache_path('gravatars'); if(!file_exists($gravatar_path)){ return; } self::rmdir($gravatar_path); if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } } // Delete everything of the current domain, like minfied, cache, gravatar and fonts. static function all_for_domain(){ } static function rmdir($dir){ if(!file_exists($dir)){ return; } $files = array_diff(scandir($dir), ['..', '.']); foreach($files as $file){ if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$file)){ self::rmdir($dir.'/'.$file); continue; } unlink($dir.'/'.$file); } rmdir($dir); } static function purge_varnish(){ global $speedycache; if(empty($speedycache->options['purge_varnish'])){ return; } $server = !empty($speedycache->options['varniship']) ? $speedycache->options['varniship'] : ''; $url = home_url(); $url = parse_url($url); if($url == FALSE){ return; } $sslverify = ($url['scheme'] === 'https') ? true : false; $request_url = $url['scheme'] .'://'. $server . '/.*'; $request_args = array( 'method' => 'PURGE', 'headers' => array( 'Host' => $url['host'], ), 'sslverify' => $sslverify, ); $res = wp_remote_request($request_url, $request_args); if(is_wp_error($res)){ $msg = $res->get_error_message(); return array($msg, 'error'); } if(is_array($res) && !empty($res['response']['code']) && '200' != $res['response']['code']){ $msg = 'Something Went Wrong Unable to Purge Varnish'; if(empty($res['response']['code']) && '501' == $res['response']['code']){ $msg = 'Your server dosen\'t allows PURGE request'; if(!empty($res['headers']['allow'])){ $msg .= 'The accepted HTTP methods are' . $res['headers']['allow']; } $msg = __('Please contact your hosting provider if, Varnish is enabled and still getting this error', 'speedycache'); } return array($msg, 'error'); } if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } return array(__('Purged Varnish Cache Succesfully', 'speedycache'), 'success'); } static function expired_cache(){ global $speedycache; self::$cache_lifespan = Util::cache_lifespan(); // We don't want to clean cache if cache is disabled if(empty($speedycache->options['status']) || empty(self::$cache_lifespan)){ wp_clear_scheduled_hook('speedycache_purge_cache'); return; } $cache_path = []; $cache_path[] = Util::cache_path('all'); $cache_path[] = Util::cache_path('mobile-cache'); foreach($cache_path as $path){ if(!file_exists($path)){ continue; } self::rec_clean_expired($path); } // We will delete it even if the cache does not gets deleted delete_option('speedycache_html_size'); delete_option('speedycache_assets_size'); if(class_exists('\SpeedyCache\Logs')){ \SpeedyCache\Logs::log('delete'); \SpeedyCache\Logs::action(); } } // Recursively deletes expired cache static function rec_clean_expired($path){ $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('..', '.')); if(empty($files)){ return; } foreach($files as $file){ $file_path = $path . '/'. $file; if(is_dir($file_path)){ self::rec_clean_expired($file_path); continue; } // We will delete all cache if the lifespan is greater than 10 hours to prevent nonce issues, // We could delete all the cache for lifespan above 10 hrs, but for larger sites deleting // everything colud be a overhead. if((self::$cache_lifespan >= 10 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS) || ((filemtime($file_path) + self::$cache_lifespan) < time())){ unlink($file_path); } } } // Deletes the cache of the post whose status got changed, // only deletes when the post transitions in our out of published mode static function on_status_change($new_status, $old_status, $post){ global $speedycache; if($old_status == $new_status && $old_status !== 'publish') return; if($old_status !== 'publish' && $new_status !== 'publish'){ return; } if(empty($speedycache->options['status'])){ return; } if(!empty(wp_is_post_revision($post->ID))){ return; } // Current post should not be deleted when its anything other than publish, // As in some states its URL changes to ?page_id= if($new_status == 'publish'){ self::cache($post->ID); } // Deleting the cache of home page and blog page $home_page_id = get_option('page_on_front'); self::cache($home_page_id); // For some sites home page and blog page could be same $blog_page_id = get_option('page_for_posts'); if($home_page_id !== $blog_page_id){ self::cache($blog_page_id); } // Deleting the author page cache $author_page_url = get_author_posts_url($post->post_author); self::url($author_page_url); // Deleting cache of related terms self::terms($post->ID); // Delete shop page when product status changes. if(function_exists('wc_get_page_id')){ $shop_page_id = wc_get_page_id('shop'); if($home_page_id !== $shop_page_id){ self::cache($shop_page_id); } } // This is used to delete post which may have the current post as the related post / product in them self::adjacent_posts_urls(); } // Deletes cache of the page where a comments status got change. static function on_comment_status($new_status, $old_status, $comment){ global $speedycache; if($old_status == $new_status && $old_status !== 'approved') return; if($old_status !== 'approved' && $new_status !== 'approved'){ return; } if(empty($speedycache->options['status'])){ return; } self::cache($comment->comment_parent); } static function terms($post_id){ global $speedycache; if(empty($post_id) || !is_numeric($post_id)){ return; } $post_type = get_post_type($post_id); if(empty($post_type)){ return; } // Get all taxonomies for the post type $taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type, 'objects'); // Filter to keep only public taxonomies $public_taxonomies = []; foreach($taxonomies as $taxonomy){ if($taxonomy->public){ $public_taxonomies[] = $taxonomy->name; } } if(empty($public_taxonomies)){ return; } $terms = wp_get_post_terms($post_id, $public_taxonomies); if(empty($terms) || is_wp_error($terms)){ return; } $deletable_links = []; foreach($terms as $term){ $link = get_term_link($term->term_id); $deletable_links[] = $link; $ancestors = get_ancestors($term->term_id, $term->taxonomy); if(!empty($ancestors)){ foreach($ancestors as $ancestor){ $deletable_links[] = get_term_link($ancestor); } } } if(empty($deletable_links)){ return; } $deletable_links = array_unique($deletable_links); self::url($deletable_links); if(!empty($speedycache->options['preload'])){ \SpeedyCache\Preload::url($deletable_links); } } static function adjacent_posts_urls(){ $post_urls = []; $prev_post = get_adjacent_post(); $prev_post_term = get_adjacent_post(true, ''); $next_post = get_adjacent_post(false, '', true); $next_post_term = get_adjacent_post(true, '', true); if(!empty($prev_post)){ $post_urls[] = get_permalink($prev_post); } if(!empty($prev_post_term)){ $post_urls[] = get_permalink($prev_post_term); } if(!empty($next_post)){ $post_urls[] = get_permalink($next_post); } if(!empty($next_post_term)){ $post_urls[] = get_permalink($next_post_term); } if(!empty($post_urls)){ self::url($post_urls); } } // Deletes cache of product page and its related pages when a order is made static function order($order_id){ global $speedycache; if(empty($speedycache->options['status'])){ return; } if(!function_exists('wc_get_order')){ return; } $order = wc_get_order($order_id); $items = $order->get_items(); foreach($items as $item){ $product_id = $item->get_product_id(); if(empty($product_id)){ continue; } self::cache($product_id); $categories = wp_get_post_terms($product_id, 'product_cat', array('fields' => 'ids')); foreach($categories as $category){ self::cache($category); } } $shop_page_id = wc_get_page_id('shop'); self::cache($shop_page_id); } }