Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home2/sarkar82/www/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home2/sarkar82/www/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/controlgroup.js |
/*! * jQuery UI Controlgroup 1.13.3 * https://jqueryui.com * * Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors * Released under the MIT license. * https://jquery.org/license */ //>>label: Controlgroup //>>group: Widgets //>>description: Visually groups form control widgets //>>docs: https://api.jqueryui.com/controlgroup/ //>>demos: https://jqueryui.com/controlgroup/ //>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/core.css //>>css.structure: ../../themes/base/controlgroup.css //>>css.theme: ../../themes/base/theme.css ( function( factory ) { "use strict"; if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module. define( [ "jquery", "../widget" ], factory ); } else { // Browser globals factory( jQuery ); } } )( function( $ ) { "use strict"; var controlgroupCornerRegex = /ui-corner-([a-z]){2,6}/g; return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", { version: "1.13.3", defaultElement: "<div>", options: { direction: "horizontal", disabled: null, onlyVisible: true, items: { "button": "input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], button, a", "controlgroupLabel": ".ui-controlgroup-label", "checkboxradio": "input[type='checkbox'], input[type='radio']", "selectmenu": "select", "spinner": ".ui-spinner-input" } }, _create: function() { this._enhance(); }, // To support the enhanced option in jQuery Mobile, we isolate DOM manipulation _enhance: function() { this.element.attr( "role", "toolbar" ); this.refresh(); }, _destroy: function() { this._callChildMethod( "destroy" ); this.childWidgets.removeData( "ui-controlgroup-data" ); this.element.removeAttr( "role" ); if ( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel ) { this.element .find( this.options.items.controlgroupLabel ) .find( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" ) .contents().unwrap(); } }, _initWidgets: function() { var that = this, childWidgets = []; // First we iterate over each of the items options $.each( this.options.items, function( widget, selector ) { var labels; var options = {}; // Make sure the widget has a selector set if ( !selector ) { return; } if ( widget === "controlgroupLabel" ) { labels = that.element.find( selector ); labels.each( function() { var element = $( this ); if ( element.children( ".ui-controlgroup-label-contents" ).length ) { return; } element.contents() .wrapAll( "<span class='ui-controlgroup-label-contents'></span>" ); } ); that._addClass( labels, null, "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-state-default" ); childWidgets = childWidgets.concat( labels.get() ); return; } // Make sure the widget actually exists if ( !$.fn[ widget ] ) { return; } // We assume everything is in the middle to start because we can't determine // first / last elements until all enhancments are done. if ( that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ] ) { options = that[ "_" + widget + "Options" ]( "middle" ); } else { options = { classes: {} }; } // Find instances of this widget inside controlgroup and init them that.element .find( selector ) .each( function() { var element = $( this ); var instance = element[ widget ]( "instance" ); // We need to clone the default options for this type of widget to avoid // polluting the variable options which has a wider scope than a single widget. var instanceOptions = $.widget.extend( {}, options ); // If the button is the child of a spinner ignore it // TODO: Find a more generic solution if ( widget === "button" && element.parent( ".ui-spinner" ).length ) { return; } // Create the widget if it doesn't exist if ( !instance ) { instance = element[ widget ]()[ widget ]( "instance" ); } if ( instance ) { instanceOptions.classes = that._resolveClassesValues( instanceOptions.classes, instance ); } element[ widget ]( instanceOptions ); // Store an instance of the controlgroup to be able to reference // from the outermost element for changing options and refresh var widgetElement = element[ widget ]( "widget" ); $.data( widgetElement[ 0 ], "ui-controlgroup-data", instance ? instance : element[ widget ]( "instance" ) ); childWidgets.push( widgetElement[ 0 ] ); } ); } ); this.childWidgets = $( $.uniqueSort( childWidgets ) ); this._addClass( this.childWidgets, "ui-controlgroup-item" ); }, _callChildMethod: function( method ) { this.childWidgets.each( function() { var element = $( this ), data = element.data( "ui-controlgroup-data" ); if ( data && data[ method ] ) { data[ method ](); } } ); }, _updateCornerClass: function( element, position ) { var remove = "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-corner-all"; var add = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "label" ).classes.label; this._removeClass( element, null, remove ); this._addClass( element, null, add ); }, _buildSimpleOptions: function( position, key ) { var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical"; var result = { classes: {} }; result.classes[ key ] = { "middle": "", "first": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" ), "last": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" ), "only": "ui-corner-all" }[ position ]; return result; }, _spinnerOptions: function( position ) { var options = this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-spinner" ); options.classes[ "ui-spinner-up" ] = ""; options.classes[ "ui-spinner-down" ] = ""; return options; }, _buttonOptions: function( position ) { return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-button" ); }, _checkboxradioOptions: function( position ) { return this._buildSimpleOptions( position, "ui-checkboxradio-label" ); }, _selectmenuOptions: function( position ) { var direction = this.options.direction === "vertical"; return { width: direction ? "auto" : false, classes: { middle: { "ui-selectmenu-button-open": "", "ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "" }, first: { "ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "tl" ), "ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "top" : "left" ) }, last: { "ui-selectmenu-button-open": direction ? "" : "ui-corner-tr", "ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-" + ( direction ? "bottom" : "right" ) }, only: { "ui-selectmenu-button-open": "ui-corner-top", "ui-selectmenu-button-closed": "ui-corner-all" } }[ position ] }; }, _resolveClassesValues: function( classes, instance ) { var result = {}; $.each( classes, function( key ) { var current = instance.options.classes[ key ] || ""; current = String.prototype.trim.call( current.replace( controlgroupCornerRegex, "" ) ); result[ key ] = ( current + " " + classes[ key ] ).replace( /\s+/g, " " ); } ); return result; }, _setOption: function( key, value ) { if ( key === "direction" ) { this._removeClass( "ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction ); } this._super( key, value ); if ( key === "disabled" ) { this._callChildMethod( value ? "disable" : "enable" ); return; } this.refresh(); }, refresh: function() { var children, that = this; this._addClass( "ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-" + this.options.direction ); if ( this.options.direction === "horizontal" ) { this._addClass( null, "ui-helper-clearfix" ); } this._initWidgets(); children = this.childWidgets; // We filter here because we need to track all childWidgets not just the visible ones if ( this.options.onlyVisible ) { children = children.filter( ":visible" ); } if ( children.length ) { // We do this last because we need to make sure all enhancment is done // before determining first and last $.each( [ "first", "last" ], function( index, value ) { var instance = children[ value ]().data( "ui-controlgroup-data" ); if ( instance && that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ] ) { var options = that[ "_" + instance.widgetName + "Options" ]( children.length === 1 ? "only" : value ); options.classes = that._resolveClassesValues( options.classes, instance ); instance.element[ instance.widgetName ]( options ); } else { that._updateCornerClass( children[ value ](), value ); } } ); // Finally call the refresh method on each of the child widgets. this._callChildMethod( "refresh" ); } } } ); } );