Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Expect.pm |
# -*-cperl-*- # Please see the .pod files for documentation. This module is copyrighted # as per the usual perl legalese: # Copyright (c) 1997 Austin Schutz. # expect() interface & functionality enhancements (c) 1999 Roland Giersig. # # All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can # redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl # itself. # # Don't blame/flame me if you bust your stuff. # Austin Schutz <ASchutz@users.sourceforge.net> # # This module now is maintained by # Roland Giersig <RGiersig@cpan.org> # use 5.006; # 4 won't cut it. package Expect; use IO::Pty 1.03; # We need make_slave_controlling_terminal() use IO::Tty; use strict 'refs'; use strict 'vars'; use strict 'subs'; use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h :unistd_h); # For WNOHANG and isatty use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT); # For checking file handle settings. use Carp qw(cluck croak carp confess); use IO::Handle (); use Exporter (); use Errno; # This is necessary to make routines within Expect work. @Expect::ISA = qw(IO::Pty Exporter); @Expect::EXPORT = qw(expect exp_continue exp_continue_timeout); BEGIN { $Expect::VERSION = '1.21'; # These are defaults which may be changed per object, or set as # the user wishes. # This will be unset, since the default behavior differs between # spawned processes and initialized filehandles. # $Expect::Log_Stdout = 1; $Expect::Log_Group = 1; $Expect::Debug = 0; $Expect::Exp_Max_Accum = 0; # unlimited $Expect::Exp_Internal = 0; $Expect::IgnoreEintr = 0; $Expect::Manual_Stty = 0; $Expect::Multiline_Matching = 1; $Expect::Do_Soft_Close = 0; @Expect::Before_List = (); @Expect::After_List = (); %Expect::Spawned_PIDs = (); } sub version { my($version) = shift; warn "Version $version is later than $Expect::VERSION. It may not be supported" if (defined ($version) && ($version > $Expect::VERSION)); die "Versions before 1.03 are not supported in this release" if ((defined ($version)) && ($version < 1.03)); return $Expect::VERSION; } sub new { my ($class) = shift; $class = ref($class) if ref($class); # so we can be called as $exp->new() # Create the pty which we will use to pass process info. my($self) = new IO::Pty; die "$class: Could not assign a pty" unless $self; bless $self => $class; $self->autoflush(1); # This is defined here since the default is different for # initialized handles as opposed to spawned processes. ${*$self}{exp_Log_Stdout} = 1; $self->_init_vars(); if (@_) { # we got add'l parms, so pass them to spawn return $self->spawn(@_); } return $self; } sub spawn { my ($class) = shift; my $self; if (ref($class)) { $self = $class; } else { $self = $class->new(); } croak "Cannot reuse an object with an already spawned command" if exists ${*$self}{"exp_Command"}; my(@cmd) = @_; # spawn is passed command line args. ${*$self}{"exp_Command"} = \@cmd; # set up pipe to detect childs exec error pipe(FROM_CHILD, TO_PARENT) or die "Cannot open pipe: $!"; pipe(FROM_PARENT, TO_CHILD) or die "Cannot open pipe: $!"; TO_PARENT->autoflush(1); TO_CHILD->autoflush(1); eval { fcntl(TO_PARENT, Fcntl::F_SETFD, Fcntl::FD_CLOEXEC); }; my $pid = fork; unless (defined ($pid)) { warn "Cannot fork: $!" if $^W; return undef; } if($pid) { # parent my $errno; ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = $pid; close TO_PARENT; close FROM_PARENT; $self->close_slave(); $self->set_raw() if $self->raw_pty and isatty($self); close TO_CHILD; # so child gets EOF and can go ahead # now wait for child exec (eof due to close-on-exit) or exec error my $errstatus = sysread(FROM_CHILD, $errno, 256); die "Cannot sync with child: $!" if not defined $errstatus; close FROM_CHILD; if ($errstatus) { $! = $errno+0; warn "Cannot exec(@cmd): $!\n" if $^W; return undef; } } else { # child close FROM_CHILD; close TO_CHILD; $self->make_slave_controlling_terminal(); my $slv = $self->slave() or die "Cannot get slave: $!"; $slv->set_raw() if $self->raw_pty; close($self); # wait for parent before we detach my $buffer; my $errstatus = sysread(FROM_PARENT, $buffer, 256); die "Cannot sync with parent: $!" if not defined $errstatus; close FROM_PARENT; close(STDIN); open(STDIN,"<&". $slv->fileno()) or die "Couldn't reopen STDIN for reading, $!\n"; close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT,">&". $slv->fileno()) or die "Couldn't reopen STDOUT for writing, $!\n"; close(STDERR); open(STDERR,">&". $slv->fileno()) or die "Couldn't reopen STDERR for writing, $!\n"; { exec(@cmd) }; print TO_PARENT $!+0; die "Cannot exec(@cmd): $!\n"; } # This is sort of for code compatibility, and to make debugging a little # easier. By code compatibility I mean that previously the process's # handle was referenced by $process{Pty_Handle} instead of just $process. # This is almost like 'naming' the handle to the process. # I think this also reflects Tcl Expect-like behavior. ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} = "spawn id(".$self->fileno().")"; if ((${*$self}{"exp_Debug"}) or (${*$self}{"exp_Exp_Internal"})) { cluck("Spawned '@cmd'\r\n", "\t${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n", "\tPid: ${*$self}{exp_Pid}\r\n", "\tTty: ".$self->SUPER::ttyname()."\r\n", ); } $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{${*$self}{exp_Pid}} = undef; return $self; } sub exp_init { # take a filehandle, for use later with expect() or interconnect() . # All the functions are written for reading from a tty, so if the naming # scheme looks odd, that's why. my ($class) = shift; my($self) = shift; bless $self, $class; croak "exp_init not passed a file object, stopped" unless defined($self->fileno()); $self->autoflush(1); # Define standard variables.. debug states, etc. $self->_init_vars(); # Turn of logging. By default we don't want crap from a file to get spewed # on screen as we read it. ${*$self}{exp_Log_Stdout} = 0; ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} = "handle id(".$self->fileno().")"; ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} = "STDIN" if $self->fileno() == fileno (STDIN); print STDERR "Initialized ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.'\r\n" if ${*$self}{"exp_Debug"}; return $self; } # make an alias *init = \&exp_init; ###################################################################### # We're happy OOP people. No direct access to stuff. # For standard read-writeable parameters, we define some autoload magic... my %Writeable_Vars = ( debug => 'exp_Debug', exp_internal => 'exp_Exp_Internal', do_soft_close => 'exp_Do_Soft_Close', max_accum => 'exp_Max_Accum', match_max => 'exp_Max_Accum', notransfer => 'exp_NoTransfer', log_stdout => 'exp_Log_Stdout', log_user => 'exp_Log_Stdout', log_group => 'exp_Log_Group', manual_stty => 'exp_Manual_Stty', restart_timeout_upon_receive => 'exp_Continue', raw_pty => 'exp_Raw_Pty', ); my %Readable_Vars = ( pid => 'exp_Pid', exp_pid => 'exp_Pid', exp_match_number => 'exp_Match_Number', match_number => 'exp_Match_Number', exp_error => 'exp_Error', error => 'exp_Error', exp_command => 'exp_Command', command => 'exp_Command', exp_match => 'exp_Match', match => 'exp_Match', exp_matchlist => 'exp_Matchlist', matchlist => 'exp_Matchlist', exp_before => 'exp_Before', before => 'exp_Before', exp_after => 'exp_After', after => 'exp_After', exp_exitstatus => 'exp_Exit', exitstatus => 'exp_Exit', exp_pty_handle => 'exp_Pty_Handle', pty_handle => 'exp_Pty_Handle', exp_logfile => 'exp_Log_File', logfile => 'exp_Log_File', %Writeable_Vars, ); sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my $type = ref($self) or croak "$self is not an object"; use vars qw($AUTOLOAD); my $name = $AUTOLOAD; $name =~ s/.*:://; # strip fully-qualified portion unless (exists $Readable_Vars{$name}) { croak "ERROR: cannot find method `$name' in class $type"; } my $varname = $Readable_Vars{$name}; my $tmp; $tmp = ${*$self}{$varname} if exists ${*$self}{$varname}; if (@_) { if (exists $Writeable_Vars{$name}) { my $ref = ref($tmp); if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { ${*$self}{$varname} = [ @_ ]; } elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { ${*$self}{$varname} = { @_ }; } else { ${*$self}{$varname} = shift; } } else { carp "Trying to set read-only variable `$name'" if $^W; } } my $ref = ref($tmp); return (wantarray? @{$tmp} : $tmp) if ($ref eq 'ARRAY'); return (wantarray? %{$tmp} : $tmp) if ($ref eq 'HASH'); return $tmp; } ###################################################################### sub set_seq { # Set an escape sequence/function combo for a read handle for interconnect. # Ex: $read_handle->set_seq('',\&function,\@parameters); my($self) = shift; my($escape_sequence,$function) = (shift,shift); ${${*$self}{exp_Function}}{$escape_sequence} = $function; if ((!defined($function)) ||($function eq 'undef')) { ${${*$self}{exp_Function}}{$escape_sequence} = \&_undef; } ${${*$self}{exp_Parameters}}{$escape_sequence} = shift; # This'll be a joy to execute. :) if ( ${*$self}{"exp_Debug"} ) { print STDERR "Escape seq. '" . $escape_sequence; print STDERR "' function for ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} set to '"; print STDERR ${${*$self}{exp_Function}}{$escape_sequence}; print STDERR "(" . join(',', @_) . ")'\r\n"; } } sub set_group { my($self) = shift; my($write_handle); # Make sure we can read from the read handle if (! defined($_[0])) { if (defined (${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group})) { return @{${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group}}; } else { # Refrain from referencing an undef return undef; } } @{${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group}} = (); if ($self->_get_mode() !~ 'r') { warn("Attempting to set a handle group on ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, ", "a non-readable handle!\r\n"); } while ($write_handle = shift) { if ($write_handle->_get_mode() !~ 'w') { warn("Attempting to set a non-writeable listen handle ", "${*$write_handle}{exp_Pty_handle} for ", "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}!\r\n"); } push (@{${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group}},$write_handle); } } sub log_file { my $self = shift; return(${*$self}{exp_Log_File}) if not @_; # we got no param, return filehandle my $file = shift; my $mode = shift || "a"; if (${*$self}{exp_Log_File} and ref(${*$self}{exp_Log_File}) ne 'CODE') { close(${*$self}{exp_Log_File}); } ${*$self}{exp_Log_File} = undef; return if (not $file); my $fh = $file; if (not ref($file)) { # it's a filename $fh = new IO::File $file, $mode or croak "Cannot open logfile $file: $!"; } if (ref($file) ne 'CODE') { croak "Given logfile doesn't have a 'print' method" if not $fh->can("print"); $fh->autoflush(1); # so logfile is up to date } ${*$self}{exp_Log_File} = $fh; } # I'm going to leave this here in case I might need to change something. # Previously this was calling `stty`, in a most bastardized manner. sub exp_stty { my($self) = shift; my($mode) = "@_"; return undef unless defined($mode); if (not defined $INC{"IO/Stty.pm"}) { carp "IO::Stty not installed, cannot change mode"; return undef; } if (${*$self}{"exp_Debug"}) { print STDERR "Setting ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} to tty mode '$mode'\r\n"; } unless (POSIX::isatty($self)) { if (${*$self}{"exp_Debug"} or $^W) { warn "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} is not a tty. Not changing mode"; } return ''; # No undef to avoid warnings elsewhere. } IO::Stty::stty($self, split(/\s/,$mode)); } *stty = \&exp_stty; # If we want to clear the buffer. Otherwise Accum will grow during send_slow # etc. and contain the remainder after matches. sub clear_accum { my ($self) = shift; my ($temp) = (${*$self}{exp_Accum}); ${*$self}{exp_Accum} = ''; # return the contents of the accumulator. return $temp; } sub set_accum { my ($self) = shift; my ($temp) = (${*$self}{exp_Accum}); ${*$self}{exp_Accum} = shift; # return the contents of the accumulator. return $temp; } ###################################################################### # define constants for pattern subs sub exp_continue() { "exp_continue" } sub exp_continue_timeout() { "exp_continue_timeout" } ###################################################################### # Expect on multiple objects at once. # # Call as Expect::expect($timeout, -i => \@exp_list, @patternlist, # -i => $exp, @pattern_list, ...); # or $exp->expect($timeout, @patternlist, -i => \@exp_list, @patternlist, # -i => $exp, @pattern_list, ...); # # Patterns are arrays that consist of # [ $pattern_type, $pattern, $sub, @subparms ] # # Optional $pattern_type is '-re' (RegExp, default) or '-ex' (exact); # # $sub is optional CODE ref, which is called as &{$sub}($exp, @subparms) # if pattern matched; may return exp_continue or exp_continue_timeout. # # Old-style syntax (pure pattern strings with optional type) also supported. # sub expect { my $self; print STDERR ("expect(@_) called...\n") if $Expect::Debug; if (defined($_[0])) { if (ref($_[0]) and $_[0]->isa('Expect')) { $self = shift; } elsif ($_[0] eq 'Expect') { shift; # or as Expect->expect } } croak "expect(): not enough arguments, should be expect(timeout, [patterns...])" if @_ < 1; my $timeout = shift; my $timeout_hook = undef; my @object_list; my %patterns; my @pattern_list; my @timeout_list; my $curr_list; if ($self) { $curr_list = [$self]; } else { # called directly, so first parameter must be '-i' to establish # object list. $curr_list = []; croak "expect(): ERROR: if called directly (not as \$obj->expect(...), but as Expect::expect(...), first parameter MUST be '-i' to set an object (list) for the patterns to work on." if ($_[0] ne '-i'); } # Let's make a list of patterns wanting to be evaled as regexps. my $parm; my $parm_nr = 1; while (defined($parm = shift)) { print STDERR ("expect(): handling param '$parm'...\n") if $Expect::Debug; if (ref($parm)) { if (ref($parm) eq 'ARRAY') { my $err = _add_patterns_to_list(\@pattern_list, \@timeout_list, $parm_nr, $parm); carp ("expect(): Warning: multiple `timeout' patterns (", scalar(@timeout_list), ").\r\n") if @timeout_list > 1; $timeout_hook = $timeout_list[-1] if $timeout_list[-1]; croak $err if $err; $parm_nr++; } else { croak ("expect(): Unknown pattern ref $parm"); } } else { # not a ref, is an option or raw pattern if (substr($parm, 0, 1) eq '-') { # it's an option print STDERR ("expect(): handling option '$parm'...\n") if $Expect::Debug; if ($parm eq '-i') { # first add collected patterns to object list if (scalar(@$curr_list)) { push @object_list, $curr_list if not exists $patterns{"$curr_list"}; push @{$patterns{"$curr_list"}}, @pattern_list; @pattern_list = (); } # now put parm(s) into current object list if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { $curr_list = shift; } else { $curr_list = [ shift ]; } } elsif ($parm eq '-re' or $parm eq '-ex') { if (ref($_[1]) eq 'CODE') { push @pattern_list, [ $parm_nr, $parm, shift, shift ]; } else { push @pattern_list, [ $parm_nr, $parm, shift, undef ]; } $parm_nr++; } else { croak ("Unknown option $parm"); } } else { # a plain pattern, check if it is followed by a CODE ref if (ref($_[0]) eq 'CODE') { if ($parm eq 'timeout') { push @timeout_list, shift; carp ("expect(): Warning: multiple `timeout' patterns (", scalar(@timeout_list), ").\r\n") if @timeout_list > 1; $timeout_hook = $timeout_list[-1] if $timeout_list[-1]; } elsif ($parm eq 'eof') { push @pattern_list, [ $parm_nr, "-$parm", undef, shift ]; } else { push @pattern_list, [ $parm_nr, '-ex', $parm, shift ]; } } else { print STDERR ("expect(): exact match '$parm'...\n") if $Expect::Debug; push @pattern_list, [ $parm_nr, '-ex', $parm, undef ]; } $parm_nr++; } } } # add rest of collected patterns to object list carp "expect(): Empty object list" unless $curr_list; push @object_list, $curr_list if not exists $patterns{"$curr_list"}; push @{$patterns{"$curr_list"}}, @pattern_list; my $debug = $self ? ${*$self}{exp_Debug} : $Expect::Debug; my $internal = $self ? ${*$self}{exp_Exp_Internal} : $Expect::Exp_Internal; # now start matching... if (@Expect::Before_List) { print STDERR ("Starting BEFORE pattern matching...\r\n") if ($debug or $internal); _multi_expect(0, undef, @Expect::Before_List); } cluck ("Starting EXPECT pattern matching...\r\n") if ($debug or $internal); my @ret; @ret = _multi_expect($timeout, $timeout_hook, map { [$_, @{$patterns{"$_"}}] } @object_list); if (@Expect::After_List) { print STDERR ("Starting AFTER pattern matching...\r\n") if ($debug or $internal); _multi_expect(0, undef, @Expect::After_List); } wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0]; } ###################################################################### # the real workhorse # sub _multi_expect($$@) { my $timeout = shift; my $timeout_hook = shift; if ($timeout_hook) { croak "Unknown timeout_hook type $timeout_hook" unless (ref($timeout_hook) eq 'CODE' or ref($timeout_hook) eq 'ARRAY'); } foreach my $pat (@_) { my @patterns = @{$pat}[1..$#{$pat}]; foreach my $exp (@{$pat->[0]}) { ${*$exp}{exp_New_Data} = 1; # first round we always try to match if (exists ${*$exp}{"exp_Max_Accum"} and ${*$exp}{"exp_Max_Accum"}) { ${*$exp}{exp_Accum} = $exp->_trim_length(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, ${*$exp}{exp_Max_Accum}); } print STDERR ("${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: beginning expect.\r\n", "\tTimeout: ", (defined($timeout) ? $timeout : "unlimited" ), " seconds.\r\n", "\tCurrent time: ". localtime(). "\r\n", ) if $Expect::Debug; # What are we expecting? What do you expect? :-) if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}) { print STDERR "${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: list of patterns:\r\n"; foreach my $pattern (@patterns) { print STDERR (' ', defined($pattern->[0])? '#'. $pattern->[0].': ' : '', $pattern->[1], " `", _make_readable($pattern->[2]), "'\r\n"); } print STDERR "\r\n"; } } } my $successful_pattern; my $exp_matched; my $err; my $before; my $after; my $match; my @matchlist; # Set the last loop time to now for time comparisons at end of loop. my $start_loop_time = time(); my $exp_cont = 1; READLOOP: while ($exp_cont) { $exp_cont = 1; $err = ""; my $rmask = ''; my $time_left = undef; if (defined $timeout) { $time_left = $timeout - (time() - $start_loop_time); $time_left = 0 if $time_left < 0; } $exp_matched = undef; # Test for a match first so we can test the current Accum w/out # worrying about an EOF. foreach my $pat (@_) { my @patterns = @{$pat}[1..$#{$pat}]; foreach my $exp (@{$pat->[0]}) { # build mask for select in next section... my $fn = $exp->fileno(); vec($rmask, $fn, 1) = 1 if defined $fn; next unless ${*$exp}{exp_New_Data}; # clear error status ${*$exp}{exp_Error} = undef; # This could be huge. We should attempt to do something # about this. Because the output is used for debugging # I'm of the opinion that showing smaller amounts if the # total is huge should be ok. # Thus the 'trim_length' print STDERR ("\r\n${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: Does `", $exp->_trim_length(_make_readable(${*$exp}{exp_Accum})), "'\r\nmatch:\r\n") if ${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}; # we don't keep the parameter number anymore # (clashes with before & after), instead the parameter number is # stored inside the pattern; we keep the pattern ref # and look up the number later. foreach my $pattern (@patterns) { print STDERR (" pattern", defined($pattern->[0])? ' #' . $pattern->[0] : '', ": ", $pattern->[1], " `", _make_readable($pattern->[2]), "'? ") if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}); # Matching exactly if ($pattern->[1] eq '-ex') { my $match_index = index(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, $pattern->[2]); # We matched if $match_index > -1 if ($match_index > -1) { $before = substr(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, 0, $match_index); $match = substr(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, $match_index, length($pattern->[2])); $after = substr(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, $match_index + length($pattern->[2])) ; ${*$exp}{exp_Before} = $before; ${*$exp}{exp_Match} = $match; ${*$exp}{exp_After} = $after; ${*$exp}{exp_Match_Number} = $pattern->[0]; $exp_matched = $exp; } } elsif ($pattern->[1] eq '-re') { # m// in array context promises to return an empty list # but doesn't if the pattern doesn't contain brackets (), # so we kludge around by adding an empty bracket # at the end. if ($Expect::Multiline_Matching) { @matchlist = (${*$exp}{exp_Accum} =~ m/$pattern->[2]()/m); ($match, $before, $after) = ($&, $`, $'); } else { @matchlist = (${*$exp}{exp_Accum} =~ m/$pattern->[2]()/); ($match, $before, $after) = ($&, $`, $'); } if (@matchlist) { # Matching regexp ${*$exp}{exp_Before} = $before; ${*$exp}{exp_Match} = $match; ${*$exp}{exp_After} = $after; pop @matchlist; # remove kludged empty bracket from end @{${*$exp}{exp_Matchlist}} = @matchlist; ${*$exp}{exp_Match_Number} = $pattern->[0]; $exp_matched = $exp; } } else { # 'timeout' or 'eof' } if ($exp_matched) { ${*$exp}{exp_Accum} = $after unless ${*$exp}{exp_NoTransfer}; print STDERR "YES!!\r\n" if ${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}; print STDERR (" Before match string: `", $exp->_trim_length(_make_readable(($before))), "'\r\n", " Match string: `", _make_readable($match), "'\r\n", " After match string: `", $exp->_trim_length(_make_readable(($after))), "'\r\n", " Matchlist: (", join(", ", map { "`".$exp->_trim_length(_make_readable(($_)))."'" } @matchlist, ), ")\r\n", ) if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}); # call hook function if defined if ($pattern->[3]) { print STDERR ("Calling hook $pattern->[3]...\r\n", ) if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal} or $Expect::Debug); if ($#{$pattern} > 3) { # call with parameters if given $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp, @{$pattern}[4..$#{$pattern}]); } else { $exp_cont = &{$pattern->[3]}($exp); } } if ($exp_cont and $exp_cont eq exp_continue) { print STDERR ("Continuing expect, restarting timeout...\r\n") if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal} or $Expect::Debug); $start_loop_time = time(); # restart timeout count next READLOOP; } elsif ($exp_cont and $exp_cont eq exp_continue_timeout) { print STDERR ("Continuing expect...\r\n") if (${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal} or $Expect::Debug); next READLOOP; } last READLOOP; } print STDERR "No.\r\n" if ${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}; } print STDERR "\r\n" if ${*$exp}{exp_Exp_Internal}; # don't have to match again until we get new data ${*$exp}{exp_New_Data} = 0; } } # End of matching section # No match, let's see what is pending on the filehandles... print STDERR ("Waiting for new data (", defined($time_left)? $time_left : 'unlimited', " seconds)...\r\n", ) if ($Expect::Exp_Internal or $Expect::Debug); my $nfound; SELECT: { $nfound = select($rmask, undef, undef, $time_left); if ($nfound < 0) { if ($!{EINTR} and $Expect::IgnoreEintr) { print STDERR ("ignoring EINTR, restarting select()...\r\n") if ($Expect::Exp_Internal or $Expect::Debug); next SELECT; } print STDERR ("select() returned error code '$!'\r\n") if ($Expect::Exp_Internal or $Expect::Debug); # returned error $err = "4:$!"; last READLOOP; } } # go until we don't find something (== timeout). if ($nfound == 0) { # No pattern, no EOF. Did we time out? $err = "1:TIMEOUT"; foreach my $pat (@_) { foreach my $exp (@{$pat->[0]}) { $before = ${*$exp}{exp_Before} = ${*$exp}{exp_Accum}; next if not defined $exp->fileno(); # skip already closed ${*$exp}{exp_Error} = $err unless ${*$exp}{exp_Error}; } } print STDERR ("TIMEOUT\r\n") if ($Expect::Debug or $Expect::Exp_Internal); if ($timeout_hook) { my $ret; print STDERR ("Calling timeout function $timeout_hook...\r\n") if ($Expect::Debug or $Expect::Exp_Internal); if (ref($timeout_hook) eq 'CODE') { $ret = &{$timeout_hook}($_[0]->[0]); } else { if ($#{$timeout_hook} > 3) { $ret = &{$timeout_hook->[3]}($_[0]->[0], @{$timeout_hook}[4..$#{$timeout_hook}]); } else { $ret = &{$timeout_hook->[3]}($_[0]->[0]); } } if ($ret and $ret eq exp_continue) { $start_loop_time = time(); # restart timeout count next READLOOP; } } last READLOOP; } my @bits = split(//,unpack('b*',$rmask)); foreach my $pat (@_) { foreach my $exp (@{$pat->[0]}) { next if not defined $exp->fileno(); # skip already closed if ($bits[$exp->fileno()]) { print STDERR ("${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: new data.\r\n") if $Expect::Debug; # read in what we found. my $buffer; my $nread = sysread($exp, $buffer, 2048); # Make errors (nread undef) show up as EOF. $nread = 0 unless defined ($nread); if ($nread == 0) { print STDERR ("${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: EOF\r\n") if ($Expect::Debug); $before = ${*$exp}{exp_Before} = $exp->clear_accum(); $err = "2:EOF"; ${*$exp}{exp_Error} = $err; ${*$exp}{exp_Has_EOF} = 1; $exp_cont = undef; foreach my $eof_pat (grep {$_->[1] eq '-eof'} @{$pat}[1..$#{$pat}]) { my $ret; print STDERR ("Calling EOF hook $eof_pat->[3]...\r\n", ) if ($Expect::Debug); if ($#{$eof_pat} > 3) { # call with parameters if given $ret = &{$eof_pat->[3]}($exp, @{$eof_pat}[4..$#{$eof_pat}]); } else { $ret = &{$eof_pat->[3]}($exp); } if ($ret and ($ret eq exp_continue or $ret eq exp_continue_timeout)) { $exp_cont = $ret; } } # is it dead? if (defined(${*$exp}{exp_Pid})) { my $ret = waitpid(${*$exp}{exp_Pid}, POSIX::WNOHANG); if ($ret == ${*$exp}{exp_Pid}) { printf STDERR ("%s: exit(0x%02X)\r\n", ${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?) if ($Expect::Debug); $err = "3:Child PID ${*$exp}{exp_Pid} exited with status $?"; ${*$exp}{exp_Error} = $err; ${*$exp}{exp_Exit} = $?; delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{${*$exp}{exp_Pid}}; ${*$exp}{exp_Pid} = undef; } } print STDERR ("${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: closing...\r\n") if ($Expect::Debug); $exp->hard_close(); next; } print STDERR ("${*$exp}{exp_Pty_Handle}: read $nread byte(s).\r\n") if ($Expect::Debug); # ugly hack for broken solaris ttys that spew <blank><backspace> # into our pretty output $buffer =~ s/ \cH//g if not ${*$exp}{exp_Raw_Pty}; # Append it to the accumulator. ${*$exp}{exp_Accum} .= $buffer; if (exists ${*$exp}{exp_Max_Accum} and ${*$exp}{exp_Max_Accum}) { ${*$exp}{exp_Accum} = $exp->_trim_length(${*$exp}{exp_Accum}, ${*$exp}{exp_Max_Accum}); } ${*$exp}{exp_New_Data} = 1; # next round we try to match again $exp_cont = exp_continue if (exists ${*$exp}{exp_Continue} and ${*$exp}{exp_Continue}); # Now propagate what we have read to other listeners... $exp->_print_handles($buffer); # End handle reading section. } } } # end read loop $start_loop_time = time() # restart timeout count if ($exp_cont and $exp_cont eq exp_continue); } # End READLOOP # Post loop. Do we have anything? # Tell us status if ($Expect::Debug or $Expect::Exp_Internal) { if ($exp_matched) { print STDERR ("Returning from expect ", ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Error} ? 'un' : '', "successfully.", ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Error} ? "\r\n Error: ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Error}." : '', "\r\n"); } else { print STDERR ("Returning from expect with TIMEOUT or EOF\r\n"); } if ($Expect::Debug and $exp_matched) { print STDERR " ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Pty_Handle}: accumulator: `"; if (${*$exp_matched}{exp_Error}) { print STDERR ($exp_matched->_trim_length (_make_readable(${*$exp_matched}{exp_Before})), "'\r\n"); } else { print STDERR ($exp_matched->_trim_length (_make_readable(${*$exp_matched}{exp_Accum})), "'\r\n"); } } } if ($exp_matched) { return wantarray? (${*$exp_matched}{exp_Match_Number}, ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Error}, ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Match}, ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Before}, ${*$exp_matched}{exp_After}, $exp_matched, ) : ${*$exp_matched}{exp_Match_Number}; } return wantarray? (undef, $err, undef, $before, undef, undef) : undef; } # Patterns are arrays that consist of # [ $pattern_type, $pattern, $sub, @subparms ] # optional $pattern_type is '-re' (RegExp, default) or '-ex' (exact); # $sub is optional CODE ref, which is called as &{$sub}($exp, @subparms) # if pattern matched; # the $parm_nr gets unshifted onto the array for reporting purposes. sub _add_patterns_to_list($$$@) { my $listref = shift; my $timeoutlistref = shift; # gets timeout patterns my $store_parm_nr = shift; my $parm_nr = $store_parm_nr || 1; foreach my $parm (@_) { if (not ref($parm) eq 'ARRAY') { return "Parameter #$parm_nr is not an ARRAY ref."; } $parm = [@$parm]; # make copy if ($parm->[0] =~ m/\A-/) { # it's an option if ($parm->[0] ne '-re' and $parm->[0] ne '-ex') { return "Unknown option $parm->[0] in pattern #$parm_nr"; } } else { if ($parm->[0] eq 'timeout') { if (defined $timeoutlistref) { splice @$parm, 0, 1, ("-$parm->[0]", undef); unshift @$parm, $store_parm_nr? $parm_nr: undef; push @$timeoutlistref, $parm; } next; } elsif ($parm->[0] eq 'eof') { splice @$parm, 0, 1, ("-$parm->[0]", undef); } else { unshift @$parm, '-re'; # defaults to RegExp } } if (@$parm > 2) { if (ref($parm->[2]) ne 'CODE') { croak ("Pattern #$parm_nr doesn't have a CODE reference", "after the pattern."); } } else { push @$parm, undef; # make sure we have three elements } unshift @$parm, $store_parm_nr? $parm_nr: undef; push @$listref, $parm; $parm_nr++ } return undef; } ###################################################################### # $process->interact([$in_handle],[$escape sequence]) # If you don't specify in_handle STDIN will be used. sub interact { my ($self) = (shift); my ($infile) = (shift); my ($escape_sequence) = shift; my ($in_object,$in_handle,@old_group,$return_value); my ($old_manual_stty_val,$old_log_stdout_val); my ($outfile,$out_object); @old_group = $self->set_group(); # If the handle is STDIN we'll # $infile->fileno == 0 should be stdin.. follow stdin rules. no strict 'subs'; # Allow bare word 'STDIN' unless (defined($infile)) { # We need a handle object Associated with STDIN. $infile = new IO::File; $infile->IO::File::fdopen(STDIN,'r'); $outfile = new IO::File; $outfile->IO::File::fdopen(STDOUT,'w'); } elsif (fileno($infile) == fileno(STDIN)) { # With STDIN we want output to go to stdout. $outfile = new IO::File; $outfile->IO::File::fdopen(STDOUT,'w'); } else { undef ($outfile); } # Here we assure ourselves we have an Expect object. $in_object = Expect->exp_init($infile); if (defined($outfile)) { # as above.. we want output to go to stdout if we're given stdin. $out_object = Expect->exp_init($outfile); $out_object->manual_stty(1); $self->set_group($out_object); } else { $self->set_group($in_object); } $in_object->set_group($self); $in_object->set_seq($escape_sequence,undef) if defined($escape_sequence); # interconnect normally sets stty -echo raw. Interact really sort # of implies we don't do that by default. If anyone wanted to they could # set it before calling interact, of use interconnect directly. $old_manual_stty_val = $self->manual_stty(); $self->manual_stty(1); # I think this is right. Don't send stuff from in_obj to stdout by default. # in theory whatever 'self' is should echo what's going on. $old_log_stdout_val = $self->log_stdout(); $self->log_stdout(0); $in_object->log_stdout(0); # Allow for the setting of an optional EOF escape function. # $in_object->set_seq('EOF',undef); # $self->set_seq('EOF',undef); Expect::interconnect($self,$in_object); $self->log_stdout($old_log_stdout_val); $self->set_group(@old_group); # If old_group was undef, make sure that occurs. This is a slight hack since # it modifies the value directly. # Normally an undef passed to set_group will return the current groups. # It is possible that it may be of worth to make it possible to undef # The current group without doing this. unless (@old_group) { @{${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group}} = (); } $self->manual_stty($old_manual_stty_val); return $return_value; } sub interconnect { # my ($handle)=(shift); call as Expect::interconnect($spawn1,$spawn2,...) my ($rmask,$nfound,$nread); my ($rout, @bits, $emask, $eout, @ebits ) = (); my ($escape_sequence,$escape_character_buffer); my (@handles) = @_; my ($handle,$read_handle,$write_handle); my ($read_mask,$temp_mask) = ('',''); # Get read/write handles foreach $handle (@handles) { $temp_mask = ''; vec($temp_mask,$handle->fileno(),1) = 1; # Under Linux w/ 5.001 the next line comes up w/ 'Uninit var.'. # It appears to be impossible to make the warning go away. # doing something like $temp_mask='' unless defined ($temp_mask) # has no effect whatsoever. This may be a bug in 5.001. $read_mask = $read_mask | $temp_mask; } if ($Expect::Debug) { print STDERR "Read handles:\r\n"; foreach $handle (@handles) { print STDERR "\tRead handle: "; print STDERR "'${*$handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}'\r\n"; print STDERR "\t\tListen Handles:"; foreach $write_handle (@{${*$handle}{exp_Listen_Group}}) { print STDERR " '${*$write_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}'"; } print STDERR ".\r\n"; } } # I think if we don't set raw/-echo here we may have trouble. We don't # want a bunch of echoing crap making all the handles jabber at each other. foreach $handle (@handles) { unless (${*$handle}{"exp_Manual_Stty"}) { # This is probably O/S specific. ${*$handle}{exp_Stored_Stty} = $handle->exp_stty('-g'); print STDERR "Setting tty for ${*$handle}{exp_Pty_Handle} to 'raw -echo'.\r\n"if ${*$handle}{"exp_Debug"}; $handle->exp_stty("raw -echo"); } foreach $write_handle (@{${*$handle}{exp_Listen_Group}}) { unless (${*$write_handle}{"exp_Manual_Stty"}) { ${*$write_handle}{exp_Stored_Stty} = $write_handle->exp_stty('-g'); print STDERR "Setting ${*$write_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle} to 'raw -echo'.\r\n"if ${*$handle}{"exp_Debug"}; $write_handle->exp_stty("raw -echo"); } } } print STDERR "Attempting interconnection\r\n" if $Expect::Debug; # Wait until the process dies or we get EOF # In the case of !${*$handle}{exp_Pid} it means # the handle was exp_inited instead of spawned. CONNECT_LOOP: # Go until we have a reason to stop while (1) { # test each handle to see if it's still alive. foreach $read_handle (@handles) { waitpid(${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}, WNOHANG) if (exists (${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}) and ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}); if (exists(${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}) and (${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}) and (! kill(0,${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}))) { print STDERR "Got EOF (${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle} died) reading ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n" if ${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"}; last CONNECT_LOOP unless defined(${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}); last CONNECT_LOOP unless &{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}}(@{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Parameters}}{"EOF"}}); } } # Every second? No, go until we get something from someone. ($nfound) = select($rout = $read_mask, undef, $eout = $emask, undef); # Is there anything to share? May be -1 if interrupted by a signal... next CONNECT_LOOP if not defined $nfound or $nfound < 1; # Which handles have stuff? @bits = split(//,unpack('b*',$rout)); $eout = 0 unless defined ($eout); @ebits = split(//,unpack('b*',$eout)); # print "Ebits: $eout\r\n"; foreach $read_handle (@handles) { if ($bits[$read_handle->fileno()]) { $nread = sysread( $read_handle, ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer}, 1024 ); # Appease perl -w $nread = 0 unless defined ($nread); print STDERR "interconnect: read $nread byte(s) from ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if ${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"} > 1; # Test for escape seq. before printing. # Appease perl -w $escape_character_buffer = '' unless defined ($escape_character_buffer); $escape_character_buffer .= ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer}; foreach $escape_sequence (keys(%{${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}})) { print STDERR "Tested escape sequence $escape_sequence from ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}"if ${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"} > 1; # Make sure it doesn't grow out of bounds. $escape_character_buffer = $read_handle->_trim_length($escape_character_buffer,${*$read_handle}{"exp_Max_Accum"}) if (${*$read_handle}{"exp_Max_Accum"}); if ($escape_character_buffer =~ /($escape_sequence)/) { if (${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"}) { print STDERR "\r\ninterconnect got escape sequence from ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n"; # I'm going to make the esc. seq. pretty because it will # probably contain unprintable characters. print STDERR "\tEscape Sequence: '"._trim_length(undef,_make_readable($escape_sequence))."'\r\n"; print STDERR "\tMatched by string: '"._trim_length(undef,_make_readable($&))."'\r\n"; } # Print out stuff before the escape. # Keep in mind that the sequence may have been split up # over several reads. # Let's get rid of it from this read. If part of it was # in the last read there's not a lot we can do about it now. if (${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer} =~ /($escape_sequence)/) { $read_handle->_print_handles($`); } else { $read_handle->_print_handles(${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer}) } # Clear the buffer so no more matches can be made and it will # only be printed one time. ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer} = ''; $escape_character_buffer = ''; # Do the function here. Must return non-zero to continue. # More cool syntax. Maybe I should turn these in to objects. last CONNECT_LOOP unless &{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{$escape_sequence}}(@{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Parameters}}{$escape_sequence}}); } } $nread = 0 unless defined($nread); # Appease perl -w? waitpid(${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}, WNOHANG) if (defined (${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}) &&${*$read_handle}{exp_Pid}); if ($nread == 0) { print STDERR "Got EOF reading ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n"if ${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"}; last CONNECT_LOOP unless defined(${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}); last CONNECT_LOOP unless &{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}}(@{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Parameters}}{"EOF"}}); } last CONNECT_LOOP if ($nread < 0); # This would be an error $read_handle->_print_handles(${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Buffer}); } # I'm removing this because I haven't determined what causes exceptions # consistently. if (0) #$ebits[$read_handle->fileno()]) { print STDERR "Got Exception reading ${*$read_handle}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n"if ${*$read_handle}{"exp_Debug"}; last CONNECT_LOOP unless defined(${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}); last CONNECT_LOOP unless &{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Function}}{"EOF"}}(@{${${*$read_handle}{exp_Parameters}}{"EOF"}}); } } } foreach $handle (@handles) { unless (${*$handle}{"exp_Manual_Stty"}) { $handle->exp_stty(${*$handle}{exp_Stored_Stty}); } foreach $write_handle (@{${*$handle}{exp_Listen_Group}}) { unless (${*$write_handle}{"exp_Manual_Stty"}) { $write_handle->exp_stty(${*$write_handle}{exp_Stored_Stty}); } } } } # user can decide if log output gets also sent to logfile sub print_log_file { my $self = shift; if (${*$self}{exp_Log_File}) { if (ref(${*$self}{exp_Log_File}) eq 'CODE') { ${*$self}{exp_Log_File}->(@_); } else { ${*$self}{exp_Log_File}->print(@_); } } } # we provide our own print so we can debug what gets sent to the # processes... sub print (@) { my ($self, @args) = @_; return if not defined $self->fileno(); # skip if closed if (${*$self}{exp_Exp_Internal}) { my $args = _make_readable(join('', @args)); cluck "Sending '$args' to ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n"; } foreach my $arg (@args) { while (length($arg) > 80) { $self->SUPER::print(substr($arg, 0, 80)); $arg = substr($arg, 80); } $self->SUPER::print($arg); } } # make an alias for Tcl/Expect users for a DWIM experience... *send = \&print; # This is an Expect standard. It's nice for talking to modems and the like # where from time to time they get unhappy if you send items too quickly. sub send_slow{ my ($self) = shift; my($char,@linechars,$nfound,$rmask); return if not defined $self->fileno(); # skip if closed my($sleep_time) = shift; # Flushing makes it so each character can be seen separately. my $chunk; while ($chunk = shift) { @linechars = split ('', $chunk); foreach $char (@linechars) { # How slow? select (undef,undef,undef,$sleep_time); print $self $char; print STDERR "Printed character \'"._make_readable($char)."\' to ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if ${*$self}{"exp_Debug"} > 1; # I think I can get away with this if I save it in accum if (${*$self}{"exp_Log_Stdout"} ||${*$self}{exp_Log_Group}) { $rmask = ""; vec($rmask,$self->fileno(),1) = 1; # .01 sec granularity should work. If we miss something it will # probably get flushed later, maybe in an expect call. while (select($rmask,undef,undef,.01)) { my $ret = sysread($self,${*$self}{exp_Pty_Buffer},1024); last if not defined $ret or $ret == 0; # Is this necessary to keep? Probably.. # # if you need to expect it later. ${*$self}{exp_Accum}.= ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Buffer}; ${*$self}{exp_Accum} = $self->_trim_length(${*$self}{exp_Accum},${*$self}{"exp_Max_Accum"}) if (${*$self}{"exp_Max_Accum"}); $self->_print_handles(${*$self}{exp_Pty_Buffer}); print STDERR "Received \'".$self->_trim_length(_make_readable($char))."\' from ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}\r\n" if ${*$self}{"exp_Debug"} > 1; } } } } } sub test_handles { # This should be called by Expect::test_handles($timeout,@objects); my ($rmask, $allmask, $rout, $nfound, @bits); my ($timeout) = shift; my (@handle_list) = @_; my($handle); foreach $handle (@handle_list) { $rmask = ''; vec($rmask,$handle->fileno(),1) = 1; $allmask = '' unless defined ($allmask); $allmask = $allmask | $rmask; } ($nfound) = select($rout = $allmask, undef, undef, $timeout); return () unless $nfound; # Which handles have stuff? @bits = split(//,unpack('b*',$rout)); my $handle_num = 0; my @return_list = (); foreach $handle (@handle_list) { # I go to great lengths to get perl -w to shut the hell up. if (defined($bits[$handle->fileno()]) and ($bits[$handle->fileno()])) { push(@return_list,$handle_num); } } continue { $handle_num++; } return (@return_list); } # Be nice close. This should emulate what an interactive shell does after a # command finishes... sort of. We're not as patient as a shell. sub soft_close { my($self) = shift; my($nfound,$nread,$rmask,$returned_pid); my($end_time,$select_time,$temp_buffer); my($close_status); # Give it 15 seconds to cough up an eof. cluck "Closing ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if ${*$self}{exp_Debug}; return -1 if not defined $self->fileno(); # skip if handle already closed unless (exists ${*$self}{exp_Has_EOF} and ${*$self}{exp_Has_EOF}) { $end_time = time() + 15; while ($end_time > time()) { $select_time = $end_time - time(); # Sanity check. $select_time = 0 if $select_time < 0; $rmask = ''; vec($rmask,$self->fileno(),1) = 1; ($nfound) = select($rmask,undef,undef,$select_time); last unless (defined($nfound) && $nfound); $nread = sysread($self,$temp_buffer,8096); # 0 = EOF. unless (defined($nread) && $nread) { print STDERR "Got EOF from ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if ${*$self}{exp_Debug}; last; } $self->_print_handles($temp_buffer); } if (($end_time <= time()) && ${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { print STDERR "Timed out waiting for an EOF from ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n"; } } if ( ($close_status = $self->close()) && ${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { print STDERR "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} closed.\r\n"; } # quit now if it isn't a process. return $close_status unless defined(${*$self}{exp_Pid}); # Now give it 15 seconds to die. $end_time = time() + 15; while ($end_time > time()) { $returned_pid = waitpid(${*$self}{exp_Pid}, &WNOHANG); # Stop here if the process dies. if (defined($returned_pid) && $returned_pid) { delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{$returned_pid}; if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { printf STDERR ("Pid %d of %s exited, Status: 0x%02X\r\n", ${*$self}{exp_Pid}, ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?); } ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; ${*$self}{exp_Exit} = $?; return ${*$self}{exp_Exit}; } sleep 1; # Keep loop nice. } # Send it a term if it isn't dead. if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { print STDERR "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} not exiting, sending TERM.\r\n"; } kill TERM => ${*$self}{exp_Pid}; # Now to be anal retentive.. wait 15 more seconds for it to die. $end_time = time() + 15; while ($end_time > time()) { $returned_pid = waitpid(${*$self}{exp_Pid}, &WNOHANG); if (defined($returned_pid) && $returned_pid) { delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{$returned_pid}; if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { printf STDERR ("Pid %d of %s terminated, Status: 0x%02X\r\n", ${*$self}{exp_Pid}, ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?); } ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; ${*$self}{exp_Exit} = $?; return $?; } sleep 1; } # Since this is a 'soft' close, sending it a -9 would be inappropriate. return undef; } # 'Make it go away' close. sub hard_close { my($self) = shift; my($nfound,$nread,$rmask,$returned_pid); my($end_time,$select_time,$temp_buffer); my($close_status); cluck "Closing ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if ${*$self}{exp_Debug}; # Don't wait for an EOF. if ( ($close_status = $self->close()) && ${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { print STDERR "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} closed.\r\n"; } # Return now if handle. return $close_status unless defined(${*$self}{exp_Pid}); # Now give it 5 seconds to die. Less patience here if it won't die. $end_time = time() + 5; while ($end_time > time()) { $returned_pid = waitpid(${*$self}{exp_Pid}, &WNOHANG); # Stop here if the process dies. if (defined($returned_pid) && $returned_pid) { delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{$returned_pid}; if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { printf STDERR ("Pid %d of %s terminated, Status: 0x%02X\r\n", ${*$self}{exp_Pid}, ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?); } ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; ${*$self}{exp_Exit} = $?; return ${*$self}{exp_Exit}; } sleep 1; # Keep loop nice. } # Send it a term if it isn't dead. if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { print STDERR "${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} not exiting, sending TERM.\r\n"; } kill TERM => ${*$self}{exp_Pid}; # wait 15 more seconds for it to die. $end_time = time() + 15; while ($end_time > time()) { $returned_pid = waitpid(${*$self}{exp_Pid}, &WNOHANG); if (defined($returned_pid) && $returned_pid) { delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{$returned_pid}; if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { printf STDERR ("Pid %d of %s terminated, Status: 0x%02X\r\n", ${*$self}{exp_Pid}, ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?); } ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; ${*$self}{exp_Exit} = $?; return ${*$self}{exp_Exit}; } sleep 1; } kill KILL => ${*$self}{exp_Pid}; # wait 5 more seconds for it to die. $end_time = time() + 5; while ($end_time > time()) { $returned_pid = waitpid(${*$self}{exp_Pid}, &WNOHANG); if (defined($returned_pid) && $returned_pid) { delete $Expect::Spawned_PIDs{$returned_pid}; if (${*$self}{exp_Debug}) { printf STDERR ("Pid %d of %s killed, Status: 0x%02X\r\n", ${*$self}{exp_Pid}, ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}, $?); } ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; ${*$self}{exp_Exit} = $?; return ${*$self}{exp_Exit}; } sleep 1; } warn "Pid ${*$self}{exp_Pid} of ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} is HUNG.\r\n"; ${*$self}{exp_Pid} = undef; return undef; } # These should not be called externally. sub _init_vars { my($self) = shift; # for every spawned process or filehandle. ${*$self}{exp_Log_Stdout} = $Expect::Log_Stdout if defined ($Expect::Log_Stdout); ${*$self}{exp_Log_Group} = $Expect::Log_Group; ${*$self}{exp_Debug} = $Expect::Debug; ${*$self}{exp_Exp_Internal} = $Expect::Exp_Internal; ${*$self}{exp_Manual_Stty} = $Expect::Manual_Stty; ${*$self}{exp_Stored_Stty} = 'sane'; ${*$self}{exp_Do_Soft_Close} = $Expect::Do_Soft_Close; # sysread doesn't like my or local vars. ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Buffer} = ''; # Initialize accumulator. ${*$self}{exp_Max_Accum} = $Expect::Exp_Max_Accum; ${*$self}{exp_Accum} = ''; ${*$self}{exp_NoTransfer} = 0; # create empty expect_before & after lists ${*$self}{exp_expect_before_list} = []; ${*$self}{exp_expect_after_list} = []; } sub _make_readable { my $s = shift; $s = '' if not defined ($s); study $s; # Speed things up? $s =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # So we can tell easily(?) what is a backslash $s =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $s =~ s/\r/\\r/g; $s =~ s/\t/\\t/g; $s =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; # So we can tell whassa quote and whassa notta quote. $s =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; # Formfeed (does anyone use formfeed?) $s =~ s/\f/\\f/g; $s =~ s/\010/\\b/g; # escape control chars high/low, but allow ISO 8859-1 chars $s =~ s/[\000-\037\177-\237\377]/sprintf("\\%03lo",ord($&))/ge; return $s; } sub _trim_length { # This is sort of a reverse truncation function # Mostly so we don't have to see the full output when we're using # Also used if Max_Accum gets set to limit the size of the accumulator # for matching functions. # exp_internal my($self) = shift; my($string) = shift; my($length) = shift; # If we're not passed a length (_trim_length is being used for debugging # purposes) AND debug >= 3, don't trim. return($string) if (defined ($self) and ${*$self}{"exp_Debug"} >= 3 and (!(defined($length)))); my($indicate_truncation) = '...' unless $length; $length = 1021 unless $length; return($string) unless $length < length($string); # We wouldn't want the accumulator to begin with '...' if max_accum is passed # This is because this funct. gets called internally w/ max_accum # and is also used to print information back to the user. return $indicate_truncation.substr($string,(length($string) - $length),$length); } sub _print_handles { # Given crap from 'self' and the handles self wants to print to, print to # them. these are indicated by the handle's 'group' my($self) = shift; my($print_this) = shift; my($handle); if (${*$self}{exp_Log_Group}) { foreach $handle (@{${*$self}{exp_Listen_Group}}) { $print_this = '' unless defined ($print_this); # Appease perl -w print STDERR "Printed '".$self->_trim_length(_make_readable($print_this))."' to ${*$handle}{exp_Pty_Handle} from ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle}.\r\n" if (${*$handle}{"exp_Debug"} > 1); print $handle $print_this; } } # If ${*$self}{exp_Pty_Handle} is STDIN this would make it echo. print STDOUT $print_this if ${*$self}{"exp_Log_Stdout"}; $self->print_log_file($print_this); $|= 1; # This should not be necessary but autoflush() doesn't always work. } sub _get_mode { my($fcntl_flags) = ''; my($handle) = shift; # What mode are we opening with? use fcntl to find out. $fcntl_flags = fcntl(\*{$handle},Fcntl::F_GETFL,$fcntl_flags); die "fcntl returned undef during exp_init of $handle, $!\r\n" unless defined($fcntl_flags); if ($fcntl_flags | (Fcntl::O_RDWR)) { return 'rw'; } elsif ($fcntl_flags | (Fcntl::O_WRONLY)) { return 'w' } else { # Under Solaris (among others?) O_RDONLY is implemented as 0. so |O_RDONLY would fail. return 'r'; } } sub _undef { return undef; # Seems a little retarded but &CORE::undef fails in interconnect. # This is used for the default escape sequence function. # w/out the leading & it won't compile. } # clean up child processes sub DESTROY { my $status = $?; # save this as it gets mangled by the terminating spawned children my $self = shift; if (${*$self}{exp_Do_Soft_Close}) { $self->soft_close(); } $self->hard_close(); $? = $status; # restore it. otherwise deleting an Expect object may mangle $?, which is unintuitive } 1;