Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/Symfony/Component/Security/Acl/Dbal/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/Symfony/Component/Security/Acl/Dbal/AclProvider.php |
<?php /* * This file is part of the Symfony package. * * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Dbal; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\AclInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\Acl; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\Entry; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\FieldEntry; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\ObjectIdentity; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\RoleSecurityIdentity; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\UserSecurityIdentity; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Exception\AclNotFoundException; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Exception\NotAllAclsFoundException; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\AclCacheInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\AclProviderInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\ObjectIdentityInterface; use Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Model\PermissionGrantingStrategyInterface; /** * An ACL provider implementation. * * This provider assumes that all ACLs share the same PermissionGrantingStrategy. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com> */ class AclProvider implements AclProviderInterface { const MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 30; protected $cache; protected $connection; protected $loadedAces = array(); protected $loadedAcls = array(); protected $options; private $permissionGrantingStrategy; /** * Constructor. * * @param Connection $connection * @param PermissionGrantingStrategyInterface $permissionGrantingStrategy * @param array $options * @param AclCacheInterface $cache */ public function __construct(Connection $connection, PermissionGrantingStrategyInterface $permissionGrantingStrategy, array $options, AclCacheInterface $cache = null) { $this->cache = $cache; $this->connection = $connection; $this->options = $options; $this->permissionGrantingStrategy = $permissionGrantingStrategy; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findChildren(ObjectIdentityInterface $parentOid, $directChildrenOnly = false) { $sql = $this->getFindChildrenSql($parentOid, $directChildrenOnly); $children = array(); foreach ($this->connection->executeQuery($sql)->fetchAll() as $data) { $children[] = new ObjectIdentity($data['object_identifier'], $data['class_type']); } return $children; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findAcl(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid, array $sids = array()) { return $this->findAcls(array($oid), $sids)->offsetGet($oid); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function findAcls(array $oids, array $sids = array()) { $result = new \SplObjectStorage(); $currentBatch = array(); $oidLookup = array(); for ($i=0,$c=count($oids); $i<$c; $i++) { $oid = $oids[$i]; $oidLookupKey = $oid->getIdentifier().$oid->getType(); $oidLookup[$oidLookupKey] = $oid; $aclFound = false; // check if result already contains an ACL if ($result->contains($oid)) { $aclFound = true; } // check if this ACL has already been hydrated if (!$aclFound && isset($this->loadedAcls[$oid->getType()][$oid->getIdentifier()])) { $acl = $this->loadedAcls[$oid->getType()][$oid->getIdentifier()]; if (!$acl->isSidLoaded($sids)) { // FIXME: we need to load ACEs for the missing SIDs. This is never // reached by the default implementation, since we do not // filter by SID throw new \RuntimeException('This is not supported by the default implementation.'); } else { $result->attach($oid, $acl); $aclFound = true; } } // check if we can locate the ACL in the cache if (!$aclFound && null !== $this->cache) { $acl = $this->cache->getFromCacheByIdentity($oid); if (null !== $acl) { if ($acl->isSidLoaded($sids)) { // check if any of the parents has been loaded since we need to // ensure that there is only ever one ACL per object identity $parentAcl = $acl->getParentAcl(); while (null !== $parentAcl) { $parentOid = $parentAcl->getObjectIdentity(); if (isset($this->loadedAcls[$parentOid->getType()][$parentOid->getIdentifier()])) { $acl->setParentAcl($this->loadedAcls[$parentOid->getType()][$parentOid->getIdentifier()]); break; } else { $this->loadedAcls[$parentOid->getType()][$parentOid->getIdentifier()] = $parentAcl; $this->updateAceIdentityMap($parentAcl); } $parentAcl = $parentAcl->getParentAcl(); } $this->loadedAcls[$oid->getType()][$oid->getIdentifier()] = $acl; $this->updateAceIdentityMap($acl); $result->attach($oid, $acl); $aclFound = true; } else { $this->cache->evictFromCacheByIdentity($oid); foreach ($this->findChildren($oid) as $childOid) { $this->cache->evictFromCacheByIdentity($childOid); } } } } // looks like we have to load the ACL from the database if (!$aclFound) { $currentBatch[] = $oid; } // Is it time to load the current batch? if ((self::MAX_BATCH_SIZE === count($currentBatch) || ($i + 1) === $c) && count($currentBatch) > 0) { try { $loadedBatch = $this->lookupObjectIdentities($currentBatch, $sids, $oidLookup); } catch (AclNotFoundException $aclNotFoundexception) { if ($result->count()) { $partialResultException = new NotAllAclsFoundException('The provider could not find ACLs for all object identities.'); $partialResultException->setPartialResult($result); throw $partialResultException; } else { throw $aclNotFoundexception; } } foreach ($loadedBatch as $loadedOid) { $loadedAcl = $loadedBatch->offsetGet($loadedOid); if (null !== $this->cache) { $this->cache->putInCache($loadedAcl); } if (isset($oidLookup[$loadedOid->getIdentifier().$loadedOid->getType()])) { $result->attach($loadedOid, $loadedAcl); } } $currentBatch = array(); } } // check that we got ACLs for all the identities foreach ($oids as $oid) { if (!$result->contains($oid)) { if (1 === count($oids)) { throw new AclNotFoundException(sprintf('No ACL found for %s.', $oid)); } $partialResultException = new NotAllAclsFoundException('The provider could not find ACLs for all object identities.'); $partialResultException->setPartialResult($result); throw $partialResultException; } } return $result; } /** * Constructs the query used for looking up object identities and associated * ACEs, and security identities. * * @param array $ancestorIds * @return string */ protected function getLookupSql(array $ancestorIds) { // FIXME: add support for filtering by sids (right now we select all sids) $sql = <<<SELECTCLAUSE SELECT o.id as acl_id, o.object_identifier, o.parent_object_identity_id, o.entries_inheriting, c.class_type, e.id as ace_id, e.object_identity_id, e.field_name, e.ace_order, e.mask, e.granting, e.granting_strategy, e.audit_success, e.audit_failure, s.username, s.identifier as security_identifier FROM {$this->options['oid_table_name']} o INNER JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} c ON c.id = o.class_id LEFT JOIN {$this->options['entry_table_name']} e ON ( e.class_id = o.class_id AND (e.object_identity_id = o.id OR {$this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getIsNullExpression('e.object_identity_id')}) ) LEFT JOIN {$this->options['sid_table_name']} s ON ( s.id = e.security_identity_id ) WHERE (o.id = SELECTCLAUSE; $sql .= implode(' OR o.id = ', $ancestorIds).')'; return $sql; } protected function getAncestorLookupSql(array $batch) { $sql = <<<SELECTCLAUSE SELECT a.ancestor_id FROM {$this->options['oid_table_name']} o INNER JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} c ON c.id = o.class_id INNER JOIN {$this->options['oid_ancestors_table_name']} a ON a.object_identity_id = o.id WHERE ( SELECTCLAUSE; $types = array(); $count = count($batch); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (!isset($types[$batch[$i]->getType()])) { $types[$batch[$i]->getType()] = true; // if there is more than one type we can safely break out of the // loop, because it is the differentiator factor on whether to // query for only one or more class types if (count($types) > 1) { break; } } } if (1 === count($types)) { $ids = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $ids[] = $this->connection->quote($batch[$i]->getIdentifier()); } $sql .= sprintf( '(o.object_identifier IN (%s) AND c.class_type = %s)', implode(',', $ids), $this->connection->quote($batch[0]->getType()) ); } else { $where = '(o.object_identifier = %s AND c.class_type = %s)'; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $sql .= sprintf( $where, $this->connection->quote($batch[$i]->getIdentifier()), $this->connection->quote($batch[$i]->getType()) ); if ($i+1 < $count) { $sql .= ' OR '; } } } $sql .= ')'; return $sql; } /** * Constructs the SQL for retrieving child object identities for the given * object identities. * * @param ObjectIdentityInterface $oid * @param Boolean $directChildrenOnly * @return string */ protected function getFindChildrenSql(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid, $directChildrenOnly) { if (false === $directChildrenOnly) { $query = <<<FINDCHILDREN SELECT o.object_identifier, c.class_type FROM {$this->options['oid_table_name']} as o INNER JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} as c ON c.id = o.class_id INNER JOIN {$this->options['oid_ancestors_table_name']} as a ON a.object_identity_id = o.id WHERE a.ancestor_id = %d AND a.object_identity_id != a.ancestor_id FINDCHILDREN; } else { $query = <<<FINDCHILDREN SELECT o.object_identifier, c.class_type FROM {$this->options['oid_table_name']} as o INNER JOIN {$this->options['class_table_name']} as c ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE o.parent_object_identity_id = %d FINDCHILDREN; } return sprintf($query, $this->retrieveObjectIdentityPrimaryKey($oid)); } /** * Constructs the SQL for retrieving the primary key of the given object * identity. * * @param ObjectIdentityInterface $oid * @return string */ protected function getSelectObjectIdentityIdSql(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid) { $query = <<<QUERY SELECT o.id FROM %s o INNER JOIN %s c ON c.id = o.class_id WHERE o.object_identifier = %s AND c.class_type = %s QUERY; return sprintf( $query, $this->options['oid_table_name'], $this->options['class_table_name'], $this->connection->quote($oid->getIdentifier()), $this->connection->quote($oid->getType()) ); } /** * Returns the primary key of the passed object identity. * * @param ObjectIdentityInterface $oid * @return integer */ final protected function retrieveObjectIdentityPrimaryKey(ObjectIdentityInterface $oid) { return $this->connection->executeQuery($this->getSelectObjectIdentityIdSql($oid))->fetchColumn(); } /** * This method is called when an ACL instance is retrieved from the cache. * * @param AclInterface $acl */ private function updateAceIdentityMap(AclInterface $acl) { foreach (array('classAces', 'classFieldAces', 'objectAces', 'objectFieldAces') as $property) { $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty($acl, $property); $reflection->setAccessible(true); $value = $reflection->getValue($acl); if ('classAces' === $property || 'objectAces' === $property) { $this->doUpdateAceIdentityMap($value); } else { foreach ($value as $field => $aces) { $this->doUpdateAceIdentityMap($value[$field]); } } $reflection->setValue($acl, $value); $reflection->setAccessible(false); } } /** * Retrieves all the ids which need to be queried from the database * including the ids of parent ACLs. * * @param array $batch * * @return array */ private function getAncestorIds(array $batch) { $sql = $this->getAncestorLookupSql($batch); $ancestorIds = array(); foreach ($this->connection->executeQuery($sql)->fetchAll() as $data) { // FIXME: skip ancestors which are cached $ancestorIds[] = $data['ancestor_id']; } return $ancestorIds; } /** * Does either overwrite the passed ACE, or saves it in the global identity * map to ensure every ACE only gets instantiated once. * * @param array &$aces */ private function doUpdateAceIdentityMap(array &$aces) { foreach ($aces as $index => $ace) { if (isset($this->loadedAces[$ace->getId()])) { $aces[$index] = $this->loadedAces[$ace->getId()]; } else { $this->loadedAces[$ace->getId()] = $ace; } } } /** * This method is called for object identities which could not be retrieved * from the cache, and for which thus a database query is required. * * @param array $batch * @param array $sids * @param array $oidLookup * * @return \SplObjectStorage mapping object identities to ACL instances * * @throws AclNotFoundException */ private function lookupObjectIdentities(array $batch, array $sids, array $oidLookup) { $ancestorIds = $this->getAncestorIds($batch); if (!$ancestorIds) { throw new AclNotFoundException('There is no ACL for the given object identity.'); } $sql = $this->getLookupSql($ancestorIds); $stmt = $this->connection->executeQuery($sql); return $this->hydrateObjectIdentities($stmt, $oidLookup, $sids); } /** * This method is called to hydrate ACLs and ACEs. * * This method was designed for performance; thus, a lot of code has been * inlined at the cost of readability, and maintainability. * * Keep in mind that changes to this method might severely reduce the * performance of the entire ACL system. * * @param Statement $stmt * @param array $oidLookup * @param array $sids * @throws \RuntimeException * @return \SplObjectStorage */ private function hydrateObjectIdentities(Statement $stmt, array $oidLookup, array $sids) { $parentIdToFill = new \SplObjectStorage(); $acls = $aces = $emptyArray = array(); $oidCache = $oidLookup; $result = new \SplObjectStorage(); $loadedAces =& $this->loadedAces; $loadedAcls =& $this->loadedAcls; $permissionGrantingStrategy = $this->permissionGrantingStrategy; // we need these to set protected properties on hydrated objects $aclReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Symfony\Component\Security\Acl\Domain\Acl'); $aclClassAcesProperty = $aclReflection->getProperty('classAces'); $aclClassAcesProperty->setAccessible(true); $aclClassFieldAcesProperty = $aclReflection->getProperty('classFieldAces'); $aclClassFieldAcesProperty->setAccessible(true); $aclObjectAcesProperty = $aclReflection->getProperty('objectAces'); $aclObjectAcesProperty->setAccessible(true); $aclObjectFieldAcesProperty = $aclReflection->getProperty('objectFieldAces'); $aclObjectFieldAcesProperty->setAccessible(true); $aclParentAclProperty = $aclReflection->getProperty('parentAcl'); $aclParentAclProperty->setAccessible(true); // fetchAll() consumes more memory than consecutive calls to fetch(), // but it is faster foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_NUM) as $data) { list($aclId, $objectIdentifier, $parentObjectIdentityId, $entriesInheriting, $classType, $aceId, $objectIdentityId, $fieldName, $aceOrder, $mask, $granting, $grantingStrategy, $auditSuccess, $auditFailure, $username, $securityIdentifier) = $data; // has the ACL been hydrated during this hydration cycle? if (isset($acls[$aclId])) { $acl = $acls[$aclId]; // has the ACL been hydrated during any previous cycle, or was possibly loaded // from cache? } elseif (isset($loadedAcls[$classType][$objectIdentifier])) { $acl = $loadedAcls[$classType][$objectIdentifier]; // keep reference in local array (saves us some hash calculations) $acls[$aclId] = $acl; // attach ACL to the result set; even though we do not enforce that every // object identity has only one instance, we must make sure to maintain // referential equality with the oids passed to findAcls() if (!isset($oidCache[$objectIdentifier.$classType])) { $oidCache[$objectIdentifier.$classType] = $acl->getObjectIdentity(); } $result->attach($oidCache[$objectIdentifier.$classType], $acl); // so, this hasn't been hydrated yet } else { // create object identity if we haven't done so yet $oidLookupKey = $objectIdentifier.$classType; if (!isset($oidCache[$oidLookupKey])) { $oidCache[$oidLookupKey] = new ObjectIdentity($objectIdentifier, $classType); } $acl = new Acl((integer) $aclId, $oidCache[$oidLookupKey], $permissionGrantingStrategy, $emptyArray, !!$entriesInheriting); // keep a local, and global reference to this ACL $loadedAcls[$classType][$objectIdentifier] = $acl; $acls[$aclId] = $acl; // try to fill in parent ACL, or defer until all ACLs have been hydrated if (null !== $parentObjectIdentityId) { if (isset($acls[$parentObjectIdentityId])) { $aclParentAclProperty->setValue($acl, $acls[$parentObjectIdentityId]); } else { $parentIdToFill->attach($acl, $parentObjectIdentityId); } } $result->attach($oidCache[$oidLookupKey], $acl); } // check if this row contains an ACE record if (null !== $aceId) { // have we already hydrated ACEs for this ACL? if (!isset($aces[$aclId])) { $aces[$aclId] = array($emptyArray, $emptyArray, $emptyArray, $emptyArray); } // has this ACE already been hydrated during a previous cycle, or // possible been loaded from cache? // It is important to only ever have one ACE instance per actual row since // some ACEs are shared between ACL instances if (!isset($loadedAces[$aceId])) { if (!isset($sids[$key = ($username?'1':'0').$securityIdentifier])) { if ($username) { $sids[$key] = new UserSecurityIdentity( substr($securityIdentifier, 1 + $pos = strpos($securityIdentifier, '-')), substr($securityIdentifier, 0, $pos) ); } else { $sids[$key] = new RoleSecurityIdentity($securityIdentifier); } } if (null === $fieldName) { $loadedAces[$aceId] = new Entry((integer) $aceId, $acl, $sids[$key], $grantingStrategy, (integer) $mask, !!$granting, !!$auditFailure, !!$auditSuccess); } else { $loadedAces[$aceId] = new FieldEntry((integer) $aceId, $acl, $fieldName, $sids[$key], $grantingStrategy, (integer) $mask, !!$granting, !!$auditFailure, !!$auditSuccess); } } $ace = $loadedAces[$aceId]; // assign ACE to the correct property if (null === $objectIdentityId) { if (null === $fieldName) { $aces[$aclId][0][$aceOrder] = $ace; } else { $aces[$aclId][1][$fieldName][$aceOrder] = $ace; } } else { if (null === $fieldName) { $aces[$aclId][2][$aceOrder] = $ace; } else { $aces[$aclId][3][$fieldName][$aceOrder] = $ace; } } } } // We do not sort on database level since we only want certain subsets to be sorted, // and we are going to read the entire result set anyway. // Sorting on DB level increases query time by an order of magnitude while it is // almost negligible when we use PHPs array sort functions. foreach ($aces as $aclId => $aceData) { $acl = $acls[$aclId]; ksort($aceData[0]); $aclClassAcesProperty->setValue($acl, $aceData[0]); foreach (array_keys($aceData[1]) as $fieldName) { ksort($aceData[1][$fieldName]); } $aclClassFieldAcesProperty->setValue($acl, $aceData[1]); ksort($aceData[2]); $aclObjectAcesProperty->setValue($acl, $aceData[2]); foreach (array_keys($aceData[3]) as $fieldName) { ksort($aceData[3][$fieldName]); } $aclObjectFieldAcesProperty->setValue($acl, $aceData[3]); } // fill-in parent ACLs where this hasn't been done yet cause the parent ACL was not // yet available $processed = 0; foreach ($parentIdToFill as $acl) { $parentId = $parentIdToFill->offsetGet($acl); // let's see if we have already hydrated this if (isset($acls[$parentId])) { $aclParentAclProperty->setValue($acl, $acls[$parentId]); $processed += 1; continue; } } // reset reflection changes $aclClassAcesProperty->setAccessible(false); $aclClassFieldAcesProperty->setAccessible(false); $aclObjectAcesProperty->setAccessible(false); $aclObjectFieldAcesProperty->setAccessible(false); $aclParentAclProperty->setAccessible(false); // this should never be true if the database integrity hasn't been compromised if ($processed < count($parentIdToFill)) { throw new \RuntimeException('Not all parent ids were populated. This implies an integrity problem.'); } return $result; } }