Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/PHP_CodeBrowser/View/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/PHP_CodeBrowser/View/ViewReview.php |
<?php /** * View Review * * PHP Version 5.3.0 * * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Mayflower GmbH * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Mayflower GmbH nor the names of his * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @category PHP_CodeBrowser * @package PHP_CodeBrowser * @author Elger Thiele <elger.thiele@mayflower.de> * @author Jan Mergler <jan.mergler@mayflower.de> * @author Simon Kohlmeyer <simon.kohlmeyer@mayflower.de> * @copyright 2007-2010 Mayflower GmbH * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://www.phpunit.de/ * @since File available since 0.1.0 */ // Include PEAR Text_Highlighter only if present. @include_once 'Text/Highlighter.php'; @include_once 'Text/Highlighter/Renderer/Html.php'; /** * CbViewReview * * This class is generating the highlighted and formatted html view for file. * * @category PHP_CodeBrowser * @package PHP_CodeBrowser * @author Elger Thiele <elger.thiele@mayflower.de> * @author Jan Mergler <jan.mergler@mayflower.de> * @author Simon Kohlmeyer <simon.kohlmeyer@mayflower.de> * @copyright 2007-2010 Mayflower GmbH * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php BSD License * @version Release: 1.0.2 * @link http://www.phpunit.de/ * @since Class available since 0.1.0 */ class CbViewReview extends CbViewAbstract { /** * Highlight mapping. * * @var Array */ protected $_phpHighlightColorMap; /** * Suffixes for php files. * * @var Array */ protected $_phpSuffixes; /** * Default constructor * * Highlighting strings are set. * * @param String $templateDir The directory containing the templates. * @param String $outputDir The directory where the reviews should be. * @param CbIOHelper $ioHelper The CbIOHelper object to use for I/O. * @param Array $phpSuffixes The array with extensions of php files. */ public function __construct($templateDir, $outputDir, $ioHelper, $phpSuffixes = array('php')) { parent::__construct($templateDir, $outputDir, $ioHelper); $this->_phpHighlightColorMap = array( ini_get('highlight.string') => 'string', ini_get('highlight.comment') => 'comment', ini_get('highlight.keyword') => 'keyword', ini_get('highlight.default') => 'default', ini_get('highlight.html') => 'html', ); $this->_phpSuffixes = $phpSuffixes; } /** * Generating the Html code browser view for a given file. * * Issuelist for each file will be marked in source code. * Source code is highlighted. * Generated Html source code is be saved as Html. * * @param Array $issueList The issue list for given file * @param String $filePath The path to file the should be generated * @param String $commonPathPrefix The prefix path all given files have * in common * @param Array $issueCounts Files with issue counts sorted by * severity. * * @return void * * @see self::_formatIssues * @see self::_formatSourceCode * @see self::_generateJSCode */ public function generate(Array $issueList, $fileName, $commonPathPrefix) { $issues = $this->_formatIssues($issueList); $shortFilename = substr($fileName, strlen($commonPathPrefix)); $data['issues'] = $issueList; $data['filepath'] = $shortFilename; $data['source'] = $this->_formatSourceCode($fileName, $issues); $depth = substr_count($shortFilename, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); $data['csspath'] = str_repeat('../', $depth - 1 >= 0 ? $depth - 1 : 0); $this->_ioHelper->createFile( $this->_outputDir . $shortFilename . '.html', $this->_render('review', $data) ); } /** * Source code is highlighted an formatted. * * Besides highlighting, whole lines will be marked with different colors * and JQuery functions (like tooltips) are integrated. * * @param String $filename The file to format * @param Array $outputIssues Sorted issueList by line number * * @return String Html formatted string */ private function _formatSourceCode($filename, $outputIssues) { $sourceDom = $this->_highlightCode($filename); $xpath = new DOMXPath($sourceDom); $lines = $xpath->query('//ol/li'); // A shortcut to prevent possible trouble with log(0) // Note that this is exactly what will happen anyways. if ($lines->length === 0) { return $sourceDom->saveHTML(); } $lineNumber = 0; $linePlaces = floor(log($lines->length, 10)) + 1; foreach ($lines as $line) { ++$lineNumber; $line->setAttribute('id', 'line_' . $lineNumber); $lineClasses = array( ($lineNumber % 2) ? 'odd' : 'even' ); if (isset($outputIssues[$lineNumber])) { $lineClasses[] = 'hasIssues'; $message = '|'; foreach ($outputIssues[$lineNumber] as $issue) { $message .= sprintf( ' <div class="tooltip"> <div class="title %s">%s</div> <div class="text">%s</div> </div> ', $issue->foundBy, $issue->foundBy, $issue->description ); } $line->setAttribute('title', utf8_encode($message)); } // Add line number $nuSpan = $sourceDom->createElement('span'); $nuSpan->setAttribute('class', 'lineNumber'); for ($i = 0; $i < $linePlaces - strlen($lineNumber); $i++) { $nuSpan->appendChild($sourceDom->createEntityReference('nbsp')); } $nuSpan->appendChild($sourceDom->createTextNode($lineNumber)); $nuSpan->appendChild($sourceDom->createEntityReference('nbsp')); $line->insertBefore($nuSpan, $line->firstChild); //create anchor for the new line $anchor = $sourceDom->createElement('a'); $anchor->setAttribute('name', 'line_' . $lineNumber); $line->appendChild($anchor); // set li css class depending on line errors switch ($tmp = (isset($outputIssues[$lineNumber]) ? count($outputIssues[$lineNumber]) : 0)) { case 0 : break; case 1 : $lineClasses[] = $outputIssues[$lineNumber][0]->foundBy; break; case 1 < $tmp : $lineClasses[] = 'moreErrors'; break; // This can't happen, count always returns >= 0 // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart default: break; // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $line->setAttribute('class', implode(' ', $lineClasses)); } return $sourceDom->saveHTML(); } /** * Highlighter method for PHP source code * * The source code is highlighted by PHP native method. * Afterwords a DOMDocument will be generated with each * line in a seperate node. * * @param String $sourceCode The PHP source code * * @return DOMDocument */ protected function _highlightPhpCode($sourceCode) { $code = highlight_string($sourceCode, true); $sourceDom = new DOMDocument(); $sourceDom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $code); //fetch <code>-><span>->children from php generated html $sourceElements = $sourceDom->getElementsByTagname('code')->item(0) ->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes; //create target dom $targetDom = new DOMDocument(); $targetNode = $targetDom->createElement('ol'); $targetNode->setAttribute('class', 'code'); $targetDom->appendChild($targetNode); $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); // iterate through all <span> elements foreach ($sourceElements as $sourceElement) { if (!$sourceElement instanceof DOMElement) { $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($sourceElement->wholeText); $li->appendChild($span); continue; } if ('br' === $sourceElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); continue; } $elementClass = $this->_mapPhpColors( $sourceElement->getAttribute('style') ); foreach ($sourceElement->childNodes as $sourceChildElement) { if ($sourceChildElement instanceof DOMElement && 'br' === $sourceChildElement->tagName) { // create new li and new line $li = $targetDom->createElement('li'); $targetNode->appendChild($li); } else { // apend content to current li element // apend content to urrent li element $span = $targetDom->createElement('span'); $span->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars( $sourceChildElement->wholeText ); $span->setAttribute('class', $elementClass); $li->appendChild($span); } } } return $targetDom; } /** * Return colors defined in ini files. * * @param String $style The given style name, e.g. "comment" * * @return String */ protected function _mapPhpColors($style) { $color = substr($style, 7); return $this->_phpHighlightColorMap[$color]; } /** * Highlighting source code of given file. * * Php code is using native php highlighter. * If PEAR Text_Highlighter is installed all defined files in $highlightMap * will be highlighted as well. * * @param String $file The filename / realpath to file * * @return String Html representation of parsed source code */ protected function _highlightCode($file) { $highlightMap = array( '.js' => 'JAVASCRIPT', '.html' => 'HTML', '.css' => 'CSS', ); $sourceCode = $this->_ioHelper->loadFile($file); $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (in_array($extension, $this->_phpSuffixes)) { return $this->_highlightPhpCode($sourceCode); } else if (class_exists('Text_Highlighter', false) && isset($highlightMap[$extension])) { $renderer = new Text_Highlighter_Renderer_Html( array( 'numbers' => HL_NUMBERS_LI, 'tabsize' => 4, 'class_map' => array( 'comment' => 'comment', 'main' => 'code', 'table' => 'table', 'gutter' => 'gutter', 'brackets' => 'brackets', 'builtin' => 'keyword', 'code' => 'code', 'default' => 'default', 'identifier' => 'default', 'inlinedoc' => 'inlinedoc', 'inlinetags' => 'inlinetags', 'mlcomment' => 'mlcomment', 'number' => 'number', 'quotes' => 'string', 'reserved' => 'keyword', 'special' => 'special', 'string' => 'string', 'url' => 'url', 'var' => 'var', ) ) ); $highlighter = Text_Highlighter::factory($highlightMap[$extension]); $highlighter->setRenderer($renderer); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($highlighter->highlight($sourceCode)); return $doc; } else { $sourceCode = preg_replace( '/^.*$/m', '<li>$0</li>', htmlentities($sourceCode) ); $sourceCode = preg_replace('/ /', ' ', $sourceCode); $sourceCode = '<div class="code"><ol class="code">' . $sourceCode.'</ol></div>'; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($sourceCode); return $doc; } } /** * Sorting a list of issues combining issues matching same line number * for each file. * * @param Array $issueList List of issues * * @return Array */ private function _formatIssues($issueList) { $outputIssues = array(); foreach ($issueList as $issue) { for ($i = $issue->lineStart; $i <= $issue->lineEnd; $i++) { $outputIssues[$i][] = $issue; } } return $outputIssues; } }