
Your IP :

Current Path : /home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/themes/iconic-one-pro/languages/
Upload File :
Current File : /home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/themes/iconic-one-pro/languages/ru_RU.po

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: io-prov1.4\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-12-05 16:58+0530\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-03-18 20:08+0530\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: en\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.2.4\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;esc_attr__();esc_attr_e();esc_attr_x();"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: C:/Users/Shashank/Desktop/iconic-one-pro\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"

#: 404.php:17
msgid "Nothing Here!"
msgstr "Здесь ничего!"

#: 404.php:21 content-none.php:14 index.php:82
msgid "Kindly search your topic below or browse the recent posts."
msgstr "Просьба искать вашу тему ниже или просмотреть последние сообщения."

#: archive.php:29
#, php-format
msgid "Daily Archives: %s"
msgstr "Ежедневные архивы: %s"

#: archive.php:31
#, php-format
msgid "Monthly Archives: %s"
msgstr "ежемесячные архивы: %s"

#: archive.php:33
#, php-format
msgid "Yearly Archives: %s"
msgstr "Ежегодный Архив: %s"

#: archive.php:35
msgid "Archives"
msgstr "Архив"

#: author.php:69
#, php-format
msgid "Author Archives: %s"
msgstr "Автор Архивы: %s"

#: category.php:41
#, php-format
msgid "Category Archives: %s"
msgstr "Категория Архивы: %s"

#: comments.php:25
#, php-format
msgid "One thought on “%2$s”"
msgid_plural "%1$s thoughts on “%2$s”"
msgstr[0] "Одна мысль на “%2$s”"
msgstr[1] "%1$s Одна мысль на “%2$s”"

#: comments.php:36
msgid "Comment navigation"
msgstr "Навигация по комментариям"

#: comments.php:37
msgid "← Older Comments"
msgstr "Старые комментарии"

#: comments.php:38
msgid "Newer Comments →"
msgstr "Новые Комментарии"

#: comments.php:47
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "Комментарии закрыты."

#: content-none.php:10 index.php:78 search.php:34
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "Ничего не найдено"

#: content-page.php:24 content.php:62 image.php:88
#: page-templates/slider-page-template.php:45
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "страницы"

#: content-page.php:63 content.php:113 functions.php:260 image.php:32
#: page-templates/slider-page-template.php:48
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "редактировать"

#: content.php:13
msgid "Featured Article"
msgstr "Избранная статья"

#: content.php:21
#, php-format
msgid "Permalink to %s"
msgstr "Постоянная ссылка на %s"

#: content.php:28 page-templates/page-date-bar-fullwidth.php:28
#: page-templates/page-date-bar.php:28
msgid "By"
msgstr "По"

#: content.php:40 page-templates/page-date-bar-fullwidth.php:37
#: page-templates/page-date-bar.php:37
msgid "0 Comment"
msgstr "0 Комментарии"

#: content.php:40 page-templates/page-date-bar-fullwidth.php:37
#: page-templates/page-date-bar.php:37
msgid "1 Comment"
msgstr "1 Комментарии"

#: content.php:40 page-templates/page-date-bar-fullwidth.php:37
#: page-templates/page-date-bar.php:37
msgid "% Comments"
msgstr "% Комментарии"

#: content.php:61
msgid "Continue reading <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
msgstr "продолжить чтение"

#: content.php:121
#, php-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr ""

#: content.php:137
#, php-format
msgid "Author: %s"
msgstr "автор %s"

#: functions.php:40
msgid "Primary Menu"
msgstr "основное меню"

#: functions.php:80
msgid "Read More"
msgstr "Подробнее"

#: functions.php:148
msgid "Main Sidebar"
msgstr "Главная боковая панель"

#: functions.php:150
msgid ""
"Appears on posts and pages except the optional Front Page template, which "
"has its own widgets"
msgstr ""
"Появляется на сообщениях и страницах, за исключением необязательного шаблона "
"Front Page, который"

#: functions.php:159
msgid "Footer Widget One"
msgstr "Один нижний колонтитул"

#: functions.php:160
msgid "Footer widget one, Enable this area from Control Panel >> Main Settings"
msgstr ""
"Виджет нижнего колонтитула один, Включить эту область из Панели управления "
">> Основные настройки"

#: functions.php:168
msgid "Footer Widget Two"
msgstr "Виджет нижнего колонтитула два"

#: functions.php:169
msgid "Footer widget two"
msgstr "Нижний колонтитул два"

#: functions.php:177
msgid "Footer Widget Three"
msgstr "Нижний колонтитул три"

#: functions.php:178
msgid "Footer widget three"
msgstr "Нижний колонтитул три"

#: functions.php:201 single.php:62
msgid "Post navigation"
msgstr "Почтовая навигация"

#: functions.php:202
msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">&larr;</span> Older posts"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:203
msgid "Newer posts <span class=\"meta-nav\">&rarr;</span>"
msgstr "Новые сообщения"

#: functions.php:228
msgid "Pingback:"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:228
msgid "(Edit)"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:243
msgid "Post author"
msgstr "Автор сообщения"

#: functions.php:249
#, php-format
msgid "%1$s"
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:255
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "Ваш комментарий ожидает модерации."

#: functions.php:264
msgid "Reply"
msgstr "Ответить"

#: functions.php:283 functions.php:286
msgid ", "
msgstr ""

#: functions.php:297
#, php-format
msgid "View all posts by %s"
msgstr "Просмотреть все сообщения от %s"

#: functions.php:303
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This entry was posted in %1$s and tagged %2$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author"
"\"> by %4$s</span>."
msgstr "Эта запись была %1$s опубликована и помечена %2$s на %3$s По %4$s"

#: functions.php:305
#, php-format
msgid ""
"This entry was posted in %1$s on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</"
msgstr ""
"Эта запись была %1$s опубликована и помечена на %3$s<span class=\"by-author"
"\"> by %4$s</span>."

#: functions.php:307
#, php-format
msgid "This entry was posted on %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by %4$s</span>."
msgstr ""
"Эта запись была опубликована и помечена на %3$s<span class=\"by-author\"> by "

#: header.php:69
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "перейти к содержанию"

#: image.php:26
msgid "Published by"
msgstr "Опубликовано"

#: image.php:37
msgid "&larr; Previous"
msgstr "предыдущий"

#: image.php:38
msgid "Next &rarr;"
msgstr "следующий"

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:11
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Дом"

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:63
msgid "Iconic One Pro User Profile Fields"
msgstr "Iconic One Pro Поля профиля пользователя"

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:67
msgid "Googleplus"
msgstr ""

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:70
msgid "Please enter your G+ ID."
msgstr ""

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:74
msgid "Twitter"
msgstr ""

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:77
msgid "Please enter your Twitter ID."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите свой идентификатор"

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:81
msgid "Facebook"
msgstr ""

#: inc/io-pro-functions.php:84
msgid "Please enter your Facebook ID."
msgstr "Пожалуйста, введите свой идентификатор Facebook."

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:8
msgid "Iconic One"
msgstr ""

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:9
msgid "Basic Settings"
msgstr "Базовые настройки"

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:53 inc/themonic-customizer.php:59
msgid "Logo"
msgstr "логотип"

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:93 themonic/themonic-options.php:471
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "нижний колонтитул"

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:125 themonic/themonic-options.php:369
msgid "Social"
msgstr "Социальное"

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:173
msgid "Post Settings"
msgstr "Настройки сообщений"

#: inc/themonic-customizer.php:209
msgid ""
"Replace published date with last updated date ( Display Setting of Author/"
"Date bar is available in Control Panel -> Main Settings )"
msgstr "Заменить опубликованную дату последней обновленной датой"

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:22
msgid "Feedburner Subscription Widget."
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:28
msgid "Iconic One Pro Email Subscription"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:96 inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:276
#: inc/widget-popular-posts.php:80 inc/widget-recent-thumbnail.php:17
msgid "Title:"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:102
msgid "Feedburner id (http://feeds.feedburner.com/<b>themonic</b>):"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:116
msgid "Email Newsletter"
msgstr "Электронная рассылка"

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:117
msgid "Email Subscription Box"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:280
msgid "Text:"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:290
msgid "MailChimp form action URL:"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:295
msgid "Feedburner ID:"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-feed-subscribe.php:299
msgid "Aweber List ID:"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-popular-posts.php:15
msgid "A Widget to dispaly Popular Posts With Thumbs"
msgstr ""

#: inc/widget-popular-posts.php:16
msgid "Iconic One Pro Popular Posts"
msgstr "Iconic One Pro популярные посты"

#: inc/widget-popular-posts.php:76
msgid "Popular Posts "
msgstr "популярные посты"

#: inc/widget-popular-posts.php:86
msgid "Number of Posts to Show:"
msgstr "Количество постов для отображения:"

#: inc/widget-recent-thumbnail.php:18
msgid "Number of Posts Displayed:"
msgstr "Количество отображаемых сообщений:"

#: index.php:67
msgid "No posts to display"
msgstr ""

#: index.php:71
#, php-format
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? <a href=\"%s\">Get started here</a>."
msgstr "Готовы опубликовать свой первый пост? <a href=\"%s\"> Начните здесь"

#: search.php:18
#, php-format
msgid "Search Results for: %s"
msgstr "Результаты поиска для %s"

#: search.php:38
msgid ""
"Sorry, but nothing matched your search criteria. Please try again with some "
"different keywords."
msgstr ""
"Извините, но ничего не соответствует вашим критериям поиска. Пожалуйста, "
"попробуйте еще раз с некоторыми"

#: sidebar.php:20
msgid "Recent Posts"
msgstr "Недавние Посты"

#: sidebar.php:24
msgid "Pages"
msgstr "страницы"

#: sidebar.php:29
msgid "Tag Cloud"
msgstr "Облако тегов"

#: single.php:38 themonic/themonic-options.php:208
msgid "Related Posts"
msgstr "Похожие сообщения"

#: tag.php:19
#, php-format
msgid "Tag Archives: %s"
msgstr "Тег Архивы %s"

#: themonic/options/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:28
#: themonic/options/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:33
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Из"

#: themonic/options/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:29
msgid "To:"
msgstr "к"

#: themonic/options/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:35
msgid " To:"
msgstr "к"

#: themonic/options/fields/google_webfonts/field_google_webfonts.php:25
msgid ""
"The fonts provided below are free to use custom fonts from the <a href="
"\"http://www.google.com/webfonts\" target=\"_blank\">Google Web Fonts "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:31
#: themonic/options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:35
#: themonic/options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:38
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:40
msgid "Add More"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/fields/upload/field_upload.php:30
msgid "Upload"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/fields/upload/field_upload.php:31
msgid "Remove Upload"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:45
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:47
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Параметры"

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:58
#, php-format
msgid ""
"<span id=\"footer-thankyou\">Built on <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank"
"\">Themonic Framework</a> v%s</span>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:232
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:233
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:671
msgid "Import / Export"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:252
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:253
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:700
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:773
msgid "Dev Mode Info"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:344
msgid "Are you sure? You will lose all custom values."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:625
#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:799
msgid "Reset to Defaults"
msgstr "Сбросить до значений по умолчанию"

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:631
msgid "<strong>Settings Imported!</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:633
msgid "<strong>Settings Saved!</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:638
msgid "<strong>Settings have changed, you should save them!</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:639
msgid "<strong><span></span> error(s) were found!</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:640
msgid "<strong><span></span> warning(s) were found!</strong>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:718
msgid "Import / Export Options"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:719
msgid "Import Options"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:720
msgid "Import from file"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:720
msgid "Import from URL"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:725
msgid ""
"Input your backup file below and hit Import to restore your sites options "
"from a backup."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:735
msgid ""
"Input the URL to another sites options set and hit Import to load the "
"options from that site."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:742
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:742
msgid ""
"WARNING! This will overwrite any existing options, please proceed with "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:745
msgid "Export Options"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:747
msgid ""
"Here you can copy/download your current option settings. Keep this safe as "
"you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong, or you can use it to "
"restore your settings on this site (or any other site)."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:750
msgid "Copy"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/themonic-reset.php:750
msgid "Copy Link"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/color/validation_color.php:13
msgid "This field must be a valid color value."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/comma_numeric/validation_comma_numeric.php:13
msgid ""
"You must provide a comma seperated list of numerical values for this option."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/date/validation_date.php:13
msgid "This field must be a valid date."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/email/validation_email.php:13
msgid "You must provide a valid email for this option."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/no_html/validation_no_html.php:13
msgid ""
"You must not enter any HTML in this field, all HTML tags have been removed."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/no_special_chars/validation_no_special_chars.php:13
msgid ""
"You must not enter any special characters in this field, all special "
"characters have been removed."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/numeric/validation_numeric.php:13
msgid "You must provide a numerical value for this option."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/options/validation/url/validation_url.php:13
msgid "You must provide a valid URL for this option."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:20
msgid "A Section added by hook"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:21
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">This is a section created by adding a filter to the "
"sections array. Can be used by child themes to add/remove sections from the "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:58
msgid "<p></p>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:69
msgid "Follow us on Twitter"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:74
msgid "Find us on LinkedIn"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:90
msgid "Iconic One Pro"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:94
msgid "Iconic One Pro Options"
msgstr "Параметры Iconic One Pro"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:117
msgid "Support and Help"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:118
msgid ""
"<p>Visit themonic.com/support or use the contact form for super quick "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:122
msgid "Credit"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:123
msgid ""
"<p>Modified NHP/Redux Framework</p> https://github.com/leemason/NHP-Theme-"
"Options-Framework | https://github.com/ghost1227/Redux-Framework"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:127
msgid "This is the sidebar content, HTML is allowed."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:138
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:139
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">Kindly read the following section carefully.</p>"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:164
msgid "Main Settings"
msgstr "Основные параметры"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:165
msgid "<p class=\"description\">Enable or Disable the following features.</p>"
msgstr "Включите или отключите следующие функции."

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:171
msgid "Show Author ID on Home Page"
msgstr "Показать идентификатор автора на домашней странице"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:172
msgid "Enables Author ID display on home page with small thumb."
msgstr ""
"Включает отображение идентификатора автора на домашней странице маленьким "
"большим пальцем."

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:173 themonic/themonic-options.php:201
msgid "Enabled by default"
msgstr "Включено по умолчанию"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:181
msgid "Breadcrumb Option"
msgstr "Вариант с сухарями"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:182
msgid "Enable or Disable Breadcrumb"
msgstr "Включить или отключить хлебную крошку"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:183 themonic/themonic-options.php:192
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:210 themonic/themonic-options.php:219
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:228 themonic/themonic-options.php:237
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:296 themonic/themonic-options.php:314
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:332 themonic/themonic-options.php:350
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:377 themonic/themonic-options.php:386
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:395 themonic/themonic-options.php:404
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:413 themonic/themonic-options.php:422
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:442 themonic/themonic-options.php:461
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:480
msgid "Disabled by default"
msgstr "Отключено по умолчанию"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:190
msgid "Show Featured Images on Single Posts"
msgstr "Показывать избранные изображения в отдельных сообщениях"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:191
msgid "Auto Select Featured Image, shown below title"
msgstr "Автовыбор выбранного изображения, показанного ниже заголовка"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:199
msgid "Pagination Option"
msgstr "Вариант пагинации"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:200
msgid "Enable or Disable Pagination"
msgstr "Включить или отключить пагинацию"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:209
msgid "Enable or Disable Related posts"
msgstr "Включить или отключить похожие сообщения"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:217
msgid "Related Posts Thumbnails"
msgstr "Похожие сообщения Миниатюры"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:218
msgid "Enable or Disable Related posts thumbnails"
msgstr "Включить или отключить похожие сообщения миниатюры"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:226
msgid "Footer Widget Area"
msgstr "Область виджета нижнего колонтитула"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:227
msgid ""
"Enable 3 Footer Widget sections, go to Appearance  -> Widgets after enabling "
msgstr ""
"Включите 3 раздела виджетов нижнего колонтитула, перейдите в «Внешний вид» -"
"> «Виджеты» после включения"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:235
msgid "Show Author and Date on Home"
msgstr "Показать автора и дату дома"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:236
msgid "Show author/date/comment bar on Home too"
msgstr "Показать автора / дату / панель комментариев на Home тоже"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:248
msgid "Design Settings"
msgstr "Настройки дизайна"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:249
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">Use these setting to change the appearance of your "
msgstr "Используйте эти настройки, чтобы изменить внешний вид вашего"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:254
msgid "Customize Theme Color"
msgstr "Настроить цвет темы"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:255
msgid "Change the main theme color"
msgstr "Изменить основной цвет темы"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:256
msgid ""
"Use of a bit darker colors is recommended, if you have to use light color -> "
"make use of the Menu link color setting given below."
msgstr ""
"Рекомендуется использовать немного более темные цвета, если вам нужно "
"использовать светлый цвет"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:262
msgid "Menu link color"
msgstr "Цвет ссылки меню"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:263
msgid "Change the link color"
msgstr "Изменить цвет ссылки"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:264
msgid ""
"Use this setting only if you are going to use light color background in the "
"above\"Theme Color\" setting, else leave empty."
msgstr ""
"Используйте этот параметр, только если вы собираетесь использовать светлый "
"цвет фона в"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:271
msgid "Favicon Upload"
msgstr "Favicon Загрузить"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:272
msgid "Upload your website favicon"
msgstr "Загрузите ваш сайт favicon"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:277
msgid "WP-Login Screen Logo"
msgstr "Логотип экрана входа в систему WP"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:278
msgid "Upload logo for Admin/Author login screen for Branding"
msgstr ""
"Загрузить логотип для администратора / автора экрана входа в систему для "

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:287
msgid "Ad Management"
msgstr "Управление рекламой"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:288
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">Ad management console, use to this insert Adsense "
"ads or html at locations defined. First Activate the area and then place the "
msgstr "Консоль управления рекламой, используйте для этой вставки Adsense"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:294
msgid "Activate Below Title Hook #AD1"
msgstr "Активировать под заголовком Hook"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:295
msgid ""
"Enable or Disable the following below title hook, after enabling enter the "
"ad code below"
msgstr ""
"Включите или отключите следующий заголовок заголовка, после включения введите"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:304
msgid "Below Title Hook #AD1"
msgstr "Под заголовком Hook\t"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:305
msgid ""
"You could use it to display Adsense ads below the title where it earns the "
msgstr ""
"Вы можете использовать его для показа рекламы Adsense под заголовком, где он "

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:312
msgid "Activate Below Header Hook #AD2"
msgstr "Активировать под заголовком Hook"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:313 themonic/themonic-options.php:331
#: themonic/themonic-options.php:349
msgid "Enable or Disable the following hook"
msgstr ""
"Включите или отключите следующий заголовок заголовка, после включения введите"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:322
msgid "Below the Header Hook #AD2"
msgstr "Под крюком заголовка"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:323
msgid "Use it to insert Ad code directly below the navigation"
msgstr "Используйте его, чтобы вставить рекламный код прямо под навигацией"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:330
msgid "Activate Above Header Hook #AD3"
msgstr "Активировать крюк над заголовком"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:340
msgid "Above the Header Hook #AD3"
msgstr "Над крюком заголовка"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:341
msgid "Use it to insert Ad code above Header"
msgstr "Используйте его, чтобы вставить рекламный код над заголовком"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:348
msgid "Activate Below Article Hook #AD4"
msgstr "Активировать под статьей Hook"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:358
msgid "After Article Hook #AD4"
msgstr "После статьи Крюк"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:359
msgid "Use it to insert Ad code after the article"
msgstr "Используйте его, чтобы вставить рекламный код после статьи"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:370
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">First Enable Social Sharing and then select the "
"buttons to show.</p>"
msgstr "Сначала включите социальный обмен, а затем выберите"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:375
msgid "Social Sharing"
msgstr "Социальный обмен"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:376
msgid "Enable or Disable Social Bookmarking on posts"
msgstr "Включить или отключить социальные закладки на сообщения"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:384
msgid "Social Sharing on Home Page"
msgstr "Социальный обмен на домашней странице"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:385
msgid "Enable or Disable social sharing buttons on home page"
msgstr "Включить или отключить кнопки общего доступа на главной странице"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:393
msgid "Facebook Share Option"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:394
msgid "Enable or Disable Facebook button"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:402
msgid "Google Plus Share Option"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:403
msgid "Enable or Disable Google+ button"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:411
msgid "Twitter Share Option"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:412
msgid "Enable or Disable Twitter button"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:420
msgid "Pinterest Share Option"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:421
msgid "Enable or Disable Pinterest button"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:433
msgid "Slider"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:434
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">Setup the Homepage Slider and Category Page Slider."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:440
msgid "Home Page Slider"
msgstr "Домашняя страница Слайдер"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:441
msgid "Enable or Disable Home Page Slider"
msgstr "Включить или отключить слайдер домашней страницы"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:450
msgid "Select Home Page Slider Category"
msgstr "Выберите категорию слайдера домашней страницы"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:452
msgid "Select the Category from which you want to show slider on Home page."
msgstr ""
"Выберите категорию, из которой вы хотите показать слайдер на домашней "

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:459
msgid "Category Page Slider"
msgstr "Слайдер страницы категории"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:460
msgid ""
"Enable Category Page slider, it will slide images from its respective "
msgstr ""
"Включите ползунок категории страницы, он будет скользить изображения из "

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:472
msgid ""
"<p class=\"description\">For Tracking codes, it will load in the end to "
"improve performance</p>"
msgstr "Для кодов отслеживания он будет загружен в конце"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:478
msgid "Enable Footer Analytics Code"
msgstr "Включить код аналитики нижнего колонтитула"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:479
msgid "Check this to activate the area below"
msgstr "Отметьте это, чтобы активировать область ниже"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:488
msgid "Footer Analytics Code"
msgstr "Аналитический код нижнего колонтитула"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:489
msgid "for eg. Google Analytics, Statcounter etc."
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:495
msgid "Credit link"
msgstr "Кредитная ссылка"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:496
msgid "Uncheck this if you want to remove the credit link"
msgstr "Снимите этот флажок, если вы хотите удалить кредитную ссылку"

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:504
msgid "Affiliate ID"
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:505
msgid ""
"Adds your affiliate ID to the footer credit link. Free registeration at "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:506
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Enter your Affiliate ID to  get 50% of all sales referred by you, no hassle "
"monthly payouts. "
msgstr ""

#: themonic/themonic-options.php:519
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Служба поддержки"