Current Path : /proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/pagelayer/js/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home2/sarkar82/www/wp-content/plugins/pagelayer/js/pen.js |
/*! Licensed under MIT, https://github.com/sofish/pen */ (function(root, doc) { var Pen, debugMode, selection, utils = {}; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var slice = Array.prototype.slice; // allow command list var commandsReg = { block: /^(?:p|h[1-6]|blockquote|pre)$/, inline: /^(?:bold|italic|underline|insertorderedlist|insertunorderedlist|indent|outdent)$/, source: /^(?:createlink|unlink)$/, insert: /^(?:inserthorizontalrule|insertimage|insert)$/, wrap: /^(?:code)$/ }; var lineBreakReg = /^(?:blockquote|pre|div)$/i; var effectNodeReg = /(?:[pubia]|h[1-6]|blockquote|[uo]l|li)/i; var strReg = { whiteSpace: /(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, mailTo: /^(?!mailto:|.+\/|.+#|.+\?)(.*@.*\..+)$/, http: /^(?!\w+?:\/\/|mailto:|\/|\.\/|\?|#)(.*)$/ }; var autoLinkReg = { url: /((https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[^\s<]{3,}/gi, prefix: /^(?:https?|ftp):\/\//i, notLink: /^(?:img|a|input|audio|video|source|code|pre|script|head|title|style)$/i, maxLength: 100 }; // type detect utils.is = function(obj, type) { return toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1) === type; }; utils.forEach = function(obj, iterator, arrayLike) { if (!obj) return; if (arrayLike == null) arrayLike = utils.is(obj, 'Array'); if (arrayLike) { for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) iterator(obj[i], i, obj); } else { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) iterator(obj[key], key, obj); } } }; // copy props from a obj utils.copy = function(defaults, source) { utils.forEach(source, function (value, key) { defaults[key] = utils.is(value, 'Object') ? utils.copy({}, value) : utils.is(value, 'Array') ? utils.copy([], value) : value; }); return defaults; }; // log utils.log = function(message, force) { if (debugMode || force) console.log('%cPEN DEBUGGER: %c' + message, 'font-family:arial,sans-serif;color:#1abf89;line-height:2em;', 'font-family:cursor,monospace;color:#333;'); }; utils.delayExec = function (fn) { var timer = null; return function (delay) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { fn(); }, delay || 1); }; }; // merge: make it easy to have a fallback utils.merge = function(config) { // default settings var defaults = { class: 'pen', debug: false, toolbar: null, // custom toolbar stay: config.stay || !config.debug, stayMsg: 'Are you going to leave here?', textarea: '<textarea name="content"></textarea>', list: [ 'blockquote', 'h2', 'h3', 'p', 'code', 'insertorderedlist', 'insertunorderedlist', 'inserthorizontalrule', 'indent', 'outdent', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'createlink', 'insertimage' ], titles: {}, cleanAttrs: ['id', 'class', 'style', 'name'], cleanTags: ['script'], linksInNewWindow: false }; // user-friendly config if (config.nodeType === 1) { defaults.editor = config; } else if (config.match && config.match(/^#[\S]+$/)) { defaults.editor = doc.getElementById(config.slice(1)); } else { defaults = utils.copy(defaults, config); } return defaults; }; function commandOverall(ctx, cmd, val) { var message = ' to exec 「' + cmd + '」 command' + (val ? (' with value: ' + val) : ''); try { doc.execCommand(cmd, false, val); } catch(err) { // TODO: there's an error when insert a image to document, but not a bug return utils.log('fail' + message, true); } utils.log('success' + message); } function commandInsert(ctx, name, val) { var node = getNode(ctx); if (!node) return; ctx._range.selectNode(node); ctx._range.collapse(false); // hide menu when a image was inserted if(name === 'insertimage' && ctx._menu) toggleNode(ctx._menu, true); return commandOverall(ctx, name, val); } function commandBlock(ctx, name) { var list = effectNode(ctx, getNode(ctx), true); if (list.indexOf(name) !== -1) name = 'p'; return commandOverall(ctx, 'formatblock', name); } function commandWrap(ctx, tag, value) { value = '<' + tag + '>' + (value||selection.toString()) + '</' + tag + '>'; return commandOverall(ctx, 'insertHTML', value); } function commandLink(ctx, tag, value) { if (ctx.config.linksInNewWindow) { value = '< a href="' + value + '" target="_blank">' + (selection.toString()) + '</a>'; return commandOverall(ctx, 'insertHTML', value); } else { return commandOverall(ctx, tag, value); } } function initToolbar(ctx) { var icons = '', inputStr = '<input class="pen-input" placeholder="http://" />'; ctx._toolbar = ctx.config.toolbar; if (!ctx._toolbar) { var toolList = ctx.config.list; utils.forEach(toolList, function (name) { var klass = 'pen-icon icon-' + name; var title = ctx.config.titles[name] || ''; icons += '<i class="' + klass + '" data-action="' + name + '" title="' + title + '"></i>'; }, true); if (toolList.indexOf('createlink') >= 0 || toolList.indexOf('insertimage') >= 0) icons += inputStr; } else if (ctx._toolbar.querySelectorAll('[data-action=createlink]').length || ctx._toolbar.querySelectorAll('[data-action=insertimage]').length) { icons += inputStr; } if (icons) { ctx._menu = doc.createElement('div'); ctx._menu.setAttribute('class', ctx.config.class + '-menu pen-menu'); ctx._menu.innerHTML = icons; ctx._inputBar = ctx._menu.querySelector('input'); toggleNode(ctx._menu, true); doc.body.appendChild(ctx._menu); } if (ctx._toolbar && ctx._inputBar) toggleNode(ctx._inputBar); } function initEvents(ctx) { var toolbar = ctx._toolbar || ctx._menu, editor = ctx.config.editor; var toggleMenu = utils.delayExec(function() { ctx.highlight().menu(); }); var outsideClick = function() {}; function updateStatus(delay) { ctx._range = ctx.getRange(); toggleMenu(delay); } if (ctx._menu) { var setpos = function() { if (ctx._menu.style.display === 'block') ctx.menu(); }; // change menu offset when window resize / scroll addListener(ctx, root, 'resize', setpos); addListener(ctx, root, 'scroll', setpos); // toggle toolbar on mouse select var selecting = false; addListener(ctx, editor, 'mousedown', function() { selecting = true; }); addListener(ctx, editor, 'mouseleave', function() { if (selecting) updateStatus(800); selecting = false; }); addListener(ctx, editor, 'mouseup', function() { if (selecting) updateStatus(100); selecting = false; }); // Hide menu when focusing outside of editor outsideClick = function(e) { if (ctx._menu && !containsNode(editor, e.target) && !containsNode(ctx._menu, e.target)) { removeListener(ctx, doc, 'click', outsideClick); toggleMenu(100); } }; } else { addListener(ctx, editor, 'click', function() { updateStatus(0); }); } addListener(ctx, editor, 'keyup', function(e) { if (e.which === 8 && ctx.isEmpty()) return lineBreak(ctx, true); // toggle toolbar on key select if (e.which !== 13 || e.shiftKey) return updateStatus(400); var node = getNode(ctx, true); if (!node || !node.nextSibling || !lineBreakReg.test(node.nodeName)) return; if (node.nodeName !== node.nextSibling.nodeName) return; // hack for webkit, make 'enter' behavior like as firefox. if (node.lastChild.nodeName !== 'BR') node.appendChild(doc.createElement('br')); utils.forEach(node.nextSibling.childNodes, function(child) { if (child) node.appendChild(child); }, true); node.parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling); focusNode(ctx, node.lastChild, ctx.getRange()); }); // check line break addListener(ctx, editor, 'keydown', function(e) { editor.classList.remove('pen-placeholder'); if (e.which !== 13 || e.shiftKey) return; var node = getNode(ctx, true); if (!node || !lineBreakReg.test(node.nodeName)) return; var lastChild = node.lastChild; if (!lastChild || !lastChild.previousSibling) return; if (lastChild.previousSibling.textContent || lastChild.textContent) return; // quit block mode for 2 'enter' e.preventDefault(); var p = doc.createElement('p'); p.innerHTML = '<br>'; node.removeChild(lastChild); if (!node.nextSibling) node.parentNode.appendChild(p); else node.parentNode.insertBefore(p, node.nextSibling); focusNode(ctx, p, ctx.getRange()); }); var menuApply = function(action, value) { ctx.execCommand(action, value); ctx._range = ctx.getRange(); ctx.highlight().menu(); }; // toggle toolbar on key select addListener(ctx, toolbar, 'click', function(e) { var node = e.target, action; while (node !== toolbar && !(action = node.getAttribute('data-action'))) { node = node.parentNode; } if (!action) return; if (!/(?:createlink)|(?:insertimage)/.test(action)) return menuApply(action); if (!ctx._inputBar) return; // create link var input = ctx._inputBar; if (toolbar === ctx._menu) toggleNode(input); else { ctx._inputActive = true; ctx.menu(); } if (ctx._menu.style.display === 'none') return; setTimeout(function() { input.focus(); }, 400); var createlink = function() { var inputValue = input.value; if (!inputValue) action = 'unlink'; else { inputValue = input.value .replace(strReg.whiteSpace, '') .replace(strReg.mailTo, 'mailto:$1') .replace(strReg.http, 'http://$1'); } menuApply(action, inputValue); if (toolbar === ctx._menu) toggleNode(input, false); else toggleNode(ctx._menu, true); }; input.onkeypress = function(e) { if (e.which === 13) return createlink(); }; }); // listen for placeholder addListener(ctx, editor, 'focus', function() { if (ctx.isEmpty()) lineBreak(ctx, true); addListener(ctx, doc, 'click', outsideClick); }); addListener(ctx, editor, 'blur', function() { checkPlaceholder(ctx); ctx.checkContentChange(); }); // listen for paste and clear style addListener(ctx, editor, 'paste', function() { setTimeout(function() { ctx.cleanContent(); }); }); } function addListener(ctx, target, type, listener) { if (ctx._events.hasOwnProperty(type)) { ctx._events[type].push(listener); } else { ctx._eventTargets = ctx._eventTargets || []; ctx._eventsCache = ctx._eventsCache || []; var index = ctx._eventTargets.indexOf(target); if (index < 0) index = ctx._eventTargets.push(target) - 1; ctx._eventsCache[index] = ctx._eventsCache[index] || {}; ctx._eventsCache[index][type] = ctx._eventsCache[index][type] || []; ctx._eventsCache[index][type].push(listener); target.addEventListener(type, listener, false); } return ctx; } // trigger local events function triggerListener(ctx, type) { if (!ctx._events.hasOwnProperty(type)) return; var args = slice.call(arguments, 2); utils.forEach(ctx._events[type], function (listener) { listener.apply(ctx, args); }); } function removeListener(ctx, target, type, listener) { var events = ctx._events[type]; if (!events) { var _index = ctx._eventTargets.indexOf(target); if (_index >= 0) events = ctx._eventsCache[_index][type]; } if (!events) return ctx; var index = events.indexOf(listener); if (index >= 0) events.splice(index, 1); target.removeEventListener(type, listener, false); return ctx; } function removeAllListeners(ctx) { utils.forEach(this._events, function (events) { events.length = 0; }, false); if (!ctx._eventsCache) return ctx; utils.forEach(ctx._eventsCache, function (events, index) { var target = ctx._eventTargets[index]; utils.forEach(events, function (listeners, type) { utils.forEach(listeners, function (listener) { target.removeEventListener(type, listener, false); }, true); }, false); }, true); ctx._eventTargets = []; ctx._eventsCache = []; return ctx; } function checkPlaceholder(ctx) { ctx.config.editor.classList[ctx.isEmpty() ? 'add' : 'remove']('pen-placeholder'); } function trim(str) { return (str || '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); } // node.contains is not implemented in IE10/IE11 function containsNode(parent, child) { if (parent === child) return true; child = child.parentNode; while (child) { if (child === parent) return true; child = child.parentNode; } return false; } function getNode(ctx, byRoot) { var node, root = ctx.config.editor; ctx._range = ctx._range || ctx.getRange(); node = ctx._range.commonAncestorContainer; if (!node || node === root) return null; while (node && (node.nodeType !== 1) && (node.parentNode !== root)) node = node.parentNode; while (node && byRoot && (node.parentNode !== root)) node = node.parentNode; return containsNode(root, node) ? node : null; } // node effects function effectNode(ctx, el, returnAsNodeName) { var nodes = []; el = el || ctx.config.editor; while (el && el !== ctx.config.editor) { if (el.nodeName.match(effectNodeReg)) { nodes.push(returnAsNodeName ? el.nodeName.toLowerCase() : el); } el = el.parentNode; } return nodes; } // breakout from node function lineBreak(ctx, empty) { var range = ctx._range = ctx.getRange(), node = doc.createElement('p'); if (empty) ctx.config.editor.innerHTML = ''; node.innerHTML = '<br>'; range.insertNode(node); focusNode(ctx, node.childNodes[0], range); } function focusNode(ctx, node, range) { range.setStartAfter(node); range.setEndBefore(node); range.collapse(false); ctx.setRange(range); } function autoLink(node) { if (node.nodeType === 1) { if (autoLinkReg.notLink.test(node.tagName)) return; utils.forEach(node.childNodes, function (child) { autoLink(child); }, true); } else if (node.nodeType === 3) { var result = urlToLink(node.nodeValue || ''); if (!result.links) return; var frag = doc.createDocumentFragment(), div = doc.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = result.text; while (div.childNodes.length) frag.appendChild(div.childNodes[0]); node.parentNode.replaceChild(frag, node); } } function urlToLink(str) { var count = 0; str = str.replace(autoLinkReg.url, function(url) { var realUrl = url, displayUrl = url; count++; if (url.length > autoLinkReg.maxLength) displayUrl = url.slice(0, autoLinkReg.maxLength) + '...'; // Add http prefix if necessary if (!autoLinkReg.prefix.test(realUrl)) realUrl = 'http://' + realUrl; return '<a href="' + realUrl + '">' + displayUrl + '</a>'; }); return {links: count, text: str}; } function toggleNode(node, hide) { node.style.display = hide ? 'none' : 'block'; } Pen = function(config) { if (!config) throw new Error('Can\'t find config'); debugMode = config.debug; // merge user config var defaults = utils.merge(config); var editor = defaults.editor; if (!editor || editor.nodeType !== 1) throw new Error('Can\'t find editor'); // set default class editor.classList.add(defaults.class); // set contenteditable editor.setAttribute('contenteditable', 'true'); // assign config this.config = defaults; // set placeholder if (defaults.placeholder) editor.setAttribute('data-placeholder', defaults.placeholder); checkPlaceholder(this); // save the selection obj this.selection = selection; // define local events this._events = {change: []}; // enable toolbar initToolbar(this); // init events initEvents(this); // to check content change this._prevContent = this.getContent(); // enable markdown covert if (this.markdown) this.markdown.init(this); // stay on the page if (this.config.stay) this.stay(this.config); if(this.config.input) { this.addOnSubmitListener(this.config.input); } }; Pen.prototype.on = function(type, listener) { addListener(this, this.config.editor, type, listener); return this; }; Pen.prototype.addOnSubmitListener = function(inputElement) { var form = inputElement.form; var me = this; form.addEventListener("submit", function() { inputElement.value = me.config.saveAsMarkdown ? me.toMd(me.config.editor.innerHTML) : me.config.editor.innerHTML; }); }; Pen.prototype.isEmpty = function(node) { node = node || this.config.editor; return !(node.querySelector('img')) && !(node.querySelector('blockquote')) && !(node.querySelector('li')) && !trim(node.textContent); }; Pen.prototype.getContent = function() { return this.isEmpty() ? '' : trim(this.config.editor.innerHTML); }; Pen.prototype.setContent = function(html) { this.config.editor.innerHTML = html; this.cleanContent(); return this; }; Pen.prototype.checkContentChange = function () { var prevContent = this._prevContent, currentContent = this.getContent(); if (prevContent === currentContent) return; this._prevContent = currentContent; triggerListener(this, 'change', currentContent, prevContent); }; Pen.prototype.getRange = function() { var editor = this.config.editor, range = selection.rangeCount && selection.getRangeAt(0); if (!range) range = doc.createRange(); if (!containsNode(editor, range.commonAncestorContainer)) { range.selectNodeContents(editor); range.collapse(false); } return range; }; Pen.prototype.setRange = function(range) { range = range || this._range; if (!range) { range = this.getRange(); range.collapse(false); // set to end } try { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } catch (e) {/* IE throws error sometimes*/} return this; }; Pen.prototype.focus = function(focusStart) { if (!focusStart) this.setRange(); this.config.editor.focus(); return this; }; Pen.prototype.execCommand = function(name, value) { name = name.toLowerCase(); this.setRange(); if (commandsReg.block.test(name)) { commandBlock(this, name); } else if (commandsReg.inline.test(name)) { commandOverall(this, name, value); } else if (commandsReg.source.test(name)) { commandLink(this, name, value); } else if (commandsReg.insert.test(name)) { commandInsert(this, name, value); } else if (commandsReg.wrap.test(name)) { commandWrap(this, name, value); } else { utils.log('can not find command function for name: ' + name + (value ? (', value: ' + value) : ''), true); } if (name === 'indent') this.checkContentChange(); else this.cleanContent({cleanAttrs: ['style']}); }; // remove attrs and tags // pen.cleanContent({cleanAttrs: ['style'], cleanTags: ['id']}) Pen.prototype.cleanContent = function(options) { var editor = this.config.editor; if (!options) options = this.config; utils.forEach(options.cleanAttrs, function (attr) { utils.forEach(editor.querySelectorAll('[' + attr + ']'), function(item) { item.removeAttribute(attr); }, true); }, true); utils.forEach(options.cleanTags, function (tag) { utils.forEach(editor.querySelectorAll(tag), function(item) { item.parentNode.removeChild(item); }, true); }, true); checkPlaceholder(this); this.checkContentChange(); return this; }; // auto link content, return content Pen.prototype.autoLink = function() { autoLink(this.config.editor); return this.getContent(); }; // highlight menu Pen.prototype.highlight = function() { var toolbar = this._toolbar || this._menu , node = getNode(this); // remove all highlights utils.forEach(toolbar.querySelectorAll('.active'), function(el) { el.classList.remove('active'); }, true); if (!node) return this; var effects = effectNode(this, node) , inputBar = this._inputBar , highlight; if (inputBar && toolbar === this._menu) { // display link input if createlink enabled inputBar.style.display = 'none'; // reset link input value inputBar.value = ''; } highlight = function(str) { if (!str) return; var el = toolbar.querySelector('[data-action=' + str + ']'); return el && el.classList.add('active'); }; utils.forEach(effects, function(item) { var tag = item.nodeName.toLowerCase(); switch(tag) { case 'a': if (inputBar) inputBar.value = item.getAttribute('href'); tag = 'createlink'; break; case 'img': if (inputBar) inputBar.value = item.getAttribute('src'); tag = 'insertimage'; break; case 'i': tag = 'italic'; break; case 'u': tag = 'underline'; break; case 'b': tag = 'bold'; break; case 'pre': case 'code': tag = 'code'; break; case 'ul': tag = 'insertunorderedlist'; break; case 'ol': tag = 'insertorderedlist'; break; case 'li': tag = 'indent'; break; } highlight(tag); }, true); return this; }; // show menu Pen.prototype.menu = function() { var allMenus = document.getElementsByClassName('pen-menu'); // Hide all menus for(var x in allMenus){ try{ if('style' in allMenus[x]){ allMenus[x].style.display = 'none'; } }catch(e){} } if (!this._menu) return this; if (selection.isCollapsed) { this._menu.style.display = 'none'; //hide menu this._inputActive = false; return this; } if (this._toolbar) { if (!this._inputBar || !this._inputActive) return this; } var offset = this._range.getBoundingClientRect() , menuPadding = 10 , top = offset.top - menuPadding , left = offset.left + (offset.width / 2) , menu = this._menu , menuOffset = {x: 0, y: 0} , stylesheet = this._stylesheet; // fixes some browser double click visual discontinuity // if the offset has no width or height it should not be used if (offset.width === 0 && offset.height === 0) return this; // store the stylesheet used for positioning the menu horizontally if (this._stylesheet === undefined) { var style = document.createElement("style"); document.head.appendChild(style); this._stylesheet = stylesheet = style.sheet; } // display block to caculate its width & height menu.style.display = 'block'; menuOffset.x = left - (menu.clientWidth / 2); menuOffset.y = top - menu.clientHeight; // check to see if menu has over-extended its bounding box. if it has, // 1) apply a new class if overflowed on top; // 2) apply a new rule if overflowed on the left if (stylesheet.cssRules.length > 0) { stylesheet.deleteRule(0); } if (menuOffset.x < 0) { menuOffset.x = 0; stylesheet.insertRule('.pen-menu:after {left: ' + left + 'px;}', 0); } else { stylesheet.insertRule('.pen-menu:after {left: 50%; }', 0); } if (menuOffset.y < 0) { menu.classList.add('pen-menu-below'); menuOffset.y = offset.top + offset.height + menuPadding; } else { menu.classList.remove('pen-menu-below'); } menu.style.top = menuOffset.y + 'px'; menu.style.left = menuOffset.x + 'px'; return this; }; Pen.prototype.stay = function(config) { var ctx = this; if (!window.onbeforeunload) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (!ctx._isDestroyed) return config.stayMsg; }; } }; Pen.prototype.destroy = function(isAJoke) { var destroy = isAJoke ? false : true , attr = isAJoke ? 'setAttribute' : 'removeAttribute'; if (!isAJoke) { removeAllListeners(this); try { selection.removeAllRanges(); if (this._menu) this._menu.parentNode.removeChild(this._menu); } catch (e) {/* IE throws error sometimes*/} } else { initToolbar(this); initEvents(this); } this._isDestroyed = destroy; this.config.editor[attr]('contenteditable', ''); return this; }; Pen.prototype.rebuild = function() { return this.destroy('it\'s a joke'); }; // a fallback for old browers root.Pen = function(config) { if (!config) return utils.log('can\'t find config', true); var defaults = utils.merge(config) , klass = defaults.editor.getAttribute('class'); klass = klass ? klass.replace(/\bpen\b/g, '') + ' pen-textarea ' + defaults.class : 'pen pen-textarea'; defaults.editor.setAttribute('class', klass); defaults.editor.innerHTML = defaults.textarea; return defaults.editor; }; // export content as markdown var regs = { a: [/<a\b[^>]*href=["']([^"]+|[^']+)\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>/ig, '[$2]($1)'], img: [/<img\b[^>]*src=["']([^\"+|[^']+)[^>]*>/ig, ''], b: [/<b\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/b>/ig, '**$1**'], i: [/<i\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/i>/ig, '***$1***'], h: [/<h([1-6])\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/h\1>/ig, function(a, b, c) { return '\n' + ('######'.slice(0, b)) + ' ' + c + '\n'; }], li: [/<(li)\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/ig, '* $2\n'], blockquote: [/<(blockquote)\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/ig, '\n> $2\n'], pre: [/<pre\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/pre>/ig, '\n```\n$1\n```\n'], code: [/<code\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/code>/ig, '\n`\n$1\n`\n'], p: [/<p\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/p>/ig, '\n$1\n'], hr: [/<hr\b[^>]*>/ig, '\n---\n'] }; Pen.prototype.toMd = function() { var html = this.getContent() .replace(/\n+/g, '') // remove line break .replace(/<([uo])l\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1l>/ig, '$2'); // remove ul/ol for(var p in regs) { if (regs.hasOwnProperty(p)) html = html.replace.apply(html, regs[p]); } return html.replace(/\*{5}/g, '**'); }; // make it accessible if (doc.getSelection) { selection = doc.getSelection(); root.Pen = Pen; } }(window, document));