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Dotclear 2.30.1 - 2024-05-17
* Fix: Template engine might not found some theme's template in some contexts
* Fix: Outgoing documentation links

Dotclear 2.30 - 2024-05-13
* 🐘 PHP 8.1+ is required, PHP 8.2 and 8.3 compliance
* Core: Switch from GNU GPL-2.0-only to AGPL-3.0
* Core: Normalize SQLite database path and create the database file if necessary
* Core: Add a configuration setting to load or not legacy JS (backend/frontend)
* - For frontend a new sysIf attribute is provided: legacy_needed (see _head.html template)
* - For backend current release config may be overrule by setting DC_MIGRATE in inc/config.php
* Core: Add a setting to change the thumbnail character prefix (default to .)
* Core: Add width and height of an SVG image (media item page) if specified in its source
* Core: Add an option (informative_config) to display informative config for module (ie without any form)
* Core: Add prefix/suffix capability for Helper/Html/Form/Label (will be inserted before/after the associated field)
* Core: Add webmention endpoint URL in <head> for post/page (already present in http headers but may be not sufficient)
* UX/UI: Add a menuitem quick access (configurable quick menu key, default to :)
* UX/UI: Add quick access to dashboard (quick menu access key+enter without anything else)
* UX/UI: Review layout for group of buttons
* UX/UI: Use textarea for media description
* UX/UI: Switch from PNG to SVG for images used in backend
* UX/UI: Review CSS for tables
* UX/UI: Review information style (legend, message, …) in dark mode
* UX/UI: Review media upload progress bar
* UX/UI: Review install icons (messages)
* UX/UI: Set a background on legacyEditor toolbar
* UX/UI: Review form's buttons layout (specially on small device)
* UX/UI: Add supplemental warning about disabling ad-blocker detection
* UX/UI: Review legacy editor toolbar layout
* UX/UI: Review header layout (alignment, …)
* UX/UI: Theme editor: the lists of inherited files are now folded by default
* UX/UI: Review today button look
* UX/UI: Page header review (standard and upgrade modes)
* UX/UI: Review categories CSS
* UX/UI: Prelude layout review
* UX/UI: Help button layout review
* a11y: Review markup for required items in forms
* a11y: Enforce contrast of pending and locked status icons in dark mode
* a11y: No need to enforce contrast on icon hover (whatever is the mode, dark or light)
* a11y: Fix issue with Codemirror (trapped inside editor if using only the keyboard)
* Fix: Do not put filename as alternate text for media
* Fix: Media item deletion
* Fix: Cleaning procedure after update is now more tolerant
* Fix: Plural management for some locales (Japanese, …)
* Fix: Don't care about antispam filter GUI URL during installation
* Fix: Video/audio media insertion with CKEditor, review notice
* Fix: Display notice (about audio/video insertion limit) only with standard editor
* Fix: Fix exclusion list for media zip process
* Fix: Take care of user defined thumb sizes in media zip exclusion pattern
* Fix: Background color of search input field
* Fix: Go back to update tab (on plugins page) after forced check of plugins' update
* Fix: Success upload media message color
* Fix: Optimize Berlin SVG images
* Fix: SVG preview with magnificPopup jQuery plugin
* Fix: Antispam filter name displayed on comments list page
* Fix: Use standard tpl:IfCommentPreviewOptional rather than tpl:IfPreviewIsNotMandatory for Ductile
* Fix: H2 (navigation) horizontal overflow
* Fix: Input for decimal values
* Fix: Management of local setting/pref value is the same as the global one (if global exists)
* Fix: Antispam IP and IPv6 rules deletion
* Fix: Antispam Word filter rule deletion
* Fix: Theme config form if not only informative
* Fix: Antispam params link (on blog pref)
* Fix: Hint typing for post ID (trackback/pingback/webmention)
* Fix: Post/Page selector for static home
* Lib: Update Codemirror to 5.65.16
* i18n: Remove Luxembourgish language (not translated and mostly not used)
* 🛡 Security: Fix Cross Site Scripting vulnerability (https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/177239/Dotclear-2.29-Cross-Site-Scripting.html)
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

Dotclear 2.29 - 2024-02-13
* 🐘 PHP 8.1+ is required, PHP 8.2 and 8.3 compliance
* Core: New dashboard dedicated to dotclear's upgrade
* Core: Remove ajax activity indicator
* Core: Swap from XHTML self-closing tag (/>) to HTML5 closing tag (>)
* Core: Add ability to delete Dotclear versions cache directory
* Core: Remove DC_XMLRPC_URL/xmlrpc_url from config
* Core: JS Code review, switch some functions from jQuery to Vanilla
* Core: Update jQuery from 3.7.0 to 3.7.1
* Core: Remove json data from header when extracted (unless keeping it is explicitly required)
* Core: Use Josh's Custom CSS Reset and remove some oldies rules in backend CSS
* Core: Try to forward to requested URL after authentication
* Core: Allow modification of src/*.php files of themes
* Core: Add two behaviors on post/page edition (adminPostAfterButtons, adminPageAfterButtons)
* UX/UI: Improve a little bit the adblocker detection system
* UX/UI: For language combo, put in a first group installed languages and then others in second group
* UX/UI: Remove the Easter egg, may be it will be back in the future, who knows?
* UX/UI: Back to list on access to an unexinsting element (page, comment, post)
* UX/UI: Add checkboxes helper to blogroll plugin
* UX/UI: Add checkboxes helper to simpleMenu plugin
* UX/UI: Enhance checkbox helper buttons (in entry edition)
* UX/UI: Move update tab (now always displayed) after activated/deactivated tabs (plugins/themes)
* UX/UI: Reduce favorites icons area
* UX/UI: Review CSS style for square thumbnails
* UX/UI: Review vertical position of elements in header and background color of header (upgrade mode)
* UX/UI: Switch from PNG to SVG for comments/trackbacks/trash mini icons
* a11y: Code review alt/legend for image popup (selection, insertion)
* - use metadata (place, date) with legend rather than alternate text
* - do not duplicate alt and legend (ignore second if it is the case)
* - use 'alternate text' instead of 'title'/'file title'
* - use 'description' instead of 'file description', the description will be used to compose legend
* - link to original media only if there is an alternate text
* - do not allow legend without alternate text
* a11y: Review displayed information about mandatory fields
* a11y: Enforce outline on focused element if requested (OS settings)
* a11y: Buttons appearance review
* - more border contrast
* - no more gradient
* - darker background color for submit
* a11y: Enforce contrast ratio for standard badges
* a11y: Bigger size for very small icons (outgoing, …)
* a11y: More space for some messages (info, warning)
* Theme: Move ductile javacript code (including inline) in js folder
* Theme: Use codemirror if enabled to edit CSS file of Custom CSS theme (config)
* Fix: Install may be done using curl (or equivalent), so index.php may be not in REQUEST_URI
* Fix: Icon width in main menu for item with a long label
* Fix: Badge position on mobile
* Fix: Allow USAGE permission in order to load CKEditor configuration (js content)
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

Dotclear 2.28.1 - 2023-11-19
* Fix: Some housecleaning missing in 2.28
* Fix: Don't overwrite antispam filter name if already set, seen in list of antispam filters
* Fix: Cast constants types as far as possible
* Fix: Template code for EntryDate
* Fix: Meta edition URL (entry edition page)

Dotclear 2.28 - 2023-11-15
* 🐘 PHP 8.1+ is required, PHP 8.2 compliance
* Core: All admin/install/helper/db/public code is now PHP namespaced
* Core: Add whitespace control capabilities to template engine, thanks manusauvage for the patch
* Core: Move some old deprecated autoload from dcProxyV2 to dcProxyv1 as some plugins may need them before loading of dcProxyV2
* Core: Add extra cursor management for FlatImport (useful with 3rd party plugins)
* Core: Show exception in debug/dev mode
* Core: Complete support of Avif image format
* Core: Add Media::setThumbSizes() method and set two behaviors (coreBlogConstruct and coreMediaConstruct) as deprecated
* Core: Add dl, dt, dd form element with unit tests
* Core: Add enctype form property (Helper/Html/Form/Form)
* Core: Add a second removal pass to housecleaning step of upgrade and add a renaming fallback procedure if file or folder cannot be deleted
* Core: Allow upgrade on sqlite install (except db schema)
* Fix: Take care of unnumbered post URL to compose a new unique one
* Fix: Show comment's IP column even if not spam
* Fix: Fix SQLite table schema info fields (int for notnull, ?string for dflt_value)
* Fix: Use localized rss news if available rather than English one
* Fix: Unknown path class on some config file
* Fix: Thumbnails creation
* Fix: Process XSS
* Fix: Allow pings management by blogs' admins too
* Fix: Fix empty widgets area management, will use defaults widgets in it only if not set as empty array in settings (ie null)
* Fix: Click (open/close) event management on details HTML element
* Fix: Custom CSS css management with cloning feature
* Fix: Don't forget to get current page number when searching in Static home mode
* Fix: Search URL in breadcrumb
* Fix: Some favorites (admin) callbacks
* Fix: Cope with min/max non integer values and add Html/Form/Decimal
* Fix: Thumbnails re-creation
* Fix: Typo in makefile
* i18n: Various translation have been added or updated (using DeepL engine), they should be reviewed
* a11y: Fix link color on small screens
* 🐛 → Various bugs, a11y concerns and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments