Current Path : /home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/ |
Current File : /home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/includes/functions.php |
<?php /** * Returns path to a plugin file. * * @param string $path File path relative to the plugin root directory. * @return string Absolute file path. */ function wpcf7_plugin_path( $path = '' ) { return path_join( WPCF7_PLUGIN_DIR, trim( $path, '/' ) ); } /** * Returns the URL to a plugin file. * * @param string $path File path relative to the plugin root directory. * @return string URL. */ function wpcf7_plugin_url( $path = '' ) { $url = plugins_url( $path, WPCF7_PLUGIN ); if ( is_ssl() and 'http:' == substr( $url, 0, 5 ) ) { $url = 'https:' . substr( $url, 5 ); } return $url; } /** * Include a file under WPCF7_PLUGIN_MODULES_DIR. * * @param string $path File path relative to the module dir. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function wpcf7_include_module_file( $path ) { $dir = WPCF7_PLUGIN_MODULES_DIR; if ( empty( $dir ) or ! is_dir( $dir ) ) { return false; } $path = path_join( $dir, ltrim( $path, '/' ) ); if ( file_exists( $path ) ) { include_once $path; return true; } return false; } /** * Retrieves uploads directory information. * * @param string|bool $type Optional. Type of output. Default false. * @return array|string Information about the upload directory. */ function wpcf7_upload_dir( $type = false ) { $uploads = wp_get_upload_dir(); $uploads = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_upload_dir', array( 'dir' => $uploads['basedir'], 'url' => $uploads['baseurl'], ) ); if ( 'dir' == $type ) { return $uploads['dir']; } if ( 'url' == $type ) { return $uploads['url']; } return $uploads; } /** * Verifies that a correct security nonce was used with time limit. * * @param string $nonce Nonce value that was used for verification. * @param string $action Optional. Context to what is taking place. * Default 'wp_rest'. * @return int|bool 1 if the nonce is generated between 0-12 hours ago, * 2 if the nonce is generated between 12-24 hours ago. * False if the nonce is invalid. */ function wpcf7_verify_nonce( $nonce, $action = 'wp_rest' ) { return wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, $action ); } /** * Creates a cryptographic token tied to a specific action, user, user session, * and window of time. * * @param string $action Optional. Context to what is taking place. * Default 'wp_rest'. * @return string The token. */ function wpcf7_create_nonce( $action = 'wp_rest' ) { return wp_create_nonce( $action ); } /** * Converts multi-dimensional array to a flat array. * * @param mixed $input Array or item of array. * @return array Flatten array. */ function wpcf7_array_flatten( $input ) { if ( ! is_array( $input ) ) { return array( $input ); } $output = array(); foreach ( $input as $value ) { $output = array_merge( $output, wpcf7_array_flatten( $value ) ); } return $output; } /** * Excludes unset or blank text values from the given array. * * @param array $input The array. * @return array Array without blank text values. */ function wpcf7_exclude_blank( $input ) { $output = array_filter( $input, static function ( $i ) { return isset( $i ) && '' !== $i; } ); return array_values( $output ); } /** * Creates a comma-separated list from a multi-dimensional array. * * @param mixed $input Array or item of array. * @param string|array $options Optional. Output options. * @return string Comma-separated list. */ function wpcf7_flat_join( $input, $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'separator' => ', ', ) ); $input = wpcf7_array_flatten( $input ); $output = array(); foreach ( (array) $input as $value ) { if ( is_scalar( $value ) ) { $output[] = trim( (string) $value ); } } return implode( $options['separator'], $output ); } /** * Returns true if HTML5 is supported. */ function wpcf7_support_html5() { return (bool) wpcf7_apply_filters_deprecated( 'wpcf7_support_html5', array( true ), '5.6', '' ); } /** * Returns true if HTML5 fallback is active. */ function wpcf7_support_html5_fallback() { return (bool) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_support_html5_fallback', false ); } /** * Returns true if the Really Simple CAPTCHA plugin is used for contact forms. */ function wpcf7_use_really_simple_captcha() { return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_use_really_simple_captcha', WPCF7_USE_REALLY_SIMPLE_CAPTCHA ); } /** * Returns true if config validation is active. */ function wpcf7_validate_configuration() { return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_validate_configuration', WPCF7_VALIDATE_CONFIGURATION ); } /** * Returns true if wpcf7_autop() is applied. */ function wpcf7_autop_or_not( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'for' => 'form', ) ); return (bool) apply_filters( 'wpcf7_autop_or_not', WPCF7_AUTOP, $options ); } /** * Returns true if JavaScript for this plugin is loaded. */ function wpcf7_load_js() { return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_load_js', WPCF7_LOAD_JS ); } /** * Returns true if CSS for this plugin is loaded. */ function wpcf7_load_css() { return apply_filters( 'wpcf7_load_css', WPCF7_LOAD_CSS ); } /** * Builds an HTML anchor element. * * @param string $url Link URL. * @param string $anchor_text Anchor label text. * @param string|array $atts Optional. HTML attributes. * @return string Formatted anchor element. */ function wpcf7_link( $url, $anchor_text, $atts = '' ) { $atts = wp_parse_args( $atts, array( 'id' => null, 'class' => null, ) ); $atts = array_merge( $atts, array( 'href' => esc_url( $url ), ) ); return sprintf( '<a %1$s>%2$s</a>', wpcf7_format_atts( $atts ), esc_html( $anchor_text ) ); } /** * Returns the current request URL. */ function wpcf7_get_request_uri() { static $request_uri = ''; if ( empty( $request_uri ) ) { $request_uri = add_query_arg( array() ); $request_uri = '/' . ltrim( $request_uri, '/' ); } return sanitize_url( $request_uri ); } /** * Registers post types used for this plugin. */ function wpcf7_register_post_types() { if ( class_exists( 'WPCF7_ContactForm' ) ) { WPCF7_ContactForm::register_post_type(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the version string of this plugin. * * @param string|array $options Optional. Output options. * @return string Version string. */ function wpcf7_version( $options = '' ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, array( 'limit' => -1, 'only_major' => false, ) ); if ( $options['only_major'] ) { $options['limit'] = 2; } $options['limit'] = (int) $options['limit']; $ver = WPCF7_VERSION; $ver = strtr( $ver, '_-+', '...' ); $ver = preg_replace( '/[^0-9.]+/', ".$0.", $ver ); $ver = preg_replace( '/[.]+/', ".", $ver ); $ver = trim( $ver, '.' ); $ver = explode( '.', $ver ); if ( -1 < $options['limit'] ) { $ver = array_slice( $ver, 0, $options['limit'] ); } $ver = implode( '.', $ver ); return $ver; } /** * Returns array entries that match the given version. * * @param string $version The version to search for. * @param array $input Search target array. * @return array|bool Array of matched entries. False on failure. */ function wpcf7_version_grep( $version, array $input ) { $pattern = '/^' . preg_quote( (string) $version, '/' ) . '(?:\.|$)/'; return preg_grep( $pattern, $input ); } /** * Returns an enctype attribute value. * * @param string $enctype Enctype value. * @return string Enctype value. Empty if not a valid enctype. */ function wpcf7_enctype_value( $enctype ) { $enctype = trim( $enctype ); if ( empty( $enctype ) ) { return ''; } $valid_enctypes = array( 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data', 'text/plain', ); if ( in_array( $enctype, $valid_enctypes ) ) { return $enctype; } $pattern = '%^enctype="(' . implode( '|', $valid_enctypes ) . ')"$%'; if ( preg_match( $pattern, $enctype, $matches ) ) { return $matches[1]; // for back-compat } return ''; } /** * Removes directory recursively. * * @param string $dir Directory path. * @return bool True on success, false on failure. */ function wpcf7_rmdir_p( $dir ) { if ( is_file( $dir ) ) { $file = $dir; if ( @unlink( $file ) ) { return true; } $stat = stat( $file ); if ( @chmod( $file, $stat['mode'] | 0200 ) ) { // add write for owner if ( @unlink( $file ) ) { return true; } @chmod( $file, $stat['mode'] ); } return false; } if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) { return false; } if ( $handle = opendir( $dir ) ) { while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) { if ( $file == "." or $file == ".." ) { continue; } wpcf7_rmdir_p( path_join( $dir, $file ) ); } closedir( $handle ); } if ( false !== ( $files = scandir( $dir ) ) and ! array_diff( $files, array( '.', '..' ) ) ) { return rmdir( $dir ); } return false; } /** * Builds a URL-encoded query string. * * @link https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/_http_build_query/ * * @param array $data URL query parameters. * @param string $key Optional. If specified, used to prefix key name. * @return string Query string. */ function wpcf7_build_query( $data, $key = '' ) { $sep = '&'; $ret = array(); foreach ( (array) $data as $k => $v ) { $k = urlencode( $k ); if ( ! empty( $key ) ) { $k = $key . '%5B' . $k . '%5D'; } if ( null === $v ) { continue; } elseif ( false === $v ) { $v = '0'; } if ( is_array( $v ) or is_object( $v ) ) { array_push( $ret, wpcf7_build_query( $v, $k ) ); } else { array_push( $ret, $k . '=' . urlencode( $v ) ); } } return implode( $sep, $ret ); } /** * Returns the number of code units in a string. * * @link http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/infrastructure.html#code-unit-length * * @param string $text Input string. * @return int|bool The number of code units, or false if * mb_convert_encoding is not available. */ function wpcf7_count_code_units( $text ) { static $use_mb = null; if ( is_null( $use_mb ) ) { $use_mb = function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ); } if ( ! $use_mb ) { return false; } $text = (string) $text; $text = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $text ); $encoding = mb_detect_encoding( $text, mb_detect_order(), true ); if ( $encoding ) { $text = mb_convert_encoding( $text, 'UTF-16', $encoding ); } else { $text = mb_convert_encoding( $text, 'UTF-16', 'UTF-8' ); } $byte_count = mb_strlen( $text, '8bit' ); return floor( $byte_count / 2 ); } /** * Returns true if WordPress is running on the localhost. */ function wpcf7_is_localhost() { $sitename = wp_parse_url( network_home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ); return in_array( strtolower( $sitename ), array( 'localhost', '' ) ); } /** * Marks a function as deprecated and informs when it has been used. * * @param string $function_name The function that was called. * @param string $version The version of Contact Form 7 that deprecated * the function. * @param string $replacement The function that should have been called. */ function wpcf7_deprecated_function( $function_name, $version, $replacement ) { if ( ! WP_DEBUG ) { return; } if ( function_exists( '__' ) ) { /* translators: 1: PHP function name, 2: version number, 3: alternative function name */ $message = __( 'Function %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.', 'contact-form-7' ); } else { $message = 'Function %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.'; } $message = sprintf( $message, $function_name, $version, $replacement ); wp_trigger_error( '', $message, E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } /** * Fires functions attached to a deprecated filter hook. * * @param string $hook_name The name of the filter hook. * @param array $args Array of additional function arguments to be * passed to apply_filters(). * @param string $version The version of Contact Form 7 that deprecated * the hook. * @param string $replacement The hook that should have been used. */ function wpcf7_apply_filters_deprecated( $hook_name, $args, $version, $replacement = '' ) { if ( ! has_filter( $hook_name ) ) { return $args[0]; } if ( WP_DEBUG and apply_filters( 'deprecated_hook_trigger_error', true ) ) { if ( $replacement ) { wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( /* translators: 1: WordPress hook name, 2: version number, 3: alternative hook name */ __( 'Hook %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s! Use %3$s instead.', 'contact-form-7' ), $hook_name, $version, $replacement ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } else { wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( /* translators: 1: WordPress hook name, 2: version number */ __( 'Hook %1$s is <strong>deprecated</strong> since Contact Form 7 version %2$s with no alternative available.', 'contact-form-7' ), $hook_name, $version ), E_USER_DEPRECATED ); } } return apply_filters_ref_array( $hook_name, $args ); } /** * Marks something as being incorrectly called. * * @param string $function_name The function that was called. * @param string $message A message explaining what has been done incorrectly. * @param string $version The version of Contact Form 7 where the message * was added. */ function wpcf7_doing_it_wrong( $function_name, $message, $version ) { if ( ! WP_DEBUG ) { return; } if ( function_exists( '__' ) ) { if ( $version ) { $version = sprintf( /* translators: %s: Contact Form 7 version number. */ __( '(This message was added in Contact Form 7 version %s.)', 'contact-form-7' ), $version ); } wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( /* translators: Developer debugging message. 1: PHP function name, 2: Explanatory message, 3: Contact Form 7 version number. */ __( 'Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$s', 'contact-form-7' ), $function_name, $message, $version ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } else { if ( $version ) { $version = sprintf( '(This message was added in Contact Form 7 version %s.)', $version ); } wp_trigger_error( '', sprintf( 'Function %1$s was called incorrectly. %2$s %3$s', $function_name, $message, $version ), E_USER_NOTICE ); } } /** * Triggers an error about a remote HTTP request and response. * * @param string $url The resource URL. * @param array $request Request arguments. * @param array|WP_Error $response The response or WP_Error on failure. */ function wpcf7_log_remote_request( $url, $request, $response ) { if ( ! WP_DEBUG ) { return; } $log = sprintf( /* translators: 1: response code, 2: message, 3: body, 4: URL */ __( 'HTTP Response: %1$s %2$s %3$s from %4$s', 'contact-form-7' ), (int) wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ), wp_remote_retrieve_response_message( $response ), wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), $url ); $log = apply_filters( 'wpcf7_log_remote_request', $log, $url, $request, $response ); if ( $log ) { wp_trigger_error( '', $log, E_USER_NOTICE ); } } /** * Anonymizes an IP address by masking local part. * * @param string $ip_addr The original IP address. * @return string|bool Anonymized IP address, or false on failure. */ function wpcf7_anonymize_ip_addr( $ip_addr ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'inet_ntop' ) or ! function_exists( 'inet_pton' ) ) { return $ip_addr; } $packed = inet_pton( $ip_addr ); if ( false === $packed ) { return $ip_addr; } if ( 4 == strlen( $packed ) ) { // IPv4 $mask = ''; } elseif ( 16 == strlen( $packed ) ) { // IPv6 $mask = 'ffff:ffff:ffff:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000'; } else { return $ip_addr; } return inet_ntop( $packed & inet_pton( $mask ) ); }