Current Path : /opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/PHP/CodeCoverage/Report/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/alt-php55/root/usr/share/pear/PHP/CodeCoverage/Report/Text.php |
<?php /** * PHP_CodeCoverage * * Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * Neither the name of Sebastian Bergmann nor the names of his * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @category PHP * @package CodeCoverage * @author Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @copyright 2009-2014 Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause The BSD 3-Clause License * @link http://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage * @since File available since Release 1.1.0 */ /** * Generates human readable output from an PHP_CodeCoverage object. * * The output gets put into a text file our written to the CLI. * * @category PHP * @package CodeCoverage * @author Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @copyright 2009-2014 Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause The BSD 3-Clause License * @link http://github.com/sebastianbergmann/php-code-coverage * @since Class available since Release 1.1.0 */ class PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text { protected $outputStream; protected $lowUpperBound; protected $highLowerBound; protected $showUncoveredFiles; protected $colors = array( 'green' => "\x1b[30;42m", 'yellow' => "\x1b[30;43m", 'red' => "\x1b[37;41m", 'header' => "\x1b[47;40m", 'reset' => "\x1b[0m", 'eol' => "\x1b[2K", ); public function __construct(PHPUnit_Util_Printer $outputStream, $lowUpperBound, $highLowerBound, $showUncoveredFiles) { $this->outputStream = $outputStream; $this->lowUpperBound = $lowUpperBound; $this->highLowerBound = $highLowerBound; $this->showUncoveredFiles = $showUncoveredFiles; } /** * @param PHP_CodeCoverage $coverage * @param string $target * @param string $name * @return string */ public function process(PHP_CodeCoverage $coverage, $showColors = FALSE) { $output = ''; $report = $coverage->getReport(); unset($coverage); $colors = array( 'header' => '', 'classes' => '', 'methods' => '', 'lines' => '', 'reset' => '', 'eol' => '' ); if ($showColors) { $colors['classes'] = $this->getCoverageColor( $report->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits(), $report->getNumClassesAndTraits() ); $colors['methods'] = $this->getCoverageColor( $report->getNumTestedMethods(), $report->getNumMethods() ); $colors['lines'] = $this->getCoverageColor( $report->getNumExecutedLines(), $report->getNumExecutableLines() ); $colors['reset'] = $this->colors['reset']; $colors['header'] = $this->colors['header']; $colors['eol'] = $this->colors['eol']; } $output .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $colors['header'] . 'Code Coverage Report '; $output .= PHP_EOL . date(' Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) . PHP_EOL; $output .= PHP_EOL . ' Summary: ' . PHP_EOL . $colors['reset'] . $colors['classes'] . $colors['eol'] . ' Classes: ' . PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits(), $report->getNumClassesAndTraits(), TRUE) . ' (' . $report->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits() . '/' . $report->getNumClassesAndTraits() . ')' . PHP_EOL . $colors ['eol'] . $colors['methods'] . $colors['eol'] . ' Methods: ' . PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report->getNumTestedMethods(), $report->getNumMethods(), TRUE) . ' (' . $report->getNumTestedMethods() . '/' . $report->getNumMethods() . ')' . PHP_EOL . $colors ['eol'] . $colors['lines'] . $colors['eol'] . ' Lines: ' . PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report->getNumExecutedLines(), $report->getNumExecutableLines(), TRUE) . ' (' . $report->getNumExecutedLines() . '/' . $report->getNumExecutableLines() . ')' . PHP_EOL . $colors['reset'] . $colors ['eol']; $classCoverage = array(); foreach ($report as $item) { if (!$item instanceof PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Node_File) { continue; } $classes = $item->getClassesAndTraits(); $coverage = $item->getCoverageData(); $lines = array(); $ignoredLines = $item->getIgnoredLines(); foreach ($classes as $className => $class) { $classStatements = 0; $coveredClassStatements = 0; $coveredMethods = 0; foreach ($class['methods'] as $method) { $methodCount = 0; $methodLines = 0; $methodLinesCovered = 0; for ($i = $method['startLine']; $i <= $method['endLine']; $i++) { if (isset($ignoredLines[$i])) { continue; } $add = TRUE; $count = 0; if (isset($coverage[$i])) { if ($coverage[$i] !== NULL) { $classStatements++; $methodLines++; } else { $add = FALSE; } $count = count($coverage[$i]); if ($count > 0) { $coveredClassStatements++; $methodLinesCovered++; } } else { $add = FALSE; } $methodCount = max($methodCount, $count); if ($add) { $lines[$i] = array( 'count' => $count, 'type' => 'stmt' ); } } if ($methodCount > 0) { $coveredMethods++; } } if (!empty($class['package']['namespace'])) { $namespace = '\\' . $class['package']['namespace'] . '::'; } else if (!empty($class['package']['fullPackage'])) { $namespace = '@' . $class['package']['fullPackage'] . '::'; } else { $namespace = ''; } $classCoverage[$namespace . $className] = array( 'namespace' => $namespace, 'className ' => $className, 'methodsCovered' => $coveredMethods, 'methodCount' => count($class['methods']), 'statementsCovered' => $coveredClassStatements, 'statementCount' => $classStatements, ); } } ksort($classCoverage); $methodColor = ''; $linesColor = ''; $resetColor = ''; foreach ($classCoverage as $fullQualifiedPath => $classInfo) { if ($classInfo['statementsCovered'] != 0 || $this->showUncoveredFiles) { if ($showColors) { $methodColor = $this->getCoverageColor($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount']); $linesColor = $this->getCoverageColor($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount']); $resetColor = $colors['reset']; } $output .= PHP_EOL . $fullQualifiedPath . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $methodColor . 'Methods: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount'], 2) . $resetColor . ' ' . ' ' . $linesColor . 'Lines: ' . $this->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount'], 3) . $resetColor ; } } $this->outputStream->write($output . PHP_EOL); } protected function getCoverageColor($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements) { $coverage = PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent( $numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements ); if ($coverage > $this->highLowerBound) { return $this->colors['green']; } else if ($coverage > $this->lowUpperBound) { return $this->colors['yellow']; } return $this->colors['red']; } protected function printCoverageCounts($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements, $presicion) { $format = '%' . $presicion . 's'; return PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent( $numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements, TRUE, TRUE ) . ' (' . sprintf($format, $numberOfCoveredElements) . '/' . sprintf($format, $totalNumberOfElements) . ')'; } }