Your IP :
"Language Display Name": "العربية (YE)",
"LOGIN": "دخول",
"CONNECT": "الاتصال الان",
"NAME": "Name",
"SIZE": "الحجم",
"CHANGED": "تم التغيير",
"MODIFICATION_DATE": "آخر تعديل",
"TYPE": "الامتداد",
"PERMISSIONS": "التراخيص",
"OWNER": "الكاتب",
"GROUP": "المجموعة",
"HISTORY": "السجل",
"SETTINGS": "الاعدادات",
"ADD_ONS": "اضافات",
"FOLDER": "المجلد",
"FILE": "ملف",
"CHANGE_FILE_PERMISSIONS": "تغيير تراخيص الملف",
"FILE_TRANSFER": "نقل الملف",
"PROPERTIES": "Properties",
"UPGRADE_AVAILABLE": "ترقية متوفرة",
"HOST": "الخادم",
"PORT": "المنفذ",
"USERNAME": "المستخدم",
"PASSWORD": "كلمة السر",
"PASSIVE_MODE": "Passive mode",
"USE_SSL": "استخدم طبقة المقابس الآمنة (إذا كانت مدعومة)",
"KEEP_ME_LOGGED_IN": "أبق تسجيل دخولي",
"INITIAL_DIRECTORY": "الدليل الأولي",
"AUTHENTICATION_TYPE": "نوع المصادقة",
"SSH_AUTH_MODE_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE": "ملف المفتاح العام",
"PRIVATE_KEY": "مفتاح خاص",
"PUBLIC_KEY": "مفتاح خاص",
"OPTIONAL_OPTIONAL": "(اختياري)",
"BYTE": "{size, plural, one{byte} other{bytes}}",
"PROFILE_NAME_LABEL": "اسم الشخصية (Optional)",
"CURRENT_HOST": "Current Host",
"CURRENT_USER": "Current User",
"FILE_UPLOAD_LIMIT": "File Upload Limit",
"CURRENT_VERSION": "Current Version",
"VERSION": "Version",
"NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE": "New Version Available",
"SESSION_INFORMATION": "Session Information",
"OPEN_ACTION": "Open",
"EDIT_ACTION": "Edit",
"VIEW_ACTION": "View",
"DOWNLOAD_ACTION": "Download",
"CUT_ACTION": "Cut",
"COPY_ACTION": "Copy",
"PASTE_ACTION": "Paste",
"BACK_ACTION": "Back",
"FORWARD_ACTION": "Forward",
"REFRESH_ACTION": "Refresh",
"MENU_ACTION": "Menu",
"HELP_ACTION": "Help",
"AUTO_SAVE_ACTION": "Auto-save",
"SAVE_ACTION": "Save",
"SHOW_EDITOR_ACTION": "Show Editor",
"LANGUAGE_LABEL": "Language",
"OPTIONS_LABEL": "Options",
"SHOW_DOT_FILES_LABEL": "Show system files (e.g. .htaccess)",
"EDIT_NEW_FILES_IMMEDIATELY_LABEL": "Open editable files in editor after creation",
"CHANGE_SERVER_ACTION": "Log in to another server",
"EXTRACT_ACTION": "Extract",
"VIEW_CHANGELOG_DEFERRED_ACTION": "See what's changed…",
"MASTER_PASSWORD_ENTER_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your master password",
"MASTER_PASSWORD_SET_PLACEHOLDER": "Choose a master password",
"UPGRADE_MESSAGE_PROFILE": "Unlock more features with our FREE 45-day upgrade trial!",
"UPGRADE_MESSAGE_GENERAL": "Unlock more features with our FREE 45-day upgrade trial!",
"UPGRADE_MESSAGE_LINK_TEXT": "Get your free 45-day trial license",
"HISTORY_EMPTY_MESSAGE": "Your history is empty",
"ENTERPRISE_EDITION": "Your current license is the Enterprise Edition",
"PROFESSIONAL_EDITION": "Your current license is the Professional Edition",
"STARTER_EDITION": "Your current license is the Starter Edition",
"LICENSE_VALID_UNTIL_MESSAGE": "Your license is valid until {expiry_date}",
"LICENSE_EXPIRED_ON_MESSAGE": "Your license expired on {expiry_date}",
"RENEW_NOW_MESSAGE": "Renew now",
"SAVE_LICENSE_ACTION": "Complete Upgrade",
"LICENSE_NEW_PLACEHOLDER": "Paste your new license key here…",
"LICENSE_UPDATE_PLACEHOLDER": "Paste your updated license key here…",
"COPY_FAILURE_MESSAGE": "Unfortunately your browser does not support automatic copying, please copy the address from the text box.",
"LOGIN_LINK_BAD_CONFIGURATION_MESSAGE": "More login fields need values to generate a link (at minimum a host address.)",
"COPY_LOGIN_LINK_PROMPT": "Copy URL to clipboard",
"GENERATE_LOGIN_LINK_TITLE": "Generate Login Link",
"GENERATE_LOGIN_LINK_ACTION": "Generate login link",
"LOGIN_LINK_HINT": "You can use this link to login directly to your FTP server.",
"PERMISSIONS_FAILURE_PRECEDING_MESSAGE": "Changing item permissions failed with error:",
"EXTRACT_AFTER_UPLOAD_TITLE": "File Archive Detected",
"EXTRACT_AFTER_UPLOAD_MESSAGE": "The file {file_name} is a {file_type} archive. Do you want to unzip the files to the current folder after uploading?",
"UPLOAD_EXTRACT_ACTION": "Upload and Unzip",
"UPLOAD_CANCEL_ITEM_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to cancel uploading {item_name}?",
"UPLOAD_FILES_TOO_LARGE_MESSAGE": "The following {item_count, plural, one{item exceeds} other{items exceed}} the maximum upload size allowed ({maximum_size}) by your server configuration: ",
"UPLOAD_FAILED_MESSAGE": "The upload failed:",
"MULTIPLE_FILE_ARCHIVE_ERROR": "Only one zip file may be uploaded and extract at a time.",
"INVALID_TYPE_ARCHIVE_ERROR": "Please only select a zip file to upload and extract.",
"QUOTA_EXCEEDED_MESSAGE": "Your FTP account quota has been exceeded.",
"NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "A new version of {application_name} is available.",
"DELETE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to delete {item_count, plural, one{# item} other{# items}}?",
"RENAME_FILE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter new file name",
"NEW_ITEM_PROMPT_TITLE": "New {item_type}",
"NEW_ITEM_NAME_PLACEHOLDER": "New {item_type} Name",
"NEW_ITEM_FAILURE_PRECEDING_MESSAGE": "There was an error creating the {item_type}:",
"FILE_NAME_CONTAINS_SLASH_MESSAGE": "The {item_type} name must not contain a /.",
"FILE_NAME_EMPTY_MESSAGE": "The {item_type} name must not be empty.",
"EDITOR_CLOSE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "File {file_name} has been edited but not saved, are you sure you want to close this tab?",
"DROP_FILES_INSTRUCTION": "Drop files here",
"FOLDER_UPLOAD_NOT_SUPPORTED_MESSAGE": "Your browser does not support folder uploads.",
"FOLDER_UPLOAD_DISABLED": "Sorry, folder uploading is not available.",
"FILE_UPLOAD_DISABLED": "Sorry, file uploading is not available.",
"URL_INVALID_MESSAGE": "Please enter a URL starting with http:// or https://",
"PROFILE_DELETE_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to delete this saved profile?",
"PROFILE_SET_PASSWORD_ERROR": "Please enter a password to protect your saved profiles.",
"LOGOUT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to log out?",
"FETCH_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR": "Can not fetch a request as one is already in progress.",
"FETCH_FAILED_ERROR": "Fetching the remote file at {url} failed: {cause}.",
"PRIVATE_KEY_LOAD_ERROR": "Unable to load private key at {path}.",
"PUBLIC_KEY_LOAD_ERROR": "Unable to load public key at {path}.",
"DECRYPT_ERROR": "Unable to decrypt message.",
"CHANGE_PERMISSIONS_OPERATION": "change permissions",
"DELETE_DIRECTORY_OPERATION": "delete directory",
"DELETE_MULTIPLE_OPERATION": "delete multiple",
"LIST_DIRECTORY_OPERATION": "list directory",
"DELETE_FILE_OPERATION": "delete file",
"DELETE_ITEM_OPERATION": "delete item",
"MAKE_DIRECTORY_OPERATION": "make directory",
"APPLICATION_SETTINGS_LOAD_OPERATION": "application settings load",
"FILE_PASTE_OPERATION": "file paste",
"SYSTEM_VAR_LOAD_OPERATION": "system var load",
"FILE_SAVE_OPERATION": "file save",
"FILE_LOAD_OPERATION": "file load",
"REMOTE_FILE_FETCH_OPERATION": "remote file fetch",
"EXTRACT_ARCHIVE_OPERATION": "extract archive",
"FOLDER_MAKE_OPERATION": "folder make",
"FILE_MAKE_OPERATION": "file make",
"DIRECTORY_CHANGE_OPERATION": "change directory",
"GET_CWD_OPERATION": "get current directory",
"DOWNLOAD_FOR_EXTRACT_OPERATION": "download file for extract",
"OPERATION_TIMEOUT": "The {action} operation timed out",
"CONNECTION_FAILURE_ERROR": "{protocol} connection to {host}:{port} failed.",
"UNCONNECTED_DISCONNECT_ERROR": "Can't disconnect a non-connected connection.",
"FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR": "Error during {protocol} {operation}, file not found: {path}.",
"FILE_EXISTS_ERROR": "Error during {protocol} {operation}, file exists at: {path}.",
"FILE_PERMISSION_ERROR": "Error during {protocol} {operation}, permission denied at: {path}.",
"GENERAL_FILE_SOURCE_ERROR": "Error during {protocol} {operation}, at {path}: {message}.",
"OPERATION_BEFORE_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Can't {operation} before {protocol} is connected.",
"OPERATION_BEFORE_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Can't {operation} before {protocol} is authenticated.",
"AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_ERROR": "{protocol} authentication failed.",
"LICENSE_READ_FAILED_ERROR": "Unable to read the license file at: {path}.",
"PASSIVE_MODE_BEFORE_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR": "Can't configure FTP passive mode before authentication.",
"FAILED_TO_SET_PASSIVE_MODE_ERROR": "Failed to set FTP passive mode to {is_passive_mode}.",
"LIST_DIRECTORY_FAILED_ERROR": "Failed to list directory \"{path}\".",
"FAILED_TO_CLOSE_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Failed to close {protocol} connection: {message}",
"GET_SYSTEM_TYPE_BEFORE_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Attempting to get system type before connection.",
"GET_SYSTEM_TYPE_FAILED_ERROR": "Failed to retrieve system type",
"GET_WORKING_DIRECTORY_BEFORE_CONNECTION_ERROR": "Attempting to get working directory before connection.",
"DEBIAN_PRIVATE_KEY_BUG_ERROR": "Due to a PHP bug private keys with passwords may not work on Ubuntu/Debian. See https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=58573",
"COULD_NOT_LOAD_PROFILE_DATA_ERROR": "Could not load valid data from profile at {path}.",
"PROFILE_NOT_READABLE_ERROR": "Profile exists at {path} but it is not readable with the given password.",
"PROFILE_SIZE_READ_ERROR": "Profile exists at {path} but couldn't get its size.",
"UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_ERROR": "Cipher method {method_name} is not supported.",
"PROBABLE_INCORRECT_PASSWORD_ERROR": "Could not read configuration, the password is probably incorrect.",
"IV_GENERATE_ERROR": "Could not generate an iv, got FALSE",
"SETTINGS_READ_ERROR": "Could not read JSON settings at {path}.",
"SETTINGS_WRITE_ERROR": "Could not write JSON settings at {path}.",
"ARCHIVE_READ_ERROR": "Could not read ZIP file.",
"LICENSE_WRITE_ERROR": "Could not write license file to {path}",
"LICENSE_DIRECTORY_NOT_WRITABLE_ERROR": "License directory \"{path}\" is not writable, check its permissions (must be writable by the web server).",
"INSTALL_PATH_NOT_WRITABLE_ERROR": "Install path \"{path}\" is not writable, check its permissions (must be writable by the web server).",
"FILE_NOT_WRITABLE_ERROR": "\"{path}\" is not writable, check its permissions (must be writable by the web server).",
"PRO_CONFIG_WRITE_ERROR": "Could not write pro config to {path}",
"REPLACEMENT_LICENSE_OLDER_ERROR": "The new license was not saved as its expiry date is earlier than the current license.",
"INVALID_POSTED_LICENSE_ERROR": "The license entered was not valid.",
"SFTP_AUTHENTICATION_NOT_ENABLED": "The chosen authentication type must be enabled in configuration.",
"CURL_NOT_INSTALLED_MESSAGE": "cURL functions are not installed on your system and are required for HTTP operations, please refer to the PHP documentation to install.",
"SFTP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_MESSAGE": "This authentication method is disabled by default for security reasons.",
"SFTP_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED_INSTRUCTIONS_MESSAGE": "Instructions on how to enable are available here.",
"LOGIN_FAILURE_EXCEEDED_ERROR": "Too many incorrect login attempts. Please try again in {banTimeMinutes} {banTimeMinutes, plural, one{minute} other{minutes}}.",
"TLS_REQUIRED_ERROR": "The server you are connecting to requires SSL to be enabled.",
"PASTE_TO_SUB_DIRECTORY_ERROR": "Can not paste a directory inside itself.",
"SHOW_LOGIN_FORM": "Back to Login",
"PASSWORD_MANAGEMENT": "Password Manager",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD": "Forgot Password",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTIONS": "Enter your username to initiate a password request.",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD_FAILED": "The forgot password request failed.",
"FORGOT_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED": "The forgot password request succeeded.",
"RESET_PASSWORD": "Reset Password",
"RESET_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTIONS": "Enter your username and current password, and choose a new password.",
"CURRENT_PASSWORD_LABEL": "Current Password",
"NEW_PASSWORD_LABEL": "New Password",
"CONFIRM_PASSWORD_LABEL": "Confirm Password",
"PASSWORD_MISMATCH_ERROR": "Your new password and confirm password did not match.",
"RESET_PASSWORD_FAILED": "The reset password request failed.",
"RESET_PASSWORD_SUCCEEDED": "The reset password request succeeded.",
"FORM_INCOMPLETE_ERROR": "Please complete all form fields to submit.",
"LATEST_VERSION_AVAILABLE_MESSAGE": "Version {version} of Monsta FTP is available for download.",
"AUTOMATIC_UPGRADE_REQUIRES_PROFILE_PASSWORD_MESSAGE": "You must set a master password in the login modal before you can install the upgrade.",
"AUTOMATIC_UPGRADE_LICENSED_ONLY_MESSAGE": "Automatic upgrades are only available in the licensed version of Monsta FTP. {trial_link}.",
"PRE_UPGRADE_RELEASE_NOTES_MESSAGE": "Before upgrading, please read our {release_notes_link} as there may be configuration changes you need to be aware of.",
"START_UPGRADE_ACTION": "Start Upgrade",
"DO_NOT_CLOSE_DURING_UPGRADE_BROWSER_MESSAGE": "Please do not close your browser during the upgrade process.",
"UPGRADING_TITLE": "Upgrading",
"UPGRADE_ARCHIVE_NOT_VALID_ERROR": "The file at \"{path}\" does not appear to be a Monsta FTP install zip.",
"INSTALL_ARCHIVE_EXTRACT_ERROR": "Unable to extract the installation archive.",
"UPGRADE_COMPLETE_MESSAGE": "Congratulations Monsta has been installed. Please refresh the page and you will be on Monsta version {version}.",
"REFRESH": "Refresh",
"USER_UI_AUTHORISED_MESSAGE": "You're now logged in and can start the upgrade."